Thursday, December 18, 2014

Posting Grades

Hello All.

I'm grading everything as quickly as I can.  When I finish grading a class, I'll post it here so you can know your grade is final in Synergy.

So far I've finished grading:
1st Period except for one student and you know who you are.
3rd Period
4th Period
6th Period

7th Period won't be finalized until next week.  I need to step away from the pages to grade them fairly.

Have a fabulous break!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Honor's World Literature 2nd Semester Parallel Reading

Since some parents have asked about what books to obtain for next semester in advance, here is our game plan in our Honors World Lit classes.  

As always, with books we ask you to obtain, you can buy them physically, online, on your phone, new, used, rent them from the library, borrow them, anything, so long as you have access to it.

Unit 4: The Search for Meaning:  
In class we will be reading selections from Dante’s Inferno and Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” while the students obtain and read Wiesel’s Night outside of class.

Unit 5:  Gender and Society
Students will start to read Ibsen’s Doll House in the textbook, then finish reading at home (you may obtain your own copy or read from the online textbook), while we read the No Fear Shakespeare version of Taming of the Shrew.  Students will have a research project during this unit.

Unit 6:  Around the World through Poetry.  
Various selections from the textbook.  There will be a group project.

As a reminder in this holiday season, donations are not only accepted but welcomed.  If you would like to donate anything to the class, we are in desperate need of hand sanitizer and tissues.  We would also love colored printer paper, markers, colored pencils, number 2 pencils, and pens.  

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Final Exams NEXT WEEK!

Hello All!

All pages are due by Friday.  Year Ones, that means that your page is due before Friday as you need your Year Two to look over it and submit it by Friday.  This is a team effort, guys.  I cannot grade your page until it is ready for submission.

Honors 10th World Lit
All we have left is your Final Exam and your Poisonwood Bible Test tomorrow.  The Study Guide is on the Resources Page.

10th World Lit
Today we started the Grade Recovery assignments.  If you have any questions about these 4 grades that your child can recover, please ask.  These assignments are due at the beginning of class on Friday, or in class on Thursday (in the case of the test or the speech), no exceptions, no late work.  Your child MUST label the assignment with which Summative grade they are replacing and may ONLY recover 1 grade per standards category.  This is the opportunity for many students to move their grade up at least one letter grade, but they have to do their best on these assignments.

Your Study Guides are on the Resources Page.

We are so close.  Stay through until the end!

Monday, December 8, 2014

9 more Days of School

Good Morning All!

I'm working furiously to grade everything I can this week so that you'll know your grades going into Mid-term Exams.  Please bare with me as I am grading as fast as I can!

Make sure you are on top of your final few assignments!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

On Level 10th World Lit -- Semester Extension and the end of the Year

Hello All,
As we approach the end of the semester, the topic of Semester Extension comes up.  This is a program that we have at Kell for students who end the semester with a 64-69 so that they can do 4 days of extension and pull their grade up to a 70.

I handed out the forms today to ALL students, and every student who turns in the form (whether they need it or not) will earn extra credit.  I would rather have and not need these forms than need and not have.

If your student qualifies for Semester Extension, the session will be on 1/13-1/16 from 7:10-8:10.  Students will need to attend all sessions to earn credit for the course.  

HOWEVER, in an effort for students to NOT NEED Semester Extension, we will be giving them the opportunity to make up 1 Summative Grade in EACH of the 4 Standards Categories.  Click here for the assignment:  2014-2015 Fall Semester Extension Opportunity

We will be handing out this assignment in class on Friday, but I wanted to go ahead and give you the head's up. Due to the EOC schedule next week, we will not have 6th period on Monday or Tuesday.  Students will be expected to work on what they can outside of class to make sure they can recover as many grades as possible.
Our hope is that all students take advantage of this opportunity and pass the class on their own with a great grade that they've earned.

Students will need to communicate which of their summative grades they want to recover (I recommend the lowest one per summative category, but I need a list stating which ones).  This is so I can quickly and effectively get those grades into the grade book before finals actually start--I want you to know what we're looking at going into the final.

FINALLY, we have only 3 big grades left this semester.  
1.  The Socratic Seminar tomorrow and Friday.  
2.  The Oedipus Unit Test on Wednesday
3.  The Unit 4 Major Vocabulary Quiz on Wednesday (due to crazy schedule and not having class Monday and Tuesday).

