Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Week 4, Assignments, and Open House

Hello All,

Parents, please have your student show you their turnitin.com accounts.  This account is where most of our major and some minor assignments will be posted.  This is a digital way for students to submit their assignments in a way that both teachers and students can see clearly what has been turned and at what time.

At this point, there are 3 assignments on turnitin.com.

  1. My Login Information -- this was a test assignment and should have their turnitin.com email log in and password.  This was completed on a google drive document, so students have access to their passwords for the future.  Students earned points on this formative grade for attempting an MLA heading and typing their passwords.  
  2. Precourse Reading Dialectical Journal -- this is their summer reading assignment that was officially due on Monday, January 23rd (the date on turnitin.com is incorrect for technical reasons--this should only be true for this assignment).  There are 2 things to look at for this assignment.  #1 Did students turn it in by Monday before 11:59?  #2 What percentage similarity did students earn?  The similarity percentage is one of the major functions to turnitin.com as it shows how original student work is.  Because this assignment involves quotes, those quotes should be similar.  However, the students should have 80% original writing as they were asked to analyze the quotes deeply and thoroughly.  If your student has a similarity percentage over 20%, we will be discussing why.
  3. Where I'm From Poem -- this is due Thursday, January 26th.  We will be presenting these in class on Friday.  Because the nature of this assignment is fill in the blanks, I expect the similarity percentage to be very high, so long as it is not the same for the underlined parts (the parts they are to fill in with their own details).  
When a student has not turned in an assignment, you will be able to see the "Submit" button.  When a student has turned in an assignment, you will be able to see the "View" button.

To turn in an assignment on turnitin.com:
  1. Be logged in to your campbellhigh.net gmail account on the device you are using to turn in your assignment.
  2. Go to turnitin.com and login with your campbellhigh.net email address and the password you chose.
  3. Click on the name of the class (not my name--that will try to email me).
  4. Next to the name of the assignment, click the Submit button.
  5. Make sure it says "Single File Upload" and not "Copy and Paste" (if it does, there is a small drop down carrot that you can use to change it to "Single File Upload."
  6. Title the assignment with the number of your block you're in my class.
  7. Click Select from Google Drive.
  8. Click the correct file.
  9. Click "Submit" until you see the green "Congradulations!  You have successfully submitted..." (If you just click it once, it will not go through.  It will show you a preview of your file before your final submission.  Make sure you have selected the correct file before that final submit).
  10. On the assignment list, you should now see the "View" button as an option.  You may also see "Processing;" that is okay.  
Finally, Open House is this week!  I hope to see you on Thursday.  It starts at 6:30 with our PTSA meeting and runs until 8.

Happy Tuesday!

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