Friday, December 15, 2017

Semester Extension

Hello All!

I wanted to share with you the Semester Extension.  Students may only take one course during Semester Extension, the course must be listed below, costs $20, and the student must have between a 60-69 as their final grade to qualify.  Transportation will not be provided.  If you miss one day or are late, you will not complete the opportunity.

You can find a copy of the Semester Extension Contract here.

Final Assignments and Final Exam

Hello all!

We are almost there.  One full day of school left before our Final Exam.  1st and 2nd blocks will have their Final Exams on Tuesday morning.  3rd and 4th blocks will have their Final Exams on Wednesday morning.

On Level:  You have 2 more assignments:

  1. The Doll House Character Sketch due on by Sunday at 11:59pm.  *Make sure you follow the directions, especially the in-text citations!*
  2. The Doll House Socratic Seminar Questions are due in class on Monday because we will have our last Socratic Seminar as review for the Final Exam.
Your Final Exam will cover Doll House and will have questions that
  1. Ask you to identify who is talking based on analyzing what they are saying.
  2. Ask you to analyze quotes from the text based on what they are saying and how they are acting.
  3. Ask you to analyze events and actions in Doll House.
  4. Ask you to identify a correct in-text citation.
There is a copy of the play both written and audio on the Resources Page.  

Honors:  You have 0 more assignments but your Final Exam is standardized test style--cold readings and analysis.  The study guide is on the Resources Page.  You need to be able to define, identify, and analyze text for ALL of the terms on your study guide.

I have graded your Flood Synthesis Essays.  I will do my best to finish grading your Archetype Mini-posters before I leave today.

Happy Final Friday!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Grades Update and Final Week

Hello All,

I hope you have kept safe and warm during this Winter Weekend.

Of course this loss of time will affect how we handle these last 5 days before final exams.  Some of the opportunities that were planned to get your grades up will not happen because there will be no time for them, but that just means we'll have to adapt and use what time we do have to make the best of these final few days.

On Level, you will finish reading Doll House this week.  It is what your final exam will cover.

Honors, we will finish the last few activities to get us ready for next year.  Your final exam will be standardized test style.

As of right now, I have finished grading everything that has been turned in to me--either on time or late--and have updated Synergy with the scores you've earned.  Please check and your grades to make sure there aren't any discrepancies or things that I might have overlooked.

I'm looking forward to our final week!

Friday, December 8, 2017

School Closing and Changing Plans

Hello All,

Due to issues, not the least of which are the schools closing early, we've had to change our plans.

I spoke to the students who qualify for exam exemptions in 1st and 2nd blocks, and those who don't qualify because they are missing one or more of the qualifications.  I will be messaging students in 4th block individually if they have an 80 or above with their exemption status.  The grades for exemption are set as of today, however, you still have 3+ assignments left that will impact your grade.  If you have any questions about how exemption works, please email me.

Your Flood Synthesis Essay and Archetype Miniposters are still due Monday.  Our SLO will now be Wednesday in the Media Center, and our Vocab Test will be Thursday on Laptop carts.  Our Socratic Seminar will be on Friday.

On Level:
We'll be finishing Doll House on Monday and Tuesday.  You should read the rest of Act 1, link on the Resources Page, in order to be prepared for Monday.  Your Vocab Test will be next Wednesday.  Your final Writing Assignment will be in class on Thursday.  Your final Socratic Seminar will be Friday.

We only have 8 days left.  Let's do our best to earn the best grade possible.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Final Deadline for Late Work, Exam Exemptions, and the Last Unit

Hello All,

The final deadline for late work is tomorrow, Thursday.  Please make sure you turn in your late work before 11:59.

The final Power Surge for the semester is this Saturday, from 9-12.  If on level students attend the session, signing in for at least 90 minutes, then they may turn in late work until Saturday.  If honors students attend, they may turn in the Thanksgiving Break assignment by Saturday.

Please read the letter about Final Exams from Ms. Moore-Williams found here.  The letter contains information about finals, absences, the schedule, and the exam exemption policy.  

Our final unit in our on level classes will be Doll House, a play by Henrick Ibsen.

Our final unit in our honors classes will be geared towards preparing you for AP level analysis and skills and consist of a variety of texts.

You can see the tentative schedule for these last 3 weeks on the calendars on the blog.

We only have 15 days of class left.  We can do it!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Thanksgiving Break, Makeup Work, and Raising Grades

Hello All,

I hope you all have a fantastically wonderful Thanksgiving break and holiday.

Many students have already turned in their Capstone Projects to  As a reminder, that final assignment, the 5 paragraph essay with in text citations, is due tonight before midnight.

Students who have not submitted assignments to may turn in their assignments for late credit until the end of November.  After that time I will not accept any late credit.  I hope students use this time wisely to make up any major assignments they are still missing.  As always, the instructions for all assignments are on the Resources Page (you'll need to log in to your account--remember, your password is your computer password, the same as Noodletools).