Please focus on earning a great grade on these last 3 things so that you can use the Credit Recovery Oportunity to bring up your lowest grade that's already past.

You can do it!  We only have 8 more school days til finals.  Keep your focus strong through until the end and you can earn a great grade in this class.

So close to the end

Hello all,

We have 8 more days of class until Final Exams.

Honors 10th World Lit and 10th World Lit
Make sure you check the calendar to be on top of all of the things we are doing this week and next.  Your study guides and socratic seminar questions are on the blog.  Check your Resources pages respectively.

Crunch time!  We are in the final days of working on the pages for this semester.  Every student has the correct pages assigned to them in eDesign.  The pages must be SUBMITTED before finals week to earn a passing grade.  You can do this!  Ask if you need help!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Week 15

We are so close to the end.  Keep up the hard work and pull through until the end!

Honors 10th World Lit
This week we're starting the last argument essay of the year as well as finishing up Oedipus and the Poisonwood Bible.  The two weeks when we come back are going to be filled with summative assessments.  Please use Thanksgiving Break to make sure that you are up to date and ready for the final countdown to Mid-Terms.

10th World Lit
Your Parallel Reading Book Review Assignment is due by Midnight on Friday 11/21!  Remember, you can turn it in late, with a -30 penalty up until the Monday after the break.  You can also negate that -30 if you turn in an Errand Pass on Monday, as per the syllabus.  Make sure you're meeting the standards of the rubric.  Check and double check you've answered all of the questions and have completely answered the questions.  Did you remember about the extra credit?  Check your Parallel Reading Assignment Packet!

Also, when we come back, we'll have our Oedipus Unit Test.  Check your MUB grade to see how much studying you have to do!  Did you take your Cornell Notes?  Are you using them to study EVERY DAY?  Do you need to go over Oedipus over the break?  The online textbook is linked on the Resources page.  Do you need to retake your Cornell Notes so you can turn those in on the day of the Test?

Every page assigned needs to be submitted before we leave for Winter Break in order to meet our Plant Deadline (it's over the break).  In class we discussed that the Green Deadline will count as your Midterm Exam this semester.  Make sure that you are done with everything you need to do on time.  Remember, you have one Year 2, two Lead Editors, and an adviser to help you make your deadline, but it's up to you to do the work!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Week 14 (4 weeks til MidTerms)

Hello All!

Honors 10th World Lit
We're moving through the Poisonwood Bible as well as Oedipus.  We discussed in our classes and the students agreed that they will have a shorter ATA for each text on the same day, but will have 2 Unit Tests on different days.  See the calendar during December for details.

10th World Lit
Our Parallel Reading Assignment is due next week!  Make sure you've finished reading your book and are ready for that draft.  We'll have 2 days in the lab to work next week.  We're also getting ready for our final unit Test on Oedipus.  Check the calendar for upcoming important dates!

We're in the final stretch.  Our Orange and Yellow deadlines are as follows:  Year 1s are due by next Monday.  Year 2s are due by a week from Friday.  All pages from both deadlines have to be in before Thanksgiving Break.  We have a plant deadline that we have to make.  The green deadline will be in December.  Based on the number of students who took formal pictures, we may have to adjust some people's assignments--it will be okay and if you work hard, you'll have the time to finish, so long as you work hard during class.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Monday's PPT

Week 13

Hello All,

This week we're starting our final unit of the semester! This is it, we're in the last 6 weeks.  We can do it!

Honors 10th World Lit
You should be reading the Poisonwood Bible--20 pages every night on average.  It's up to you if you need to read more or less on any given night, but so long as you're reading 140 pages per week, you'll be ready for the quiz every Friday.  Check the Poisonwood Bible PPT for all of your assignments.  Speaking of, don't forget about the homework on Tuesday.  It's already on the PPT.

On Monday we're going to start doing the background reading for Oedipus.  If you are a dramatic person and would like (some extra credit) to perform a part (from the safety of your desk), then let me know on Wednesday :)

10th World Lit
Don't forget to be making progress on your Parallel Reading book.  This assignment is a MAJOR assignment, and can seriously help, or seriously hurt, your grade.  Doing a little bit each day will relieve the stress.  Keep up with your checklist!

