Friday, February 14, 2020

Week 6 -- 60 Days Left

Happy February Break!

Today was the last day of the grading period.  Over the break I'll be finalizing your first 6 weeks grades.  Please read the message for your class carefully so that you know what you can do to make your grade great.

1st Block On Level World Literature with Ms. Harris:

  • All grades (with the exception of writing grades) are in the gradebook.  If you did turn it in, but I haven't graded it yet, in the gradebook it'll say "Not yet graded."  However, if you did not turn something in, there is a 0 in the gradebook.  Please turn in all missing work to before we return if you'd like a grade for that assignment.  At the end of the 6 weeks grading period, late work is no longer accepted.  
  • If you are unhappy with your grade for any major, "Summative" assignments, you have 2 ways to bring up your grade:
    • I can sign you up for a before school tutoring program that reteaches you the standard of the major assignment and tests you on your newly learned knowledge.  I need to sign students up by Monday to attend the session on Thursday at 7am in room 306.  If you would like me to sign you up for a session, or several sessions, let me know which assignment you'd like to relearn.  Using this program, you can earn up to 80 points as a replacement grade for each major assignment (limit 1 Socratic Seminar).  
    • In addition to the Zero Period Tutoring Session, you can also use the time over the break to complete 4, 3, 2, 1, or none of the assignments on the Optional February Break Grade Recovery Assignment list.  These assignments are not required, but you can earn up to 20 points per assignment completed, showing that you have mastered the standard.  You can not earn over 100 on any assignment using this assignment.
    • Yes, you can do both.  The point of the assignments, both classwork assigned the first time and these relearning opportunities, are to prove that you have met the standard and understand the knowledge you need to know to move on to the next grade level.  
  • If you weren't comfortable with the work you did on the Creon Literary Analysis, I will give you the opportunity, over the break, to work on and resubmit it to Revision 1 on  
2nd Block Yearbook:
  • I have graded the work that has been submitted based on completion and corrections.  If you have missing pages, then they have negatively affected your grade.  I streamlined the deadlines in eDesign so that you can search for the pages you are responsible for each deadline.
  • As we said in class, there are a ton of pages due very quickly over the next 3 weeks.  Use your time outside of class to create a game-plan or to catch up.
  • The book is really coming together, we are in the final stretch, but we have to keep working hard.
  • Continue to use the groupchat to notify your editors when pages are ready to be proofed.  Editors, notify your editor-in-chief when pages are ready to be preflighted.  Editor-in-chief, notify me when your pages are ready to be finalized.  
  • To help us get done, I'll take over the color corrections, y'all just need to get pictures and quotes on the pages.
4th Bock Honors World Lit:
  • All grades (with the exception of writing grades) are in the gradebook.  If you did turn it in, but I haven't graded it yet, in the gradebook it'll say "Not yet graded."  However, if you did not turn something in, there is a 0 in the gradebook.  Please turn in all missing work to before we return if you'd like a grade for that assignment.  At the end of the 6 weeks grading period, late work is no longer accepted.  
  • If you are unhappy with your grade for any major, "Summative" assignments, you have 2 ways to bring up your grade:
    • I can sign you up for a before school tutoring program that reteaches you the standard of the major assignment and tests you on your newly learned knowledge.  I need to sign students up by Monday to attend the session on Thursday at 7am in room 306.  If you would like me to sign you up for a session, or several sessions, let me know which assignment you'd like to relearn.  Using this program, you can earn up to 80 points as a replacement grade for each major assignment (limit 1 Socratic Seminar and 1 Major Works Data Sheet).  
    • In addition to the Zero Period Tutoring Session, you can also use the time over the break to complete 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or none of the assignments on the Optional February Break Grade Recovery Assignment list.  These assignments are not required, but you can earn up to 20 points per assignment completed, showing that you have mastered the standard.  You can not earn over 100 on any assignment using this assignment.
    • Yes, you can do both.  The point of the assignments, both classwork assigned the first time and these relearning opportunities, are to prove that you have met the standard and understand the knowledge you need to know to move on to the next grade level.  
  • If you weren't comfortable with the work you did on the Creon Literary Analysis, I will give you the opportunity, over the break, to work on and resubmit it to Revision 1 on 
  • Don't forget to make sure you have been reading The Odyssey.  You'll begin working on your group project on Tuesday.  
  • The next book we'll be reading outside of school is The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.  As requested by students, it is a more modern story and will parallel nicely with our next unit.   Do not be intimidated by the amount of pages--you'll have time to read it and I am not assigning all of the "Books" (the sections of the books).  I have not officially assigned this book yet--this is just notification if you want to go ahead and find your copy.  
All students:

Please, do not hesitate to ask any questions.  No matter where your grade is right now, you have the time and opportunities to pull it up to an A.  Use your time wisely and as you need to.  I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing break, but if you need to do work to catch up, the opportunity is there.

Happy Friday.

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