Some students have asked for some ways to raise their grades over the break.  I've created an assignment, that has 2 parts and will go in both the Reading and Writing categories.  You can find that assignment here, or on the Resources Page.

I want every student to do as well as they can in the class and hope that, if you need it, you can use this time to help your grade.  You can do this.  We have 3 more weeks and if you work hard, you can pull your grade up.  I believe in you and am giving you this opportunity to show that you have mastered the standards of World Literature.

To all the students who don't need the extra grades, thank you so much for the effort and work you've put into the class to get your grade to where it should be.  Y'all are fantastic and make sure you keep doing what you're doing in these last 3 weeks.

After the break, On Level will have a small unit on Dramatic Justice and Honors will go back to some classics.  These final weeks, I plan on focusing on the skills you'll need to start next year off right.

Have a great break!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Time of Giving

Hello All.

This message is from Dr. Lockhart:

"The Center for Family Resources is a major supplier of needs for families who require assistance.  They sponsor an annual Thanks for Giving food campaign each Thanksgiving.  The collected food is boxed up for families, so they can enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner.  We have two barrels in our building for collecting the canned goods. One is located in the cafeteria, the other is in the Wills Gym area.  Right now, neither one of our barrels have anything in them!"

Please, if you can, bring some canned foods in for the families in need in our community so that they can have a Thanksgiving dinner they otherwise will not be able to have.

Thank you.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

1 and 1/2 Weeks to Thanksgiving Break

Hello All,

We are half way through this crazy week and presentations are due tonight and start tomorrow.

Here are some reminders for you:

  1. Reminders for how to log in at home, how to create your in-text citations, and more are on the Resources Page.  
  2. Please look at your instructions to make sure you aren't missing anything you need.
  3. Look at your grade for the formative In Text Citations.  If you got 100, then you did it correctly and need to copy the in text citations, including the parentheses, into your script when you use information from those sources.  If you got a 50, you turned it in, but didn't add your in text citations.  If you got a 1, there was a major problem with what you turned in (ie: you submitted the wrong document).  If you got a 0, you didn't turn it in.   Please turn it in.
  4. Presentations begin tomorrow.  I have not have you sign up for a slot, you should expect to be called tomorrow.  
  5. Every mini-lesson I've given I've typed up the instructions on the document Reminders and How to's on the Resources page.
Next week we'll begin the week in the Media Center to start work on our Capstone Projects which will be introduced in an assembly tomorrow for all Sophomores.

Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Progress Reports, Human Rights Project, Oedipus, and Election Day

Hello All,

This week is pretty busy as we're finishing our research and students are moving towards compiling their research into an interesting, entertaining presentation for their peers.  Instructions for the project, and the pointers and reminders and how to's I've put together and have been talking about in class, are on the blog.

Honors students are completing this research project outside of class at this point while we read Oedipus the King in class.  You can find a complete text of it on the Resources Page if you need to catch up.  The test is planned for next Wednesday.

This Friday the final Progress Reports of the semester will be sent home with your student.

Next week's schedule is going to be ... interesting.

On either Monday or Wednesday your child will be participating in the mandatory Vision screening.  No, we don't have that schedule yet.

On Tuesday, Election Day, there will be no school.  Please plan accordingly and help your student work on whatever they need to work on to be on top of these last 6 weeks of the semester.

On Thursday, all 10th graders will be getting a lesson from the Counseling Department about many topics, including their Capstone Project, which is the next assignment we plan to complete.  It is very important your child is present in 1st period, on time, for this information.

On Wednesday, we'll be starting our Human Rights Presentations.  The elements of the presentation are due on by Sunday night so that they can use Monday and Tuesday as time to perfect and practice their delivery of the presentation.

We'll adapt the schedule as necessary, but the due date is Sunday.

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Report Cards Next Week

Hello All,

This week we're starting on our Unit 2 Embedded Assessment 2 which will be a research project.  Today we're in the Media Center learning how to cite our sources in MLA format.  I'm looking forward to finding out your topics, groups, and methods of how you will present your information.

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, October 13, 2017

2 More Weeks in this Grading Period

Hello All!

We're finishing the first part of Unit 2 next week with Embedded Assessment 1, writing a narrative.  We've read and watched multiple genres of narratives and you can choose to write in any genre we've read.

The calendar is up to date through next week and part of the week after as we get into the second part of Unit 2.  Embedded Assessment 2 will require a little bit of research and presenting your findings to the class in interesting ways.

Have a great Homecoming Weekend!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Week 7, Sophomore Teeshirts, Hurricane Donations, and September Break Grade Recovery

Hello Students,

This week we're finishing up with Unit 1.  Embedded Assessment 2 is due in class and is a group assignment.  If you have any questions for how to turn it in (hint: please ask before the end of the week.  Your Independent Reading assignment is also due before you leave.  When we come back, we're going to be starting fresh with Unit 2.