On Monday we're going to start doing the background reading for Oedipus.  If you are a dramatic person and would like (some extra credit) to perform a part (from the safety of your desk), then let me know on Wednesday :)

Make sure you're working on your deadlines so that you won't be messed up when the portraits show up.  I'm really loving how the book is coming along so far, let's keep it up!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Update on online textbook

Also see announcement below, but try ccsdyournumber for the log in and cobb2015 for your password.  *fingers crossed*

Online Textbook and Week 12

I hope everyone is having a fantastic Friday.

All World Lits
Okay, so the online textbook isn't as working as I hoped.  Awesome.  I've found versions of the stories in the same translations online and linked them on the respective resource pages.  Study hard this weekend.  You can do it.  Both classes have their Unit 3 Mini quiz on Monday, their ATAs on Tuesday, and their Unit Tests on Thursday.  See below for additional information.

10th World Lit
For your unit test, you need to know your archetypes, Gilgamesh, and 1001 Nights.  Make sure you know the stories enough to answer comprehension questions as well as interpretation and analysis from selections.  Students who didn't have their narratives ready today NEED to have them ready on Monday.  Please finish these over the weekend to earn your points.

Honors 10th World Lit
For your unit test, you need to know your archetypes, Gilgamesh, 1001 Nights, and the Iliad.  Make sure you know the stories enough to answer comprehension questions as well as interpretation and analysis question from the selections as well as a cold reading passage.  I've decided with so much on our plates, that we're going to do something different from what I've warned you about on Monday.  Just study over the weekend and meet me in the lab.  Monday should be a lot less stressful and a lot more preparation for the test.  Do make sure you have your packet ready to turn in, though.

Please work hard over the weekend.  We need to start submitting pages on Monday.  I want to give you your grades, but can't until I have your pages done.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Online Textbook

Hello All,

The online textbook is working and up to date.

Go to  and log in.  Your login is ccsdyournumber, your password is your number.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 11

Hello all!

10th World Lit
This week students will continue to work on their Parallel Reading and Vocabulary homework while they read 1001 Nights in class.  We're getting close to our unit tests next week--please review Gilgamesh and Archetypes!  Your parallel reading assignment has started.  We're already done with step 5, if you are behind, you can still catch up!

10th World Lit Honors
This week we'll start to read the Iliad.  Make sure you check the calendar for what you need to read to be prepared for class the next day.  Inside of class we'll be completing matching activities for what we read at home and reading 1001 Nights.  The collection of these activities will be due on Monday.  Check the resources page for the growing list.

Since we are waiting for the mugs to be uploaded into edesign, I've gone ahead and assigned all of the pages for the rest of the semester.  Start working on the Yellow and Green deadlines while we are waiting.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 10

Hello All!

10th World Lit
Your parallel reading selection was due today.  Your One Pager, your Parent Permission, and your book should have been ready to turn in to class today.  The gradebook has been updated to reflect our records.  For this assignment, deadlines work a little differently.  Each mini-chunk of the giant assignment is due each week.  You can turn them in early for 10/10 points.  You can turn them in late for 1/10 points (to show you did do it, but didn't do it on time).  This is to make sure you're on time for when we get to the summative assignments of the overall project.

This week we'll be reading 1001 Nights and working on a SOAPSTone Reading Activity.  You can check out the calendar if you want to see a head's up of most of the assignments/deadlines for the rest of the semester.

Honors 10th World Lit
We'll start reading The Iliad next Monday, please have your copy, or your checkout form, back by then.  After we finish The Iliad we're going to read The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.  We don't have any copies of this book for students to borrow, so students will have to obtain their own.  There are a multitude of ways to obtain this book, new, used, physically, or on a smartphone.  If you are having trouble obtaining a copy due to funds, please see me.

For the rest of this week, we're working through the Flood comparison group assignment, and starting 1001 Nights.  We'll probably finish 1001 Nights next week since our Flood presentations are Friday and Wednesday we have a really short class.  You can check out the calendar if you want to see a head's up of most of the assignments/deadlines for the rest of the month.

Year IIs are working hard on finishing their pages.

Year Is are working hard on selling Senior Tribute ads and helping out the Year IIs.

Happy Monday Everyone!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Honors Parallel Reading

Hello all,

I've had several parents point out the difficulty of obtaining a copy of the Iliad in the time frame provided.  Thank you.  What we've done (and we discussed this in class today), is pushed the Iliad back a week and are giving the students a group assignment that was originally planned for the week after.  Please get your copy of the Iliad as soon as possible--we'll start working with it on the 20th.  We are only reading selections from it, but it is a great novel to have read in preparation for the AP exams.

