Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Break Extra Credit Essay

10th World Literature students are being given the opportunity to earn 20 points extra credit over Spring Break.

In order to earn these points students must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Type their answer to the prompt "Letter About School Vacations" on Essay Scorer.
  2. Edit and Revise their essay using the "Get Feedback" button, and the links to individual feedback next to each trait.  You have 20 tries to "Get Feedback."
  3. Earn at least a 5/6 on Essay Scorer's Overall score.
  4. Cut and Paste Upload their final essay to turnitin.com
  5. Have a similarity of less than 11% since this essay is suppose to be all your words--no research.
  6. Submit it before midnight on Sunday, April 6th.  No late submissions will be accepted.
I hope you utilize this opportunity to help your grade out!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Parallel Reading

Parallel Reading for this semester was assigned on the first day of the semester.  We've been working on this longterm project all semester and it is finally due.

The window to turn in this assignment on time opened on Tuesday and will close on Monday at 11:59pm.  As such, I've gone ahead and put in a 0 for any student who has yet to submit their essay on Turnitin.com, since they have yet to earn any points on the assignment.  As the students submit it to Turnitin.com, I've been erasing the 0, as communication that I've received the paper.  I'm doing this to make sure that you at home know what I have or haven't received.  

Monday, March 17, 2014

8 weeks until Final Exams

Today students in 10th World Lit received a print out of their grades.  This is accurate to what has been submitted to me with the exception of the Metamorphosis Mid Unit Benchmark.  Students were asked to get this signed and returned by tomorrow.

The purpose of this Progress Report was to not only make sure you were aware your student's grades, but also to see if they qualify for the 9 Week Credit Recovery--see below:

Kell High School is offering the chance for Credit Recovery since we are 1/2 way through this semester. 

The school wide qualifications are that you need to have parents sign and return the 9 Week Credit Recovery Contract (Mrs. Bundschu has copies and will give them out in class on Monday), come to the Credit Recovery Session in from 7:10-8:10 on March 24-27, attend all 3 sessions, and complete the assignments assigned by your teacher.

In 10th World Literature the qualifications are:

  • If you are missing a test or quiz, you may make it up for full credit.
  • If you are missing a summative assignment because you did not turn it in, you may make it up for 70% of full credit.  
  • Formative assignments may not be made up in Credit Recovery.
Recovery Contract forms are due back to Mrs. Bundschu as soon as possible and no later than Thursday, March 20th.  

See Mrs. Bundschu for further details.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Credit Recovery Opportunity

Kell High School is offering the chance for Credit Recovery since we are 1/2 way through this semester.

The school wide qualifications are that you need to have parents sign and return the 9 Week Credit Recovery Contract (Mrs. Bundschu has copies and will give them out in class on Monday), come to the Credit Recovery Session in from 7:10-8:10 on March 24-27, attend all 3 sessions, and complete the assignments assigned by your teacher.

In 10th World Literature the qualifications are:

  • If you are missing a test or quiz, you may make it up for full credit.
  • If you are missing a summative assignment because you did not turn it in, you may make it up for 70% of full credit.  
  • Formative assignments may not be made up in Credit Recovery.
See Mrs. Bundschu for further details.

Monday, March 10, 2014

9 weeks until Final Exams

Hello All,

At this point in the semester, I figure that a count down is more useful than a count up so that you know exactly how much time you have to get your grade where you want it to be.  We are almost at the midpoint of the semester and have 9 weeks until Finals.

10th World Lit
As of now, I am up to date on grading everything that was submitted to me (except for 5th period's ADH test--that should hopefully be done right after I post this).  Please check Synergy to see how you are progressing in this class.

Speaking of progress, the Parallel Reading Drafts were due today.  Many students didn't turn them in.  On the one hand, the periodic checks are for the purpose of making sure you are on track for the final, larger, grade and turning it in late doesn't loose you too many points.  On the other hand, I don't want you guys to be stressing right before it's due.  If you are behind, please utilize this week to catch up as much as possible.  The final Parallel Reading Book Review is due in 2 weeks from today.

We're also half way through our Search for Meaning Unit, and will start reading excerpts from Don Quixote tomorrow.  You can find the full book online for free here.  We'll be reading Chapters 1, 7, and 8.

We are on our last deadline.  We have 11 days to *submit* every page of the book.  Meaning, if you are behind or still working on a page, I need it yesterday since we still need to make sure we have time to edit and proof it before submitting.  Let's pull together and get it done.