Thursday, February 28, 2013

Persepolis Unit Test Update

Hello All!

Mr. Miller, Ms. Roberts, and I graded all of the Unit Tests and we discovered a massive error with one of the keys.  If you have a grade in Pinnacle at this time, your grade is correct.  If you are missing a grade for the test you took today, it's because you were one of the students whose test key had a massive error.  Rather than putting in your incorrect grade, I'm going to leave it blank until tomorrow.

At the beginning of class I'll call your name and we'll fix your answer sheets.  You should have your grade by the end of the day tomorrow.  Sorry for the delay.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Week 8--Progress Reports

It's that time again!

Students were given unofficial grade reports on Friday to be signed and returned on Monday.  This will be the grade that they have earned for their first Official Progress Report which comes home on Wednesday.

Students will have their Persepolis Unit ATA on Monday and their Final Unit Test on Thursday.  On Friday we'll be getting a visit from the Guidance Department in the Writting Lab--we'll also be starting our next unit!

As a reminder, I am available for extra help most mornings from 7:45-8:20, and afternoons on Monday and Thursday until 5.  Just let me know if you need to come in!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Parallel Reading Update

Hello All!

Just letting you know that if your student was in school yesterday, I conferenced with them about their Parallel Reading Abstract.  Their upcoming due dates are:

I Have a Book -- 2/4
Finished Reading -- 3/4
Prewriting in their Packet -- 3/6
1st Draft Writtten -- 3/11
2nd Draft on -- 3/25
Published on -- 4/5

If you do a little at a time, it's not a lot of work.  Do your future-self a favor and work in advance!  Some students are finished reading already, some students haven't started...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Week 7

It has come to my attention that one of my answers on the benchmark was marked incorrectly on my key.  I've given everyone +3 points to correct this.

This week is a short week.

On Tuesday, we'll be taking an in-class written quiz for a summative reading grade reguarding theme.  If you are absent, you must make it up before or after school.

Persepolis needs to be finished and your packet completed by Thursday next week!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Week 5 addendum and Week 6

Hello all,

I am feeling much better today, and really appreciated the students who asked about me.  Thank you.

Because I was out yesterday, I know that some students did not get enough time in a lab to complete the requirements for their Letters.  I will be trying for another day in the lab next week, and we'll push the deadline back until then.  Check the calendar for the new deadline, and I'll adjust the requriremnt on as well.

I've also moved back all of the vocab deadlines by one week, so you'll have a little more time to get ready for the Unit 8 test as well. 

Next week we'll be focusing on getting back on track with Persepolis. 

Make sure you're keeping up with your Parallel Reading!

On a side note, check out this article from the AJC about what college students wish their high school teachers did.  This is not the first article like this I've seen and articles like this one are the reasons behind why I run my class the way I do.  You can do it and it's to get you ready for life after high school!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Week 5

This week will focus on writing.

On Monday we have our Mid-Unit Benchmark, then students will be given their rubric for the Persuasive Persepolis Letter (due Friday), and their Persepolis II Packet (PiiP). 

Tuesday-Thursday we'll be in Labs so there is no reason any one shouldn't have their letter done and submitted on both Essay Scorer then

When students finish and submit their letter, they'll be expected to continue reading in Persepolis.

The ATA and Final Unit Test are already on the calendar.