I'll also let you know what the other parallel reading book is by next week so you can go ahead and order it in advance of the next unit.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Parallel Reading

Good afternoon everyone!

Parallel Reading is an assignment that takes place outside of class that goes along with what we're learning in our regular classes.  See below for your parallel reading assignment :)

10th World Lit
Find a copy of your parallel reading assignment here.  Yes, it is long.  Yes, this is a 2 month long assignment.  Make sure you stay on top of your formative deadlines so that your summative deadlines don't become overwhelming.  You'll need your book by Monday, so you'll need to get your permission slip signed before Monday.

Honors 10th World Lit
We will have 2 more parallel readings for this semester.  For our first parallel reading we'll be reading selections from The Iliad by Homer, specifically translated by W. H. D. Rouse.  It is recommend that you get your own copy so you can write/highlight/sticky in your book.  Your first assignment will be given on Monday, so please have your copy (or a copy of the permission to borrow form) by then.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Yearbook Login Problems

Hello all,

This is what tech support said:

  1. Make sure you go directly to  Don't search via google.
  2. Make sure your firewall allows you to view  Add it to your permissions.
  3. Make sure your pop up blocker allows  Add it to your permissions.
  4. Make sure your flash player is up to date and allows  Add it to your permissions.
If you still cannot log in at home, then call tech support and they'll help you out specifically.  1-877-362-7750.  Tell them your a student at Kell High School.  Our school code is 10575.  

Email me at kimberly dot bundschu at cobbk12 dot org if you are still have problems after all of that.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Weekly Update

Hello All,

Progress reports were sent home last week.  Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free.

Honors 10th World Lit:
This week we're completing our Mid Unit Benchmark presentations and will be moving on to reading Gilgamesh.  The background information is linked on the blog.  Come to class prepared! :)

10th World Lit:
This week we're finishing up our posters before presenting our Mid Unit Benchmarks.  A copy of the background powerpoint will be posted on the blog if you want to print it out before class to take notes on while we go through the PPT in class.

Our first deadline is this Sunday.  I'm attempting to arrange a pizza party to work late next Wednesday after we go over the pages for your final grade.  More information TBA.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Fall Break Extra Credit -- World Lit

Hello all,

All World Literature students are being given the opportunity to complete some extra credit over the course of the Fall Break.

Click here for the options for the assignment.  Please make sure you read all of the instructions and requirements carefully.

Yearbook students have been given an extension on some of their deadlines in lieu of extra credit.  Please see the Yearbook Calendar and note the new deadlines.  However, if they want to participate in the last option on the World Lit Extra, I will put that letter as a 10 point published deadline extra credit.

I hope you have a great break!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Week 6

Hello All,

Progress Reports come out the week we come back from September Break, so make sure you use this week to catch up on whatever you need to in order to get your grades where you want them before the Progress Report.

10th World Lit (Honors and On Level)
This week we're doing targeted practice for the GHSWT and the AP test in a synthesis argument essay.  The articles are available in the classroom only, but the rubric is on the blog.  The deadline for this is on Friday, but there is an incentive for the students to finish by Thursday.

If you are not happy with your grade, you have this week to make your page happen.  We have a couple of more draft deadlines before your pages are due, so use this week to get pictures, interviews, and captions.  If you turn in your page early, you can earn extra credit.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Week 5

Hello all,

This week the World Lit students finished up their first unit.  They'll also have their first vocabulary quiz next Monday.  The link for the first 10 words' flashcards is on the resources page.  Also, if you didn't buy a vocabulary book, they will be on sale in Ms. Coane's room on Monday from 7:45-8:15.

Yearbook has had their first assignment due and some students are 100% on top of their assignments, and some students are not.  They're grades will reflect this.  You can make it up, but you'll have to catch up and quickly to make up for lost time.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Open House/Argument Essay/SAT Test Prep

Hello everybody,

I hope you're having a fantastic week.

We have a few announcements.  First, Open House is tonight from 6:30-8ish.  I would love to see you!  To the point that I'm offering extra credit if you show up (parents, I mean, I see students every day).  If you cannot attend, I understand, but I would like an email just saying hello, who your child is, and any questions or concerns you have about the class.  Yearbook parents, meet in my regular classroom, 2209.

