Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Final Exams

Hello All!

Final Exams for 1st and 2nd period are done.  Only 3rd and 4th period remain!

Any student artwork you'd like me to keep, leave in my room.  Any you'd like to take with you, you may come by before school tomorrow.

1st and 2nd period students' grades have been finalized.  Thank you so much for working so diligently and well.

4th period, make sure you're going over the study guide.  I know you can also do well on your final.  It's up to you to prepare.

If you are in the position where you *may* qualify for Course Extension (and everyone who didn't exempt is technically in that position), please turn in your sheet to me tomorrow.  If you need an extra copy, you can find it by clicking this link.  You can tell if your child has turned theirs in under the zero points grade "Turned in Course Extension Paperwork."  100=yes, 0=no.  As it says on the sheet, they will only qualify for Course Extension if they earn between 60-69 in the course.   My hope is that many of you in the danger zone will do well enough on the Final Exam to either bring up your grade to passing, or to keep your passing grade.  Several of you are in the position that if you don't do well enough on the final, your grade could be below 60 after the final.  If that is the case, you won't qualify for Course Extension and will need to retake the class.  Do your best to ace the final exam tomorrow.  I'd much rather you pass, either through your hard work over the course of the semester, or through Course Extension, than need to retake the class.

I hope you do well on the final tomorrow.  I believe in you.  Study study study.

Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Final Exam Preparation

Hello All,

As of the end of today, we have finished all of the assignments except the Final Exam.

For those of you who are not exempting, I've put some study questions on the resources page to focus your studying this weekend.  On Monday, we will review for the Final in all classes.  Those who are exempting are welcome to participate, or to bring study materials for another class.

Happy Friday!  Three Days Left!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

On Level Final Prep

Hello All,

Today I gave the on-level students in 4th period a pop quiz that was very much in the same style that the test will be in.  You can take their grade on this quiz, which is in Synergy, as a measure of how prepared they are for the final exam.

Some students are studying diligently and working towards an A on the final.  Some students are not.  If your student got below a B on this quiz, please go over the terms on the poetry packet with them.  Have them come in for extra help (I'm here every day before school at 8).  Encourage them to use class time wisely and to get the most out of our remaining 5 days of school together (since I won't see them on Tuesday).  Make sure they are studying their poetry packet every night.

I know they can master this content, but they have to apply themselves.  If they don't put forth the effort, they will not do well on the Final Exam.

Thank you.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Course Extension Contracts

Hello All,

We've received the information concerning Course Extension and I wanted to share the details with you.

Please see the Contract form for specific details, but the main points are this:

  • Students who have a 60-69 qualify.
  • Students must bring back the signed contract in order to attend.
  • Students may not be absent for any days of the session.
  • The session costs $20.
  • Students must maintain the utmost standards of behavior to attend.
  • Students whose final grade is 65-69 will attend January 10, 11, 12, and 13 from 3:45-5:45.
  • Students whose final grade is 60-64 will attend January 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, and 19 from 3:45-5:45.
  • Transportation will not be provided.
I'll be sending home contracts with everyone who has the possibility of landing in that grade range (basically anyone who is not exempting the final) because I would rather have and not need that signed form than need and not have that form.

Only 7 days left!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Getting Ready for the Final Exam

Hello All,

As we get ready for the final exam, there are a couple of things I wish to discuss.

Based on the final exam exemption criteria, your grades as of today will determine if you can exempt the final exam or not.  As a reminder, the criteria are:

  1. You must have an A or a B.
  2. You must have 3 or fewer unexcused absences.
  3. You must have not served ISS or OSS.
I'll have students who wish to exempt sign up tomorrow in class.  As I've said in class, if any student who has a B and qualifies for exemption would like to try to try for an A, they'll need to sign up for exemption, but if they choose to take the exam, I won't let it lower their grade, only raise it.  

Other than the final exam, the only grades left are the Unit 7 Vocab Quiz on Friday and the Who am I Presentations next week.  Make sure you are going over what we learned in class each day at home and are fully prepared for these last 3 

Only 10 days left!  You can do it!