(Honors students: as a head's up, the next outside reading we're going to do is the play Doll House by Henrik Ibsen.  We're using a copy write free, online version, so you'll need to bring your devices, charged, to class so we can reference the text).

If you would like a Sophomore Class Shirt, you can turn in your Sophomore Class Dues ($25) to me by Friday (I'm the Class Sponsor).  If you would like to help the Sophomore Class create a float for the Homecoming Parade, also talk to me--it'll be amazing if you outshine the senior class.

We are collecting items to help the victims of the recent hurricanes.  The county is coming to pick these up on Friday after school, so if you can, please bring at least one of the following Thursday or Friday.

  • Baby products (wipes and diapers)
  • Chapstick
  • Comb/brush
  • Conditioner 
  • Deodorant
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • First aid items (bandages and Neosporin)
  • Flip flops
  • Lotion
  • Razors
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Sanitizer
  • Shampoo 
  • Soap 
  • Socks 
  • Sunscreen
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Underwear (ALL)
  • Wash cloth

During the break, I'm giving students the opportunity to do some grade recovery.  For students who earned a poor grade on their Precourse Reading and/or their Embedded Assessment 1, you can complete the matching Grade Recovery assignment on the Resources Page.  Please follow all of the directions and ask me any questions you have before the end of the week.

Happy two more wake ups until Break!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Progress Reports Go Home Today

Hello All!

Progress Reports were sent home today through students' advisement classes.  Please be sure you talk with your family about your progress and what you need to do for the next 6 weeks to make sure your grade is what you want it to be in each class.

Happy Friday!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Schools Closed Monday and Tuesday

Good Afternoon,

I just got word that schools are closed on Monday and Tuesday in preparation for Hurricane Irma.  As we discussed briefly in class, the biggest danger for us, being so far in land, are the winds knocking down branches and possibly trees, which could cause damage and power outages, and lots of rain, causing flash flooding.  Please be careful, remain in your homes as much as possible, and stay safe.

Since we are losing 2 days of school, we will adjust our timelines and due dates, however, as I told many of you on Friday, you have your Independent Reading book and your assignment.  I hope you understand my intimation when I say, it would be a good idea to work on and complete the reading and your assignment in the next 2 days.  Many of you are almost done, which is awesome.  Some of you are behind; use this opportunity to catch up.

The first 20 people who email me and tell me which vocabulary word and which grammar point from our class I've used in this message will receive bonus points when we return.  For the grammar point, quote me and tell me what it is. Hint, there are 2 different ones.

I'm hoping Irma blows over us without incident, pun intended.  Staying safe is the most important thing.

Have a good Sunday.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Week 6

Hello All,

This week we discussed some deadlines in class and adjusted our pace to make sure we have achievable goals for student success.  Make sure you check the calendar on the blog to know what's coming up and what's due when.

We're finishing up Unit 1 this week and bridging into Unit 2 as we finish our Embedded Assessment 2 and our first Independent Reading Book.

The end of this grading period is this Friday and Progress Reports go home next Friday.  If you have any questions for me, please speak to me sooner rather than later.

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Week 5: Due Dates and Early Release

Hello All!

We are working on our first Embedded Assessment, due tomorrow, and it is definitely different than other assessments we've done before.  Make sure you are following the steps on page 57 of the textbook as well as the instructions on the Embedded Assessment graphic organizer.  Doing so will help you to have a stronger essay.

This week we're having our first early release day of the semester.  On Wednesday, you'll go to 1st and 2nd period then release to the buses.

Make sure you are working towards finishing your Independent Reading book outside of class.  The goal is to have it finished by Tuesday, September 5th.  How much have you read?

Our Vocabulary Quiz for Unit 2 will be on Thursday instead of Friday this week due to Labor Day weekend.  You can complete the online practice linked on the Resources Page of the blog.

Have you checked the calendar to see what upcoming activities we're doing?

Have a great week!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Week 3, Prizes, and Open House

Hello All,

Last week we finished up our Precourse Reading assignments in all classes and started working on our new Springboard curriculum.

A couple of reminders:
  1. Every other Friday we will have a vocabulary quiz.  It is your responsibility to know, understand, use and ask questions about these words before the quiz.  We go over them in our warmups and it's a part of your responsibility even if you are not present for a day.
  2. Next week we'll be starting our Independent Reading Assignment.  We'll be talking more about this on Monday in our On Level Classes, while Honors classes are aware that we will start Poisonwood Bible and they need to obtain a copy of the text.
  3. If you want to win some prizes from Q100, click here to register.  Prizes will be given out after school, after the pep rally, on Friday.
  4. You should be able to see your grades in my class.  Some grades are in, some are not.  I try to get the quick grades in first, but please give me time on the bigger grades to read and analyze them fairly.
  5. Open House is next Tuesday.  I would love see you so much that I will give you extra credit if you bring your parents.  I will also give you extra credit if your parents show up without you, or if they email me.  The point of Open House is so that we can meet each other so I'd like to do that.  10th Grade parents should attend between 6:30-8.  
  6. We've started our work in our Springboard textbooks.  I cannot post the link on here because the text is copyrighted, but I posted the link in the Resources Page, as you had to log in to see that link.  If you need to follow up with any homework from what we didn't finish in class, the Resources Page is where you find the Springboard Online Textbook link.
Also, the solar eclipse is today.  Please be careful as looking at the sun, during an eclipse or not, can make you go blind.  We've been talking about what you need to do to be safe in class and you can find more information at

