Hello Students!
As you probably know from the notifications you've been getting from Google Classroom, I've graded and put in a bunch of grades in the last week. For each assignment that I've graded, but there was a problem with, I've added a comment to that assignment in your StudentVue. Usually the problem was either something wasn't submitted, or you submitted the wrong file--in either case, you absolutely may go back and fix it. Once I am finished grading the work so far, I'll send out individual emails about where your grade stands. Please use this opportunity to continue preparing for next year and getting your GPA as high as possible. For those of you who have been doing just that, thank you. I have truly enjoyed seeing your work. I miss you all so much.
Because we are about 4 weeks away from the end of this school year, we wanted to go ahead and give you the breakdown of assignments due over the next 4 weeks. Because I wanted to give you this information sooner rather than later, some of the prompts on the list are not yet finalized--they all will be by next week. Make sure you pace yourselves and don't get behind--especially with the reading chapters.
The last day to submit any work will be Friday May 15th to ensure we have time to grade it before our grades are due. We have yet to be informed about how they want us to handle Final Exams, and once we know, you'll know. (I am anticipating they will tell us to do some kind of product assessment--write an essay, create a presentation, etc., which is why Monday and Tuesday during finals week are set aside for preparation.)
Honors Argument Reading Schedule and Assignment List
On Level Argument Reading Schedule and Assignment List
As always, if you have any questions, please let me know. If you are having any difficulties, please let me know. Remember, my @campbellhigh.net account or texting my phone number are the easiest ways to get quick questions answered.
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