Friday, April 26, 2013

Week 16--15 days til Final Exams

Hello All!

Today (Friday) we went over the MidUnit Benchmark in class and students were given the opportunity to retake that test.  If you missed this opportunity, you need to talk to me about making it up before or after school.  If you don't by the end of next week, your current grade stands. 

This week we'll be reading our final story of the year "How Much Land does a Man Need?"  The handout is on the Current Resources page, and will be collected for a grade on Thursday or Friday (depending on when you'll have this class due to the Assembly on Friday). 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Week 15--20 Days to Final Exams--Persuasive Writing!

Hello All!

This week we're focusing once more on Persuasive Writing--again in preparation for the Georgia High School Writing Test you'll take at the beginning of your junior year.

A shortcut to all of the requirements can be found on the blog (or here).  As a reminder, yes, you won't get any Summative credit unless you follow all 5 steps of the Writing Process--you'll either meet the standard or you won't.  The formative grade in Pinnacle is to show which step of the Process you've completed:

20 Points per step. 
  • Prewriting--Short Story Packet page 4
  • Drafting--Handwritten on a sheet of paper
  • Editing--"Get Feedback" on Essay Scorer
  • Revising--Make changes and "Get Feedback" again on Essay Scorer

Also, if you want an educated guess on what grade you'll earn on this essay, you can use the following chart based on The Essay Scorer Rubric.

If your essay is scored:
     1-3  Your essay will receive a failing grade.
     4  Your essay will probably receive a C or D.
     5  Your essay will probably receive a B.
     6  Your essay will most likely receive an A.
You can do it!  We're in a lab 3 days this week to work on this, so you should have plenty of time!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 14--25 days to Final Exams

Hello All,

By now your Parallel Reading Abstract should be in under Revision 1 if you turned it in last Friday (before Spring Break), and Revision 2 if you didn't.  Remember, if you're turning it in late, you need to turn it in tonight before midnight for the highest possible grade of a 90, tomorrow for an 80, etc.

This week we're starting with pg. 1322, reading the background information on Chinua Achebe before reading his short story, "Marriage is a Private Affair" (p. 1329), and his response "On Marriage is a Private Affair" (p. 1338).  These Cornell style Notes are due on Thursday, the same day as your Mid Unit Benchmark--which will concern the vocabulary of short stories.  Be sure that you can define the elements and apply them to a story.

25 days to Final Exams.  All of the grades between now and then are already posted in Pinnacle.  I'll get the Parallel Reading Abstracts graded as soon as I can.  Your confirmation of if you turned it in should be in the "Not a Grade" category by today.