Happy Monday!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Week 2

Hello All!

This week we're focusing on making sure students get their Precourse Reading completed and edited up to my standards.  Parents: at home you should see your child reading Persepolis (and Kite Runner if in Honors).  You should see your child completing their Precourse Reading assignment in Google Drive--not Microsoft Word or any other word processing program.  Everything typed in this class will be using Google Drive and due on  On Level students are only completing the Precourse Reading Assignment for Persepolis, while Honors students are also completing one for Kite Runner in addition to the Major Works Data Sheets for each book.

Students, Socratic Seminar questions will be handed out later this week (as well as linked on the Resources Page), and you should be preparing for a class discussion about the topics and themes of the book(s).  Yes, you will be speaking aloud to your peers, sharing ideas.  Yes, this is for a grade.  Yes, you have to do it.  This assignment is to help us review the topics in the books for the test, as well as to get you more comfortable with speaking in front of and to your peers in your class.  You will be in groups of 10.  You can do this.  If you need to talk to me about nerves or anxiety, come see me before school and we can have a private conversation about it.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

First Lab Day

Hello All!

Tomorrow we'll be in the 925 Lab in order to set up most of the accounts you'll need for the entire semester.  Make sure you arrive in class on time (it's next door to our regular classroom) and you use your time wisely to create and access your accounts so that you'll have time to begin to type up your Precourse Reading Dialectical Journal.

I'm linking the Resources Page in this message on your Student/ParentVue so that you can save the link.  Parents, if you save this link, you'll have access to all of the instructions, PPTs, graphic organizers, videos, etc., we use in the class.  Students, we'll talk about where and how to save this link as a part of your assignment tomorrow.

Happy Thursday!

Monday, July 31, 2017

Day 1 Down, 90 To Go

Hello All!

It was wonderful to meet so many of your smiling faces today and I'm very much looking forward to our semester together.

As a reminder, tomorrow please bring a copy of the Precourse Reading Book(s) with you to class, either digitally or in hard copy.

On Level: Persepolis I by Marjane Satrapi
Honors: Persepolis I by Marjane Satrapi and The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Welcome to World Literature with Mrs. Bundschu!

Hello All!

I'm very excited to have you in my class at Campbell High School.

First up, let's discuss how you use this blog.

This tab is Weekly Updates.  It will just give you an overview of what we have planned in class this week.  It is used for a quick updates and head's ups.

Our updates will often refer to the Resources Page.  This is an online document that will be sent to you through your Parent/Student View.  When you get it, please bookmark it!  I will upload EVERYTHING for this class, including (but not limited to) important links, copies of assignments, copies of handouts, powerpoints, videos, anything we use in class.  If there is a digital version (and I do try to work in digital versions whenever possible) it will be linked on the Resources Page.

The Calendar tab for your class one of the most useful places on this blog.  I use my calendar as my lesson plans.  It will show you all of the activities we do through out the day.  This is important because it not only shows you what is upcoming in our schedule, but is also where you will get the information you missed when you are absent.  If you have any questions about what you missed, you can email me at kimberly [do] bundschu [at] cobbk12 [dot] org or discuss it with me before or after class (not during) when you come back, however, I will expect that you first checked the calendar.  I put a lot of time into getting that information to you and appreciate it when you use it.

The names of activities should be the same on both the Calendar and the Resources Page to make it easy for you.

Next up, let's talk about your first assignments.  All of these assignments will be linked on the Resources page by the first week of school.

World Lit and Honors World Lit
  1. You will get a grade when you complete the Student Survey.  This is your first homework assignment.  
  2. You first major assignments will be from a novel study of Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi and if you are in Honors, you are also responsible for The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.  This includes, but is not limited to, your Precourse Reading Assignment which will be checked on day 1, and fully submitted on August 11th, as well as several small and large grades.  You will need to bring this book to class every day, either physically or electronically.  This means you will need to obtain a copy of the book, read and analyze it.
  3. You will get your errand passes for your parents/guardians completing the Parent/Guardian Survey AND you complete the Student Survey.  These function as your bathroom/I need to go somewhere passes as well as turn into extra credit at the end of the semester if you don't use them.  It is very important you get your Parents/Guardians to fill out this survey.  Both of these are found on the Resources page.
I'm looking forward to meeting you and having our class together.  See you soon!

