Friday, January 27, 2017

Homework for the Weekend

Hello All!

This weekend everyone has specific homework.

  1. We practiced How to Analyze Poetry using Langston Hughes' "Dream Deferred."  You practiced annotating and analyzing using the 9 steps, including composing a quickwrite response together.  Those for each class are linked on the resources page so you can refer back to them.
  2. This means you are ready to analyze "Salvador Late or Early" on your own.  Use your How to Analyze Poetry PPT, complete steps 1-9, including composing a quickwrite.  Follow the patterns we did in class.  This should be on the same piece of paper you wrote your "Dream Deferred" example.  
  3. Students who turned in their Where I'm From Poem presented today and their grades are already in ParentVue.  Students who did NOT present have No Grade.  This means it's late.  Their last opportunity to present is Monday.  They need to complete this assignment, turn it in to, and be prepared to read their poem on Monday for a late grade.
  4. Students who have turned in their Precourse Reading currently have "not yet graded" in ParentVue.  Students who have NOT turned in their Precourse Reading currently have a 0 in ParentVue to communicate to you that your student has not yet turned in their Precourse Reading.  The last day to do so, even though it's a late grade, is next Monday.  After that, the 0 will be permanent.  
  5. Every day students are expected to review their current and old vocabulary.  We are currently in Unit 2, but the Unit 1 words will be on the test next week.
  6. The Unit 1 Test Study Guide is on the resources page.  It will be handed out on Monday, but it's online if you want to see for what you'll be responsible.
Please work with your child over the weekend to make sure they are on top of their responsibilities.

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