Thursday, August 29, 2019

Expectations for Friday

Hello Students!

Tomorrow we'll have a pep rally during 4th.  In order to maximize our time before the 3 day weekend, please make sure you do the following:


Honors World Lit:

  • Sit in your groups.
  • First 10-15 minutes:  You should begin to define and familiarize yourself with the next 25 words in your 100 Words Every High School Student Should Know list.  I highly recommend [emphasis] that you write down the definitions and/or examples of use in your vocabulary notebook. 
  • Next 30-40 minutes:  In your group, your job today is to talk about the book you have been reading in/out of class.  Using the handout, to direct your questions, the goal of this talk is to familiarize yourself with potentially interesting books for you in the future.  
  • By the end of the 1st half of class, you should be able to complete the handout.
  • Next 30-40 minutes:  Using your phones, work on your scripts for Oedipus.  Make sure your ideas will mesh with the other groups for your play (1, 2, & 3.  4, 5, & 6).  Keep the theme and characterization the same!
  • Last 10 minutes:  Read your independent reading.
  • (Have you been working on your Treasure Island MWDS?  Have you started one for Oedipus?)

Yearbook  In Room 807

  • Have a round table discussion today. Keep the discussion positive and extremely productive. 
  • During this, someone should be the recorder to keep a record of these ideas.  Doing this digitally in the Drive would be a good idea. 
  • Is there a mod or set of mods that we want to have in every page that could help us tie our Story together? This would need to be something that is versatile, could apply to every single page in the book. Yesi, Jaya, explain the examples from last year. It is up to you if you want to use one specifically, different ones for different sections, a choice from a list, y'all have a ton of options, I want specifics. Make that decision. 
  • How do we want to organize the sports section? Make that decision. 
  • How do we want to organize the Clubs section? Make that decision. 
  • Discuss the Academics plan with the portaits. What mod template can we use for each subject area? Make that decision. (Academic might be what we need to start on. Are there 12 topics we could use for our first deadline? If not… )
  • What 12 spreads of the Yearbook contain ideas that can be completed during the month of September? 
  • What senior superlatives do we want to use? Dr. Walker needs to approve the list, so we need to brainstorm it quickly. 
  • What else are things we need to discuss right now? 
World Lit:
  • No class due to Pep Rally!
I hope you all have a wonderful day and an amazing weekend.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Week 4

Hello All,

This week is a little weird, so I thought it would be good to give you a head's up.

Wednesday -- Early Release at 12:30 11:30 (I apologize for the typo).  Buses will run at that time.  You will visit every class that day.
Thursday -- Campbell Connections Schedule for 4th block.  (I'm told this will be between 3rd and 4th block.)
Friday -- Pep rally.  Again, shorter classes but you should see everyone.
Monday -- No school.  Labor Day.

World Lit classes have a vocab quiz over the first 25 words on Thursday.  Honors classes should be finished with Treasure Island and ready for an assessment Tuesday after Labor Day.

Yearbook class, we must have a basic ladder before Thursday because you need to have your first assignment by then.  Also, remember starting tomorrow, we'll be meeting in 807.

I will not be here on Friday and you all know I expect you to work awesomely for the sub.  I'll email your instructions through Synergy on Thursday so you can check their for your responsibilities in addition to what I leave for the sub.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Open House Thursday 8/22/19

Hello and Welcome, wonderful parents.

Thursday night is our Open House starting at 6pm in the Gwyn-McClure Gym (the new gym).

Since I am the Yearbook Adviser, I'll be at a table in the Cafeteria selling yearbooks ($70 and we are half-way to sold out--if you wanted to get one, now is a good time).  Of course you can stop by for a quick hello.

If you'd like to meet me in a sit down meeting to discuss your child's progress, I would love to meet you.  Please email me at kimberly [dot] bundschu [at] cobbk12 [dot] org to arrange a time (before school or during lunchtime is the best time).

If you'd just like to touch base, email is the best and fastest way to contact me.  Any questions or concerns are welcome.

If you'd like to see a copy of our Syllabus:

If you are interested in sending (and/or joining) our trip to Spain during September Break 2021 (next year), the brochure can be found here and you can email Marisa [dot] Braxton [at] cobbk12 [dot] org with any questions (she's the lead contact behind the trip).  The deadline for reserving your spot is coming quickly.  It's a $95 deposit to reserve a spot, but the rest of the money is due about 60 days before the trip, and there is both a payment plan, and a link that you can send to friends and family to fund raise if you'd like to.