Friday, May 19, 2017

It's the Final Countdown!

Hello all!

This is it!  3 More Days!

Today in class we did our final Who am I Presentations and completed the World Lit Year in Review--the last two mandatory assignments for all students.

Students who are exempting the final exam can also exempt the Socratic Seminar on Monday.

Students who are not exempting the final exam must complete their Socratic Seminar questions in preparation for Monday's Seminar and review for the final exam.  Use this opportunity to review Doll House and Poetry.  You need to know the characters of Doll House, the major actions and reveals of the play, the poetic devices definitions and be able to identify examples in the text.

Students who are not exempting the final exam must also get their parents to sign and return the Course Extension Contract.

Keep up the hard work until the end.  YOU CAN DO IT!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Campbell Families:

Campbell Families, we need your help to congratulate one of our own, and we need your vote to help Alexis in her pursuit of an additional scholarship:
Alexis Jones has been selected for the 2017 All-Metro Track & Field team!  This honor has been given to the top athletes in the Atlanta Metro Area by Atlanta Track Club for over 50 years.  Alexis will be honored at the All-Metro Banquet on June 7 at the Stave Room in Atlanta, Ga. 
Now that Alexis has been selected, she is voted on by coaches, teammates, and the general public to determine who was the most outstanding athlete in her category.  A total of four awards will be given out; each athlete who wins one of these awards will also receive a $1,500 scholarship.  The winners will be announced at the banquet on June 7.  Voting will be open from May 16 – 22.  Find the voting links below, and please show your support by casting a vote for Alexis!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Course Extension Information

Hello All,

I'm giving this information to everyone, whether you qualify in my class or not, so that you are aware of the program.

Today we received the criteria and paperwork for Course Extension.  You can find a copy of the contract here.

I will be sending home contracts to each student who *could possibly* qualify for course extension (everyone who is not exempting the final).  Please sign this contract and return it to me.  I'd rather have and not need this contract then need and not have this contract.  Students' final grades will be posted in Synergy before the end of the day they have their final exam.  If a student's final grade falls between 60-69, then they qualify for Course Extension and must participate--this is not an optional program.

The class is $20, due on June 5th, and runs June 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th from 9am to noon.  Students with a final grade of 65-69 only attend the first week; students with a final grade of 60-64 must attend both weeks.  Students may not have any absences.

If you have any questions please email me at kimberly [dot] bundschu [at] cobbk12 [dot] org.

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Pre-Course Reading, Upcoming Assignments, and the Final Exam

Hello All!

You can find a copy of the Pre-Course Reading Assignment here.  Make sure you check the schedule that was sent out last month in homeroom to know which book(s) that you are required to read.  If you've submitted a waiver, but don't know if it's been approved or not, read what you need to read for both the class you are assigned to and the class you want to be in.

The upcoming major assignments for the rest of the semester are on the blog and in Synergy.  You shouldn't have any major surprises between now and May 24th.  Yes, you have more work to do.  Yes, the work is meant to show that you have met the standards of the class and to improve your grade.  If you follow the directions and put forth your best effort, it should help you.  If you do not, it will harm you.  Please use this opportunity to end the semester strong.

The final exam will cover information and analysis of Doll House, the poetry we'll read next week, and some limited vocabulary we've discussed throughout the semester.  You'll receive a list of vocab to concentrate your studying on next week.

We have 15 school days left.  3 weeks.  You can do it!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Persepolis Gallery Walk and Our Last Unit

Hello All,

Tomorrow in class we will have our Persepolis Gallery Walk.  The sign up sheet is on the Resources Page, if you've forgotten which chapter you are responsible for, as are the instructions.  Make sure you complete this assignment with detail and critical thinking to earn full points.

After our Gallery Walk we're going to begin our final unit in which we'll talk about Gender and Society around the world.  We'll start by reading Doll House by Henrik Ibsen, then a selection of poetry from around the world.  The major grades we have remaining are becoming fewer and fewer.  Please make sure you keep up with your work and please, if you need any help, ask.  I am open for tutoring most mornings and several afternoons, by appointment.

You can do it.  21 days left.  Stay strong!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Human Rights Projects Due Next Monday

Hello All,

Students are working diligently on their Human Rights Projects.  This weekend, please go over the checklist and make sure you're not forgetting anything!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

5th 6 Week Progress Reports and Spring Break

Hello All!

The end of the grading period is this Friday, Progress Reports will go home when we get back from break.

If you are not happy with your grade, there are several things you can do right now!

1. Complete the Make Up Quickwrite.  It's a little bit of work, but it is an extra writing grade.  Follow the directions, work thoughtfully, and it'll help.  It's linked, with explicit instructions, on the Resources page.  This is due Friday, before midnight.