Argument Essays.  Today students were assigned the Argument Essay that is linked on the Resources page.  I've extended the deadline.  Your rough drafts need to be done before school on Tuesday, the same day as our ATA, however, your final drafts aren't due until Wednesday at 8:20 (if you turn it in on or in class (if you hand write it in pen).  This is one day later than I told my 1st period, so I wanted to make sure you received the memo.  Also, this does not mean don't do work on Friday in class!  If you can finish by tomorrow, then do your future self a favor and give yourself less stress~!

Finally, USA Test Prep has added a Writing component and SAT Prep that you can use.  Click here for a letter explaining how to use it.  Hint, we may have some of these assigned in class, so you need to have a log in for Kell in the next week or so.

In yearbook this week we assigned our first deadline.  While there are several draft deadlines, the actual page is due on Sunday, September 28th.  There are so many steps that need to be completed before the page goes to the publisher--please make sure you are not only on top of, but ahead of your draft deadlines to make sure you can complete your published deadline.  Some students already have really good ideas.  Some students haven't finished their assignment due on Wednesday.  I'm looking forward to this year and this book, but it will only be as good as the effort you put into it.  

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Week 3

Hello All!

Honors 10th World Lit:
Our Speeches are Wednesday and Thursday this week.  Make sure you have your works cited in MLA format to me either physically or on (you can use the generator on the resources page).  Make sure you check the rubric (on the resources page) and have your speech physically ready to turn in to me.  Also, be ready for our Socratic Seminar on Friday.  The rubric is on the resources page.

10th World Lit
Be ready for our Socratic Seminar on Wednesday.  The rubric is on the resources page.

This week we're covering layout and how to use eDesign.  There will be a published deadline quiz on Friday to culminate our learning for the first 3 weeks of school.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mid Unit Benchmark on Monday

For 10th World Lit:
Our benchmark will cover questions from The Alchemist and "Marriage is a Private Affair."  The focus of the questions will come from the summer reading assignment that you turned in on Monday.  You can review the Elements of a Story PPT for extra help.  You will also have a mini quiz covering the grammar we discussed this week.

For 10th Honors World Lit:
Our benchmark will cover questions from The Alchemist, your choice of Hole in my Life or Sold and "Marriage is a Private Affair."   The focus of the questions will come from the summer reading assignment that you turned in on Monday.  You can review the Elements of a Story PPT for extra help.  You will also have a mini quiz covering the grammar we discussed this week.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Week 2

Good morning everyone,

We've made it through week 1!  Congratulations!  Only 17 more to go til the end of the semester.

Honors Classes:
This week we'll have the first 2 days in the Media Center to work on our research for our Summer Reading Speeches.  Make sure you check the assignment to know what you are responsible for.  Ask me if you have any questions!  After that, we'll be reading our first short story.  Be finished with your biography page by Wednesday.  Make sure you're studying your summer reading so that you'll be ready for your test.

On Level Classes:
This week we'll be starting our first short story.  Make sure you're studying your summer reading so that you'll be ready for your test.

Yearbook Classes:
This week we're continuing to discuss the basics of the yearbook.  Make sure you email me your press pass pic at mrsbundschu [at] gmail [dot] com so I can send those over to Mr. Burch to get made.  You also have homework this week.  We want to know what the school wants to see in the yearbook.  You need to talk to 5 of your friends, survey them, and report back to the class by Wednesday.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Welcome! Who are you?

Welcome students!  I would like to know a little bit about you as we start the year (and I'd like to get you used to using Google Drive from Day One).

Please click the link below and fill out the Student Questionnaire.  The website will not save your answers, so make sure you finish and submit it before the end of the class.  Thanks!

Click here for the Questionnaire.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Kell!

I'm very excited about this new year and I hope you are too.

In getting ready for day one, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the blog--the tabs that will be useful to you, the calendar, etc.--as well as make sure you're on top of your summer reading assignment.

Please click on the Summer Reading tab above and check out your assignment.  Make sure you click on the correct grade and level of the class (for example, the 10th World Lit Honors assignment is not the same as the College Prep assignment).

Enjoy the last few days of summer and I'm looking forward to seeing you on Monday!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Final Exams and Semester Extension

Hello All!

We made it!  Make sure you're ready for your final exams!  Good luck!

Students who need it, Semester Extension is available for 10th World Lit for students whose final grade is between 64-69.

