Friday, September 28, 2012

Week 8 and Looking at the Future

Hello All!

I hope you're all studying hard for your Vocab Quiz (unit 2) on Monday.

Speaking of studying, we're getting ready for our First Unit 1 Test!  The Gilgamesh notes for the stories we've covered so far are on the resource page, and the test dates for both the Almost There and the Unit Test are on the calendar.

You may notice that our Unit test is on Friday, October 19th.  Normally it would be Thursday, but since we have the PSAT on Wednesday, and our schedule is not normal for Wednesday or Thursday, we'll push the test to Friday. 

If you're presenting Unit 3, I hope you're ready!  You start Tuesday!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Online Textbook is Live!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen!  Now you too can access our textbook at home!  Just log in to the book and you're set to go!

Go to:

Your user name is your number (lunch number, computer log in, etc.)
Your password is cobb2013

So if you missed a day of reading, say, Gilgamesh, you can now do the reading from the comfort of your own home!  Or the library, or a friend's house, or a family member's house...

Update on Grading

Hello All!

I am grading as much as I can as fast as I can, and getting those grades in as soon as possible. 

I wanted to give you an update about grading in general that Mr. Wagner relayed to us this morning at the faculty meeting:

Yes, a lot of students are not doing well right now due to the 80% summative 20% formative grading system.  In my classes alone, I have a staggering amount of students currently failing.  However, they are failing because we've only had 2 Summative grades and that is bringing their grades down if they haven't preformed well on the Summer Reading quiz or the Vocabulary Unit 1 quiz.

This shouldn't be a signal to give up; it should be a signal about what is neccessary to pass this class.  The class is not a sprint, it's a marathon.  You have to work hard every day, study every night (for about 10 minutes), in order to gain long-term knoweldge so that you do well on those summative assessments.  Some of the assessments coming up will be written.  Some of the assessments will be in class tests.  Every day that we take notes, I give hints about what information will be on the tests.  Every night, you should be looking over your notes, quizzing yourself, studying your vocabulary, in order to do fabulously on that Summative grade coming up. 

You can pull up your grade.  You just have to work hard, every day, to do it.  I believe in you.

If you need or want extra help, I'm here most mornings, I can sign you up for tutuoring.  Let me know what help you need.  Any questions or concerns, feel free to talk to me.  Email is best (I've gotten it fixed now, so you should actually be receiving my responses): kimberly [dot] bundschu [at] cobbk12 [dot] org.

Remember, all large emails, like powerpoints, or emailed informtion should go to my gmail: mrsbundschu [at] gmail [dot] com

Week 7

This week we began reading Gilgamesh, and taking notes.  These notes will be on the blog as each class finishes each story, for students who were not here on those days.  I am talking with tech support about the issue of getting access to the online text book.  I'll get that information to you as soon as I have it.

Today, you're activator is on the Resource page, as is today's assignment under Vocabulary. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

End of 1st 6 Weeks

Hello all!

Since the end of the First 6 weeks of the year is this week, and Official Progress Reports are going home next week, I sent home an Unofficial Progress Report yesterday for the students to have signed and returned.  Students who turn it in today will receive a ticket.  This is just some extra communication between us. 

I hope students have been studying hard for their Mid-Unit Benchmark on Thursday!  It's all about Archetypes, and from the Archetype posters I've graded so far, I expect the students to do well.  Because I won't be able to finish grading all of the posters and presentations before Thursday, when I'm locked out of Pinnacle, these, and the Benchmark, will be the first grades to go in after I have access again.

I'm really excited to be starting Gilgamesh next week/Friday!

**Notice:  The final day to make up and missed test or quizzes from the first 6 weeks (as detailed on the Unofficial Progress Report) is Thursday, September 27th.  After that, all grades are final.**

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Meet in the Writing Lab today

Please read this entire post before beginning your assignments.

In case you have never been to the blog before, or have forgotten where to find it, the Activators are found on the Resource page.  Click the Resource tab at the top of the page and the Activators are found under the Daily Work Category.  When you finish reading this entry, go ahead and do your activator.

Today's activity is found under the Instructions Category: "Writing Lab Assignment Checklist."

I've also uploaded a file called "Archetypes Mid Unit Benchmark Study Guide" under Handouts and Notes that you'll want to take a look at. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Week 4 Recap, Week 5 Preview

This week was a busy one.  Either I or my coteacher, Mr. Miller, conferenced with every student who was here on Friday.  Students who were not here need to make up this conference with an appointment, per the Reading Reflection 5 instructions on the Resource page.

Each student helped create part of a mini-quiz for vocabulary which they will take on Monday.  This will count as a formative Language grade. 

Next week, please keep up with the calendar, as on Tuesday and Wednesday we are in a different location.  The assignments for next week will be posted on the blog shortly, if you want a preview of what we'll be doing in class.

As always, if you miss a day, check the calendar and the resource page for your make up work. 

Have a great weekend!