2. Work hard on the Human Rights Project.  Make sure you are citing your sources for each quote you pull from articles.  Make sure you are sticking to approved sources, not The Internet at large.  Make sure you are getting good, unbiased information.

3. Today in class you will have the opportunity to look over your unsubmitted work and see if you forgot to turn something in that you have at least partially completed.  You will also double check that you have attached your Capstone Project to Google Classroom for the Counselors for a free 10 points.

4. On Friday, we will be doing test corrections for the Unit 2 Test to earn back points and prove you can understand the main concepts of the unit.

Two days left until Break!  You can do it!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Halfway Point

Hello All,

As of today we are half way through the semester!  Congratulations!

This week in class we're reading Persepolis and completing our Reading Packet/Study Guide.  Next week we'll begin our Human Rights Projects.  The project can be an individual or group work, and you may work over Spring Break if you want to get ahead and give your future self less stress.  The test after the presentations of the Human Rights Projects will cover Persepolis and How to Research.

I'm giving students the opportunity to complete a Make Up Quickwrite.  That assignment is already on the blog and is an outside of class assignment.  It is due next Friday, March 31st.  It is an optional assignment, but students who have a B or below should use this opportunity to bring up their grades.

Don't forget to study for your vocab quiz on Unit 6 this Friday.

Next Friday, the last day before Spring Break, we'll be using part of the day to complete test corrections on the Unit 2 test.  All students who missed the test due to absence must make it up by the end of this week.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

All students have homework tonight!

Hello All!

Don't forget that YOU have homework!  The Socratic Seminar/Study Guide Questions were passed out in class today and are located on the Resources page of the blog.  You need to write the answers to each question to be prepared for tomorrow's Socratic Seminar.  This is in preparation for our test on Friday.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Unit 2 Test Friday

Hello All,

Today we finished reading Oedipus part I.  Tomorrow we'll finish Oedipus part II (it's shorter).  You'll also receive your Socratic Seminar/Study Guide questions (they're already linked on the blog).  The Socratic Seminar will be Thursday, the test on Friday.

Make sure you are prepared.  I believe in you.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Syllabus Addendum

Hello All,

As I am a proponent of self reflection, I've noticed a situation in my classes and feel we need to create an addendum to the syllabus in order to support your child's success.

In the syllabus, I gave the students 1 week in order to turn in late work for up to 70%.  This was changed from my late rule last semester which only gave students 1 day.  Unfortunately, I feel like this change has not supported students as many students have zeros for assignments.  I feel like they feel comfortable because they have a whole week, and then procrastination and forgetfulness get the better of them.

From this week on, students will have 3 days to turn in work late for up to 70%.  After which the grade will become a permanent zero.  Students may still use errand passes to negate the 1st late day.

With this, and student success, in mind, I am giving a one-time opportunity.  This week only I will accept any late work from for a maximum grade of 50.  This is to be completed by the end of the class on Friday.  We will have the laptop cart on Friday to facilitate this after students complete their Vocab Unit 4 quiz.  I have also moved the deadline of the Capstone Project to Thursday (we do have the laptop cart that day as well), however, if your child submits their Capstone by the original due date (tonight), I will give them bonus points.

I am hoping this new classroom procedure will aid in your student's timeliness and build the skills they will use throughout their adult life.  I'm hoping your child uses this opportunity to their advantage.

Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Progress Reports Go Home Friday and the 10th Grade Capstone Project

Hello All,

Students will receive their progress reports in advisement on Friday.

This week we are looking to the future with our Capstone Projects.  Students will build on this school wide project each year and will culminate in a presentation their senior years.  Each stage of the project teaches students the tools they need to become better prepared for life and success after high school.

The 10th grade step of this project is to research a possible career in detail, including the cost of schools, scholarships, requirements, etc.  I recommend discussing this project with your students tonight to help aid them in their searches tomorrow in class.  This project will be due on on Monday.

Happy Wednesday!

Friday, February 17, 2017

February Break!

Hello All!

I hope you have a fantastic, fun, and safe vacation!

Students have 2 assignments that if they didn't finish this week, they can complete over the break.  Both assignments' instructions are on the Resources Page, and are due on  You can have your child log in to their account and show you if they've turned these assignments in.  If it says View, they submitted it.  If it says Submit, they didn't.  Please help them to use their time wisely and not to wait until the last minute.

The assignments are:

  • Flood Constructed Response (All students must complete--100 point grade)
  • Miscommunication in Culture Quickwrite (Students whose grade is below 80 must complete--optional if 80 or above)

Since today is the last day of the first 6 weeks of the semester, both of these assignments are in Synergy under the "fifth six weeks."  You will have to click on the new grading period to see their upcoming grades.

Happy Friday!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Presentations Monday!

Hello All!

This is a friendly reminder that your Archetype MiniPoster Presentations are on Monday.  Make sure you come to class ready to present.  I'm looking forward to them!