Finally, if you want to help out our class, we do need some donations to help.  If you'd like to bring any of the following, we would love to have:

  • Box of Tissue
  • Markers (Crayola 10 multi-color)
  • White Liquid Elmer’s Glue
  • Pencils
  • Pens: blue, black, colored
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Hand Sanitizer (alcohol base so it kills viruses, not just bacteria)
  • Lotion
  • Band-Aids and First Aid Supplies
  • Sanitary Napkins
  • Treasure Box Donations: in our classes students are rewarded with tickets that they can spend in the class treasure box. There are nice pens, candy, earbuds, notepads, fun carnival prize toys, and much more! If you have anything you would like to donate to this for our positive rewards in class program, please feel free to donate.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Expectations on Wednesday

Hello All,

Based on your class, here is what I expect you to accomplish on Wednesday.


  • You were given your packet yesterday.  
  • Annotate the packet as follows:
    • Plot -- circle and summarize in the margin
    • Characterization -- highlight in different colors and analyze using STEAL
    • Symbols -- box and explain the 2nd meaning
  • When you're are done (or during the last 15 minutes of class) read your Independent Reading Book.
  • Divide into your Staff Groups
  • You have 2 assignments to work on today.  Be prepared to present both tomorrow.
    • Each group has been assigned a page or part of the legal aspects of Journalism.  As a group, create a miniposter that highlights the big idea behind it, what to do, and what NOT to do.
    • Take one Theme Packet and decide which direction you want to focus on for our current Theme.  Organize your ideas in a way that you think will best highlight your ideas.
  • Editor in Chief -- you should move between the groups and discuss everyone's thoughts.
  • I want solid (physical) ideas to discuss when I get back tomorrow.
On Level:
  • In your groups I assigned you yesterday:
  1. Read your story.
  2. Annotate your story in your packet for the “Plot” and “Quotes” rows on your instructions (at the back of your group’s packet).  Complete your Plot Diagram.
  3. When you're are done (or during the last 15 minutes of class) read your Independent Reading Book.
I hope you have a fantastic day!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Weekend Reminder for World Lit

Hello Wonderful Students!
Please don't forget to do the following:
  1. Turn in your Precourse Reading before midnight tonight!
  2. Bring your 5 subject notebook to school on Monday.
  3. Bring your composition book to school on Monday.
  4. Bring EVERYTHING I'VE EVER GIVEN YOU IN CLASS (in all caps for emphasis.  Yes, everything.)
  5. Be prepared to check out a book (that you haven't read and that you're interested in reading) on Monday.
  6. Get your syllabus signed and returned.
Remember, we have our test on Monday and if you've got 1-6 done, then you'll be ready.  
Have a great weekend.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Week 2

Hello All,

This week has been a busy week in our classes.

Honors are finished reading The Kite Runner and are working hard on completing their Major Works Data Sheet (due tomorrow on  They also started their first essay based on How to Read Literature Like a Professor.

On Level should be finished reading Chinese Cinderella and their Dialectical Journals are due tomorrow on  We will also have an in-class essay on Friday.

Yearbook is working hard on team building and organization of both content and our team.  We'll have a short quiz over basic vocabulary terms on Monday and next week we'll have a book assignment on Ethics and a photography project.

Once I get the go ahead from admin, grades will start popping up in the gradebook.

If you're interested, there's a Interest Meeting at 6:30 tonight in Ms. Braxton's room (900 hall) for going to Spain next year during one of the breaks.  It would be awesome to see you there and this gives you a year to get the funds together.

Open House is on 8/22 and I would love to meet you, but will be selling yearbooks in the cafeteria.  If you would like to talk to me, email is best and most efficient, or you can let me know if you'd like a parent/teacher/student conference and we can put that on the schedule.

I hope you're having a great week!

Monday, August 5, 2019

Week 1

Hello All!

I am so happy to have all of you in my classes.  Thank you for helping us to start the year right with a positive foot forward.

A little bit about this blog.  These updates are just communications on what is going on in our classes.  The calendars on the tabs (or dropdown menu) have major assignments and due dates.  The Resources pages are specific links to all of the materials you need for the class.  Some links you'll need to login in order to see it, depending on what information is posted. 

If you need an extra copy of the syllabus, you can find it on the Resources page throughout the semester, but also linked below:

World Lit

This week in World Lit were digging into the Precourse Reading, working on the skills you need to complete the Dialectical Journal (On Level) or the Major Works Data Sheet (Honors) (due next Friday).

In Yearbook, we're familiarizing ourselves with each other and the basics of what makes a yearbook good so that we can start developing our theme. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, the best way to reach me is through email: kimberly [dot] bundschu [at] cobbk12 [dot] org.

Have a great week!