You need to get your pink sheets back to me ASAP if you have not done so already.

You will have to attend all of the sessions listed below.  For the first class, students will meet in the Media Center.

Thursday 5/22 3:00-4:30
Friday 5/23 1:30-2:30
Tuesday 5/27 10:30-12:00

Wednesday 5/28 10:00-11:00

If I don't see you between now and the last day of school, I hope you have a frabjous summer!

Friday, May 2, 2014

13 Days left--Grade Recovery Opportunity

Hello All

We'll be gearing up for distribution day next week!  Be ready to help out!

10th World Lit
You have multiple Grade Recovery Opportunities in class, due by May 9th (Friday).

Click here for the complete list of things you can do, including replacing grades, or extra credit.

Some of the options require student input before they can be completed, check the extra credit section for information on how to help everyone out and earn extra credit at the same time!

We're in the home stretch!  You can make it!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

20 Days Left

Hello all!

We only have 20 days to get your grade where it needs to be.

10th World Lit
Make sure you check the calendar to see the changes in schedule.

Theme projects due on Friday!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

26 Days left

Hello All!

Progress Reports come out on Wednesday this week.  We're in the last 6 weeks of school--make sure your grade is what it needs to be.

10th World Lit
We're in the middle of our Poetry Presentations and getting ready for our Poetry ATA and Test next week.

Remember to have your Theme Projects ready to conference with Ms. Watson on Monday!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Welcome back! 33 more School Days

I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break!

10th World Lit
Today is the beginning of our Poetry Unit which will take us 3 weeks, right up until EOCTs (no, we don't have an EOCT in this class).  All of the materials you need for this project are already linked on the Resources page.

We're working on our Theme projects.  Remember, you have to analyze 3 yearbooks by the end of the week.  If you want that grade early, turn in your analysis early.  Everything is on the Resources page.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Break Extra Credit Essay

10th World Literature students are being given the opportunity to earn 20 points extra credit over Spring Break.

In order to earn these points students must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Type their answer to the prompt "Letter About School Vacations" on Essay Scorer.
  2. Edit and Revise their essay using the "Get Feedback" button, and the links to individual feedback next to each trait.  You have 20 tries to "Get Feedback."
  3. Earn at least a 5/6 on Essay Scorer's Overall score.
  4. Cut and Paste Upload their final essay to
  5. Have a similarity of less than 11% since this essay is suppose to be all your words--no research.
  6. Submit it before midnight on Sunday, April 6th.  No late submissions will be accepted.
I hope you utilize this opportunity to help your grade out!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Parallel Reading

Parallel Reading for this semester was assigned on the first day of the semester.  We've been working on this longterm project all semester and it is finally due.

The window to turn in this assignment on time opened on Tuesday and will close on Monday at 11:59pm.  As such, I've gone ahead and put in a 0 for any student who has yet to submit their essay on, since they have yet to earn any points on the assignment.  As the students submit it to, I've been erasing the 0, as communication that I've received the paper.  I'm doing this to make sure that you at home know what I have or haven't received.  

Monday, March 17, 2014

8 weeks until Final Exams

Today students in 10th World Lit received a print out of their grades.  This is accurate to what has been submitted to me with the exception of the Metamorphosis Mid Unit Benchmark.  Students were asked to get this signed and returned by tomorrow.

The purpose of this Progress Report was to not only make sure you were aware your student's grades, but also to see if they qualify for the 9 Week Credit Recovery--see below:

Kell High School is offering the chance for Credit Recovery since we are 1/2 way through this semester. 

The school wide qualifications are that you need to have parents sign and return the 9 Week Credit Recovery Contract (Mrs. Bundschu has copies and will give them out in class on Monday), come to the Credit Recovery Session in from 7:10-8:10 on March 24-27, attend all 3 sessions, and complete the assignments assigned by your teacher.

In 10th World Literature the qualifications are:

  • If you are missing a test or quiz, you may make it up for full credit.
  • If you are missing a summative assignment because you did not turn it in, you may make it up for 70% of full credit.  
  • Formative assignments may not be made up in Credit Recovery.
Recovery Contract forms are due back to Mrs. Bundschu as soon as possible and no later than Thursday, March 20th.  

See Mrs. Bundschu for further details.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Credit Recovery Opportunity

Kell High School is offering the chance for Credit Recovery since we are 1/2 way through this semester.