Everyone, please look over the directions one more time as you are working on this over the weekend to make sure you earn full points.  If you have specific questions, you can reach me on Saturday at kimberly [dot] bundschu [at] campbellhigh [dot] net.

These presentations will get us ready to read Gilgamesh next week in class.  Check the calendar if you want a head's up of the week.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Our First Socratic Seminar

Hello All!

Our first Socratic Seminar is tomorrow!  If you need an extra copy of the questions, it is on the resources page.  Remember, you need to write down your answers for all of the questions to be prepared for whatever question your group will be asked.

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Homework for the Weekend

Hello All!

This weekend everyone has specific homework.

  1. We practiced How to Analyze Poetry using Langston Hughes' "Dream Deferred."  You practiced annotating and analyzing using the 9 steps, including composing a quickwrite response together.  Those for each class are linked on the resources page so you can refer back to them.
  2. This means you are ready to analyze "Salvador Late or Early" on your own.  Use your How to Analyze Poetry PPT, complete steps 1-9, including composing a quickwrite.  Follow the patterns we did in class.  This should be on the same piece of paper you wrote your "Dream Deferred" example.  
  3. Students who turned in their Where I'm From Poem presented today and their grades are already in ParentVue.  Students who did NOT present have No Grade.  This means it's late.  Their last opportunity to present is Monday.  They need to complete this assignment, turn it in to, and be prepared to read their poem on Monday for a late grade.
  4. Students who have turned in their Precourse Reading currently have "not yet graded" in ParentVue.  Students who have NOT turned in their Precourse Reading currently have a 0 in ParentVue to communicate to you that your student has not yet turned in their Precourse Reading.  The last day to do so, even though it's a late grade, is next Monday.  After that, the 0 will be permanent.  
  5. Every day students are expected to review their current and old vocabulary.  We are currently in Unit 2, but the Unit 1 words will be on the test next week.
  6. The Unit 1 Test Study Guide is on the resources page.  It will be handed out on Monday, but it's online if you want to see for what you'll be responsible.
Please work with your child over the weekend to make sure they are on top of their responsibilities.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Week 4, Assignments, and Open House

Hello All,

Parents, please have your student show you their accounts.  This account is where most of our major and some minor assignments will be posted.  This is a digital way for students to submit their assignments in a way that both teachers and students can see clearly what has been turned and at what time.

At this point, there are 3 assignments on

  1. My Login Information -- this was a test assignment and should have their email log in and password.  This was completed on a google drive document, so students have access to their passwords for the future.  Students earned points on this formative grade for attempting an MLA heading and typing their passwords.  
  2. Precourse Reading Dialectical Journal -- this is their summer reading assignment that was officially due on Monday, January 23rd (the date on is incorrect for technical reasons--this should only be true for this assignment).  There are 2 things to look at for this assignment.  #1 Did students turn it in by Monday before 11:59?  #2 What percentage similarity did students earn?  The similarity percentage is one of the major functions to as it shows how original student work is.  Because this assignment involves quotes, those quotes should be similar.  However, the students should have 80% original writing as they were asked to analyze the quotes deeply and thoroughly.  If your student has a similarity percentage over 20%, we will be discussing why.
  3. Where I'm From Poem -- this is due Thursday, January 26th.  We will be presenting these in class on Friday.  Because the nature of this assignment is fill in the blanks, I expect the similarity percentage to be very high, so long as it is not the same for the underlined parts (the parts they are to fill in with their own details).  
When a student has not turned in an assignment, you will be able to see the "Submit" button.  When a student has turned in an assignment, you will be able to see the "View" button.

To turn in an assignment on
  1. Be logged in to your gmail account on the device you are using to turn in your assignment.
  2. Go to and login with your email address and the password you chose.
  3. Click on the name of the class (not my name--that will try to email me).
  4. Next to the name of the assignment, click the Submit button.
  5. Make sure it says "Single File Upload" and not "Copy and Paste" (if it does, there is a small drop down carrot that you can use to change it to "Single File Upload."
  6. Title the assignment with the number of your block you're in my class.
  7. Click Select from Google Drive.
  8. Click the correct file.
  9. Click "Submit" until you see the green "Congradulations!  You have successfully submitted..." (If you just click it once, it will not go through.  It will show you a preview of your file before your final submission.  Make sure you have selected the correct file before that final submit).
  10. On the assignment list, you should now see the "View" button as an option.  You may also see "Processing;" that is okay.  
Finally, Open House is this week!  I hope to see you on Thursday.  It starts at 6:30 with our PTSA meeting and runs until 8.

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, January 13, 2017

3 Day Weekend Homework and Week 3

Hello All,

Today in class we talked again about the Precourse Reading Dialectical Journal and I modeled some possible quotes and analysis for you as I read aloud.

