The purpose of this Progress Report was to not only make sure you were aware your student's grades, but also to see if they qualify for the 9 Week Credit Recovery--see below:
Kell High School is offering the chance for Credit Recovery since we are 1/2 way through this semester.
The school wide qualifications are that you need to have parents sign and return the 9 Week Credit Recovery Contract (Mrs. Bundschu has copies and will give them out in class on Monday), come to the Credit Recovery Session in from 7:10-8:10 on March 24-27, attend all 3 sessions, and complete the assignments assigned by your teacher.
In 10th World Literature the qualifications are:
- If you are missing a test or quiz, you may make it up for full credit.
- If you are missing a summative assignment because you did not turn it in, you may make it up for 70% of full credit.
- Formative assignments may not be made up in Credit Recovery.
Recovery Contract forms are due back to Mrs. Bundschu as soon as possible and no later than Thursday, March 20th.
See Mrs. Bundschu for further details.
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