Thursday, September 29, 2011

Now updated on Twitter!

You, too, can follow me on Twitter to make sure you get all of the updates or changes to class. If you don't have regular internet, you can even set it up to text you when I update.

The user name is @mrsbundschu.!/MrsBundschu

Pop Quiz

Hello all,

Today in class we all had a pop grammar quiz.  If you were absent today, then you need to arrange a time to take this quiz with me, or arrange to attend Learning Links and tell me about it ahead of time.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

9th Grade Poetry Presentation

Hello 9th Graders!

Your poetry assignment can be found here!

It is due on Wednesday, October 5th In Class!

You can find your Key Vocabulary for Poetry handout here.

After the "Read More" you can watch examples of the video component to Option 1 and Option 2

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 7

Hello everyone!

Report Cards go home on Thursday!

Tuesday is the GHSWT for all 11th Graders, and due to this, 2nd block won't meet--we'll have an extended 1st block instead.

If you are having problems uploading your article/shortstory to the Discussion Board, please make sure I know about it.  As with all things, unless you tell me you're having problems, I have to assume based on what I see (i.e.: it's there or it's not).  Telling me specific error messages and problems definitely helps when I get back to you with techsupport.  (Those of you who did email me on Friday, and over the weekend, thank you!)

All classes meet in the Writing Lab on Friday.  (Just like it says on the calendar to the right.)

9th Graders--We're gonna finish your poetry unit this week.  You'll have a poetry assignment that we'll talk about on Tuesday during our very long class.

American Lit students--We're going to finish the Age of Reason (Declaration of Independence) this week and move on to the Romantics.  In class today, we voted on which Edgar Allen Poe selection we would cover. 

Everybody, you're 2 comments on the discussion board are due by Friday.  Look at my example comment for how I want the comments formatted.  Copy my format.  Remember, you're reading the person who commented above and below you.  If you have any problems, you can email them by clicking on their

Friday, September 23, 2011

Declaration of Independence

To finish up the 1800, American Literature is covering the Age of Reason by reading the Declaration of Independence, a very moving persuasive essay (and hey, right before the GHSWT, too.  Look at that.).

You can find a copy of the Declaration of Independence here.

You are expected to take Cornell Style Notes on this document.  You can find a great guide on how to make Cornell Notes here.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Crucible Quickwrite

Hello American Literature students,

Today, as the students' final assessment for the Crucible , students did a quickwrite in class.  Students who missed this assignment must make it up before or after school as it is an in-class, timed assignment.

Have a happy Thursday!

Activators and Grammar Bites--Set 3

As before, I just update the Google Documents with the new A/GBs, so find the number of the A/GB you are missing.

Make sure you number your activators and grammar bites clearly and correctly!

Grammar Bites can be found here.

9th Grade Activators can be found here.

American Literature Activators can be found here.

Also, Reading Logs are due Monday! 

Your articles are due on the Discussion Board (link to the right) on Friday, 9/23/11!  Click here for a pdf of directions for How to Create and Share your Document!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 6

Hello All!

This week all of EOTC classes will have the Cobb County English Benchmark on Tuesday.  This is a standardized test, so make sure you get a good night's sleep and come prepared.  This will count as a test grade.

9th Grade Lit will continue to work through their poetry unit.  The unit should draw towards a close by the end of the week.

American Lit will conclude The Crucible with the movie over Monday and Tuesday.  Then we will move on to the Age of Enlightenment.

Both classes have a writing assignment due on Friday.  Follow the directions on your class's assignment on the Discussion Board (link in the upper right corner of this blog). 

Activators and Grammar Bites are due on Friday.  Reading Logs are due next Monday.  Please look to the calendar to the right for all upcoming assignments.

Friday, September 16, 2011

AL Crucible Act I discussion

Hello 11th Graders!

Due to the overwhelming results of the Crucible Act I test we had on Wednesday, we did 2 in-class make up activities to add to your test grade.  If you were absent on Thursday, September 15th, then you need to arrange a time to make up this discussion and assignment with me, in person.  This makeup assignment should greatly improve your grade for that test, so please contact me about arranging a time as soon as possible. 

I do already have a student coming in to make up this assignment on Monday, September 19th, at 7:30am, and you are welcome to join her--the more the merrier. 

Writing Assignments

9th Grade Lit, find a copy of the instructions to the writing assignment here and your checklist here.

Amer Lit, find a copy of the instructions to the writing assignment here and your checklist here.

Both of these assignments are due on Friday, Septemeber 23rd at 8:00pm.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Progress Reports

Hello parents and guardians,

Official Reports cards are coming home in just two weeks!  So that you are not surprised by the official report card, I'm sending home unofficial progress reports to all of my students tomorrow. 

Please look over the grades and talk with your student about their progress and study habits this year. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 5

Hello All,

This week is a big week with the test on Wednesday in both classes. 

9th Grade is bridging into a poetry unit.

AL will continue on with The Crucible, Acts II and III, followed by a movie comparison early next week.

We had an inclass assignment on Monday, which you can find here.  Please pay attention to the only explicit instruction.

We also went over the Summer Reading Essays and handed out the How to Be a Better Writer Handout.  At some point in the near future, there will be a pop, open-note, quiz on this handout.  (We printed out the PPT in "handout format" with 6 slides on each page.)

As always, look to the right for upcoming deadlines.

Instructions on how to log into Essayscorer will become available as soon as the student names are uploaded into the program.

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, September 9, 2011

10 day absence error

Hello all,

Some of you may have received a phone call last night about missing school for 10 days and having your drivers liscence revoked.  Many people received this message in error.  The county is working on it, and should send a correct message soon.

Have a happy Friday! is a website we will be using to submit some of our assignments.

You will need to go to and create an account.

1st period, 9th Grade Lit, your class ID is 4327984
2nd period, Americal Lit, your class ID is 4327987
4th period, Americal Lit, your class ID is 4327990

Your enrollment password is "pencil"

Make sure you enroll using your first and last name!  No nicknames!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 4

Hello All,

As a head's up:

9th grade will have a small test on the 5 short stories on Thursday (Giants, Directions, Washwoman, Cask, and Diary).  We will be finishing up the last of these stories on Wednesday (take really good notes!).  After the test, we'll be working on our autobiographical narratives to be ready for the computer lab on Friday.

11th grade is working through The Crucible, Act I, and there will be a comprehension quiz when we finish (TBA).  We'll also be writing a newspaper article, depicting the events of the play.  We'll be working on this in class on Thursday, and typing it up in the computer lab on Friday.

Remember to check the calendar to the right for upcoming deadlines! (Like your Activators and Grammar Bites, and your Reading Log!).  The A/GB will be updated on Thursday!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Short Story Study Guides

Hello All,

In preparation for the test next Thursday (as demanded by popular vote), click the jump cut below to see the study guides for "The Giant's House," "New Directions," and "The Washwoman."  "The Cast of Amontillado" will also be on this test, but because we practiced how to take the notes you need in groups, you are expected to create the notes for the Cask yourself.  I know you can do it, and remember, if you need extra reading time, SSR is your time to read whatever you want/need to.

Have a wonderful weekend!  See you Tuesday!