Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Crucible

That's right, American Literature-ers, we're reading The Crucible in class.  We're going to be covering 2 sections of American history with this play, Puritan New England, and the McCarthy Period. 

For those of you who have been assigned/volunteered to read a part, click here to find an online version of the text to practice from, and be ready to read your part in class starting tomorrow. 

I know that the scenes are long, but in order to be prepared to speak in class, it would be a good idea for you to have gone over the current scene before class.

Remember, there will be a test next week--make sure you're taking good notes in class!  We'll also have our first major writing assignment next week.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 3

Hello all,

This week we're really starting to get in to the literature.

9th grade will be reading a variety of short stories, leading up to a writing assignement next week.

Am. Lit will be finishing up a jigsaw reading before the open note test on Wednesday, then moving into The Cruicible.

As you may have noticed, deadlines and up coming events are now displayed on the calendar to the right.  Make sure you're on top of deadlines coming up!

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Vocabulary for Unit 1

Due to the fact that we've had so many students moving in and out of classes, this week, and this week ONLY, I'm putting up the Unit 1 Powerpoints from class to help you study. 

Next week, if you haven't already, you need to bring in $10 for your the Vocabulary book.  Next week I will be checking Unit 2 on Thursday in class--you may write in your book, I'm just going to check during class time.

Find the 9th Grade, Level D Unit One PowerPoint here.

Find the 11th Grade, Level F Unit One PowerPoint here.

Dress Code Update

Hello all!

By now you've had plenty of time to puruse your Student Handbook, and have been made aware of the dress code changes found on page 34.  It is expected that all students will maintain appropriate dress at school and in the classroom. 

As per Wheeler Administration, students to are in my class and out of dress code will recieve administrative referrals. 

Have a wonderful day.

Week Two Activators and Grammar Bites

9th Grade, find your activators here

11th Grade, find your activators here.

Find your Grammar Bites 1-4 here.

All are due tomorrow!

Week Two

Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 2

Hello everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful first week of school! 

This week 9th grade lit will dive into short stories, while American lit will begin with Native American origin stories.

Important Dates to remember this week:

Monday:  Summer Reading Essay in class.  Hope you read!
Thursday:  Going to the library to check out books.  No excuse to not have your reading for SSR!
Friday:  Vocabulary Quiz.  Vocabulary Workbook due.  Activators 1-10 due. 
Monday:  Reading Log Due.

Look at your Sample Reading Log Here!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Reward Ticket Opportunity

It is important to know what you are expected to learn, and therefore will be expected to be familar with your standards. 

The first 5 people in each class to show me their own printed out copies of their standards will receive a reward ticket. 

The 9th Grade ELACC Standards can be found here.

The 11th Grade ELACC Standards can be found here.

Remember, the library opens early and there are printers available, if you don't have a printer at home.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Summer Reading Essay

I've been going through the Summer Reading Quickwrites and while I'm please that many of you have enjoyed your summer reading (or at the very least, did read it), I'm very nervous by how many of you told me you haven't read a book off of the list.  I hope that you're ready and have read the book from the Summer Reading List by Monday in time for our in class essay worth 100 points!  This is a very big deal, and I don't want your grades to dip so early in the semester. 

Come to class on Monday prepared to write!

[EDIT] You can find a copy of the Expository Writing Rubric here.  Make sure you are prepared!  Remember, you can have a 5x8 note card with notes, front and back, handwritten only, filled with everything you need for your essay.

Week One's Activators

9th Grade Lit and American Lit

Monday #1:  What does it take to be successful in this class and at Wheeler High School?

Tuesday #2:  Why is it important to know how you learn best?

Wednesday #3:  Why are we starting this class with poetry?  How does poetry show culture? 

Thursday #4:  Yesterday, you gave yourself goals for this semester.  How are you planning to accomplish those goals?  Please give 3 ways that support your goal. (i.e.: If your goal was to get an 85 in this class, how will do accomplish that? What will you do to make sure that happens?)

Friday #5:  Why would your English teachers think it’s important to study vocabulary?  Is it important to you?  When do you think you could use the vocabulary we study In Real Life?

Remember, these activators will be due in sets of 10, so the first one is due next Friday!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Welcome to Mrs. Bundschu's Class!

Hello all, and welcome to my classroom.  I am so happy to have you in my class! 

9th Grade Literature and Composition Students can find their syllabus here.

11th Grade American Literature students can find their syllabus here.

You can also download the handout about your learning style, which we'll be doing in class on Tuesday.

I'm really looking forward to working with you this semester!  If you have and questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask!  You can email me (the best way) or you can leave me a voice message at the address or phone number on the syllabus. 

Week One's Gameplan:
Monday, introductions, summer reading quick write, syllabus 
Tuesday, Syllabus continued, "How do you learn?"
Wednesday, Introduction to poetry and class goals
Thursday, Introduction to poetry continued, Begin class pretest
Friday, Class pretest continued, begin vocabulary instruction

By Wednesday, become familiar with the Student Handbook.  Especially the changes in policy.
By Thursday, sign and return syllabus contract.
By Friday, bring in $10 for vocabulary book.
By Monday, be prepared to write your Summer Reading Essay.  You may bring in a 5x8 card of handwritten notes for this essay.