Thursday, May 5, 2016

9th Lit -- EOC and the rest of the school year

Good Morning All!

Day one of the EOC went pretty well.  I'm really pleased with how diligently the students completed their tests.  Please continue to encourage them at home.  Tomorrow's test is the big writing one.  I know they will do amazing--please help them to believe that as well ;)

Remember, if they earn an 80 or higher, then they'll exempt their Final Exam (they'll still need to do the Constructed Response).

As for the rest of the semester, they received their Lord of the Flies Giant Packet of Doom earlier this week.  It contains (in order) and over all check on symbols and themes that we'll be discussing as we move through the book, a chapter by chapter study guide and reading questions, a chapter by chapter space to record poignant, interesting, and important quotes (they don't have to be dialogue, but if they are, they should also record who said it) that will be used for their Constructed Response, the instructions for said Constructed Response (due on on May 19th), and an extra credit assignment.

I've updated the 9th Lit Calendar with what chapter they should be finished with by which day, as well as when we are in the lab and the date of our Final Exams; we are a semester long class, so it'll be the last two days of school.

If you have any questions about grades or progress, please feel free.

Only 14 school days left!

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