The school wide qualifications are that you need to have parents sign and return the 9 Week Credit Recovery Contract (Mrs. Bundschu has copies and will give them out in class on Monday), come to the Credit Recovery Session in from 7:10-8:10 on March 24-27, attend all 3 sessions, and complete the assignments assigned by your teacher.

In 10th World Literature the qualifications are:

  • If you are missing a test or quiz, you may make it up for full credit.
  • If you are missing a summative assignment because you did not turn it in, you may make it up for 70% of full credit.  
  • Formative assignments may not be made up in Credit Recovery.
See Mrs. Bundschu for further details.

Monday, March 10, 2014

9 weeks until Final Exams

Hello All,

At this point in the semester, I figure that a count down is more useful than a count up so that you know exactly how much time you have to get your grade where you want it to be.  We are almost at the midpoint of the semester and have 9 weeks until Finals.

10th World Lit
As of now, I am up to date on grading everything that was submitted to me (except for 5th period's ADH test--that should hopefully be done right after I post this).  Please check Synergy to see how you are progressing in this class.

Speaking of progress, the Parallel Reading Drafts were due today.  Many students didn't turn them in.  On the one hand, the periodic checks are for the purpose of making sure you are on track for the final, larger, grade and turning it in late doesn't loose you too many points.  On the other hand, I don't want you guys to be stressing right before it's due.  If you are behind, please utilize this week to catch up as much as possible.  The final Parallel Reading Book Review is due in 2 weeks from today.

We're also half way through our Search for Meaning Unit, and will start reading excerpts from Don Quixote tomorrow.  You can find the full book online for free here.  We'll be reading Chapters 1, 7, and 8.

We are on our last deadline.  We have 11 days to *submit* every page of the book.  Meaning, if you are behind or still working on a page, I need it yesterday since we still need to make sure we have time to edit and proof it before submitting.  Let's pull together and get it done.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Grading Transparency

Hello All,

I want to make sure that everyone is aware of the situation with grading, since the Ice Storm threw us all off.

Grades for the first 6 weeks are due before school on Monday, March 3rd, and cover grades through the 19th of February.  What this means:

10th World Lit:
I've graded all of the major (summative) assignments that have been turned in to me except the Character Analysis foldables.  The test you took today will not be on this Progress Report, and as such will not be in Synergy until all of the grades that are for this Progress Report are in and caught up.

I am giving you the opportunity to turn in any Doll's House assignments that you've missed for no late credit until Tuesday, 2/18.  Part of the craziness was the Ice Storm, which lead to me not being as up to date with Synergy as you all know I like to be, so some of your parents and guardians weren't informed that you hadn't turned stuff in until late.  Due to this, you have the opportunity to turn in all late work with No Penalty until Tuesday 2/18.  Please utilize this opportunity well.  Late penalties will apply starting Wednesday 2/19.  Even if you aren't finished, I'd rather grade something than nothing.

I will be here at 7:45 and prepared to let you make up tests, quizzes, and seminars Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week.  I will be able to stay late on Monday.  Please make up whatever you've missed so that it can be recorded on this Progress Report.

Due to the deadlines piling up on us, I know that Synergy is not what it needs to be.  I will be conferencing with students individually during class today, Monday, and Tuesday next week, discussing their pages and assigning grades accordingly.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Doll's House

10th World Lit students:

The Doll's House Review Game has been uploaded to the Resources page.

Study well and good luck tomorrow on the test!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week 6

I hope you all had a wonderful, warm, safe, break.

In recovering from the unexpected day's off, we've adjusted the schedule as follows:

Wed 2/19 -- A Doll's House ATA and One Pager #4 due, vocabulary unit 10 and Study Guide assigned.
Thurs 2/20 -- Review for Test, may meet in Writing Lab, check the door
Fri 2/21 -- A Doll's House Test
Monday 2/24 -- One Pager 5, Vocabulary Miniquiz 10
Tues 2/25 -- Begin new unit

With all of the days off, and the craziness the week before the Ice Storm, I'm counting all late work that was due as if it was due last Monday, meaning if you turn it in today, it's only 1 day late.  Please turn in whatever you can by Friday so it can be reflected on this 6 weeks Progress Report.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 5

I hope everyone was safe and warm last week!

10th World Lit
The calendar has been updated with the changes in the schedule due to Ice Jam 2014.  We snagged the lab at various times this week to work on the Argument Paper, and we'll have some time in class to get back in the swing of things.  Check the Calendar to get the new due dates.