For homework this weekend, we need to catch up from missing 2 days due to the Ice Storm, so you will need to read through 2/3rd of the book.  If you're using the link on the blog, that's through page 63; if you're reading from a physical text it depends on which printing (take the total number of pages, divide it by 3, times that by 2--bet you didn't think we'd be doing math in a lit class).  As I said in class, don't read it all in one chunk; break the reading up into 30 minute segments throughout the weekend.  As we talked about in class, be pulling quotes (from the author, not just dialogue) as you read that could possibly be used for your Dialectical Journal.  Focus on quotes that give you hints about the characters or a theme.  There may be a pop quiz

In addition, we will be having a vocabulary quiz on Friday covering the unit 1 words.  We've gone over the first 10 words in class and will cover the other 20 words when we return on Tuesday.  Please make sure you spend a little bit of time (5 minutes each day) reviewing these words in preparation for that quiz.

As you may have noticed, I've already started putting some grades into the gradebook.  If you were absent, you may have noticed that your grade has dropped due to the zeros.  Instructions for all of the assignments we've done are on the Resources page.  Make sure you use this weekend to catch up so you can earn credit for those grades.  If you missed the quiz, you'll need to arrange a time outside of class to take it.

Finally, don't forget to complete the Student Survey and have your parent/guardian complete the Parent/Guardian Survey.  Both are linked on the Resources page.

I know it's homework on a 3 day weekend, but it's not that much in the grand scheme of things.  You can do it.  I believe in you.

Happy Friday,

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Week 2

Hello All,

I hope you enjoyed your surprise vacation and are rested and ready to work hard for the rest of the semester.

This week we've had to readjust the calendar a bit with losing those 2.5 days of class.  Check there to see what has changed and when upcoming assignments and quizzes are scheduled.

Today we were in the lab to set up our electronic accounts for the class.  If you didn't finish that assignment in class, it is expected for you to complete it on by tomorrow night.  See me tomorrow morning before school if you've had any problems.

We also passed out the syllabus.  Please make sure you've completed your part of the assignment and your parents completed their part.  Make sure you bring the syllabus back tomorrow for the open note quiz.

Finally, we need to talk about that Precourse Reading Dialectical Journal.  Today in the lab we set up the assignment.  Starting tomorrow we'll start reading (or rereading in some cases) The Alchemist in class.  We'll have some time in class to work on this reading, and the associated Dialectical Journal, but in order to finish it, you will have to work on it a bit outside of class.  Be prepared.

Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Day 1 Down!

Hello All!

It was wonderful to meet you and I'm so glad to have you all in my class.

We did have 2 assignments today that will go into the gradebook.  Those students who missed class today, for whatever reason, the link to the Day 1 Index Card and Letter to the Future are linked on the Resources page.

Tomorrow, we'll start to read The Alchemist from the Precourse Reading in class, so make sure you have a copy!

You may want to check out the calendar as

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Welcome to Our Class!

Hello All!

I'm very excited to have you in my class at Campbell High School.

First up, let's discuss how you use this blog.

This tab is Weekly Updates.  It will just give you an overview of what we have planned in class this week.  It is used for a quick updates and head's ups.

The Resources tab for your class is the most important tab you will use.  It is where I will upload EVERYTHING for this class, including (but not limited to) important links, copies of assignments, copies of handouts, powerpoints, videos, anything we use in class.  If there is a digital version (and I do try to work in digital versions whenever possible) it will be linked on the Resources Tab.

The Calendar tab for your class is the 2nd most important tab for this class.  I use my calendar as my lesson plans.  It will show you all of the activities we do through out the day.  This is important because it not only shows you what is upcoming in our schedule, but is also where you will get the information you missed when you are absent.  If you have any questions about what you missed, you can email me at kimberly [do] bundschu [at] cobbk12 [dot] org or discuss it with me before or after class (not during) when you come back, however, I will expect that you first checked the calendar.  I put a lot of time into getting that information to you and appreciate it when you use it.

The names of activities should be the same on both the calendar and the resources page to make it easy for you.

Next up, let's talk about your first assignments.  All of these assignments will be linked on the Resources page by the first week of school.

World Lit
  1. You will get a grade when you complete the Student Survey.  This is your first homework assignment.  
  2. You first major assignments will be from a novel study of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.  This includes, but is not limited to, your Precourse Reading Assignment which will be checked on day 1, and fully submitted on January 20th, as well as a test.  You will need to bring this book to class every day, either physically or electronically.  This means you will need to obtain a copy of the book, read and analyze it.
  3. You will get your errand passes for your parents/guardians completing the Parent/Guardian Survey AND you complete the Student Survey.  These function as your bathroom/I need to go somewhere passes as well as turn into extra credit at the end of the semester if you don't use them.  It is very important you get your Parents/Guardians to fill out this survey.  Both of these are found on the Resources tab.
I'm looking forward to meeting you and having our class together.  See you soon!