Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Getting Ready for the Final Exam

Hello All,

As we get ready for the final exam, there are a couple of things I wish to discuss.

Based on the final exam exemption criteria, your grades as of today will determine if you can exempt the final exam or not.  As a reminder, the criteria are:

  1. You must have an A or a B.
  2. You must have 3 or fewer unexcused absences.
  3. You must have not served ISS or OSS.
I'll have students who wish to exempt sign up tomorrow in class.  As I've said in class, if any student who has a B and qualifies for exemption would like to try to try for an A, they'll need to sign up for exemption, but if they choose to take the exam, I won't let it lower their grade, only raise it.  

Other than the final exam, the only grades left are the Unit 7 Vocab Quiz on Friday and the Who am I Presentations next week.  Make sure you are going over what we learned in class each day at home and are fully prepared for these last 3 

Only 10 days left!  You can do it!

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