We have a deadline *today* and we cannot bump it back more than 2 days.  You need to get those pages done and submitted by Wednesday.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Week 4

Hello All!

This week is a big summative week for 10th World Lit.  Make sure you have your Research Questions and Socratic Seminar Questions done by Monday.  The Argument Paper will be done in class on Thursday and Friday.  Be ready for a multiple choice test next week!

Conferences every week and make sure you're on top of your deadlines.  The first one is coming up!  Remember, if you want an A, you need to submit (section editor check, lead editor check, adviser approval and actually submitted to the plant) a week in advance of the deadline.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Week 3

Happy 3 Day Weekend.

10th World Lit:
It is expected that students will return to school on Tuesday and:

  1. be ready for their Vocabulary Unit 8 Major Quiz
  2. have finished reading A Doll House (linked on the resources page)
  3. have completed their reading packet and be ready with questions they couldn't answer
  4. bring their Parallel Reading Book to school
  5. bring their Parallel Reading Parent Permission form signed
  6. be ready to write their first One Pager.
Yes, this is a lot of work, however, if your students is on top of their responsibilities, they should already have 1, 4, 5, and 6 ready and be about halfway complete with 3.  If not, they have a lot of catching up to do, and this 3 day weekend is the best day to do it.  

Many students have their first deadline of the semester coming up.  As a reminder, if you want an A on your Deadline, you have to finish your page, and get it checked by the section editor, the lead editor, and approved by the teacher at least one week in advance.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Week 2

Everybody, thank you for a really successful first week.  I feel like most students came back refreshed and ready to work.  I really appreciate their efforts in the first week and hope they continue the motivation as we continue through the school year.

10th World Lit:
Most students have turned in their 2nd Semester Expectations Contract, and it has been recorded in Synergy.  The last day they can turn it in for full credit is Monday.  After that, they will lose 10% of points per day late.  They also, as it states, won't receive their Errand Passes for the semester until I get it turned in.

We've started our first unit, and because we've lost several days of this semester due to furloughs and the cold, we really have to move at a brisk pace.  Therefore, on any day that we don't get through the planned material, yes, there will be extra homework.  It will be recorded on this document, which is also linked on the Resources page.  Most of the classes didn't finish this in class, so most students have homework this weekend.

This next week, we'll have our first vocabulary miniquiz (unit 8) and we'll begin reading A Doll House.  Students will complete their Reading Comprehension and Analysis Packet while reading, to support their learning and prepare them for the 3 major assignments for this unit: the ADH Character Analysis (assigned today), the group research and ADH Socratic Seminar, and the ADH Argument Paper.  It is imperative that students work on this Packet in class while they read to make sure they're ready for these major assignments.

As we come back to 2nd semester, students were asked to create a plan for the semester and submit it to me--then conference with me to make sure they were on the right track to accomplish their deadlines and responsibilities.  Students who did so, currently have 100% in the class.  Students who did not conference with me currently have a 0, although they had 3 days to do this.    Those who have turned in their plans, and spoken with me about them are doing great.  I'm concerned about the students who are already behind.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Hello 2014!

Hello all,

I hope everyone had a wonderful break.  We're wasting absolutely no time getting back into the swing of things this semester.

To start off, I'd like to give everyone a quick reminder about the best way to utilize this blog.

  1. This tab, Weekly Updates, just gives you a weekly head's up.  It is a place to touch base, or to get any announcements.  You can sign up to the right to get an email every time this blog is updated.
  2. The Calendar is the most important tab.  It is our agenda.  Each day, I will write the activities you are responsible for on the calendar, these mirror what we do in class.  If you are not in class, going to the calendar is how you will see what you missed.  Parents, this is the way to get information about what your child is responsible for, for example, all of the vocabulary quizzes are already assigned, as well as the 2nd Semester Expectations Form, Parallel Reading, and Vocabulary.
  3. The Resource tab is the 2nd most important tab.  Anything and everything for our class will be linked on the Resource tab for your class.  
The Calendar for the entire month has already been updated for 10th World Lit, and Yearbook students have known their responsibilities since last semester.  Both of my classes already have deadlines due.

Parents and Guardians, if you could, please fill out the linked form, just so I can have easy, digital access to your contact information.

I hope everyone has a great week!