Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Final Exams

Hello All!

Final Exams for 1st and 2nd period are done.  Only 3rd and 4th period remain!

Any student artwork you'd like me to keep, leave in my room.  Any you'd like to take with you, you may come by before school tomorrow.

1st and 2nd period students' grades have been finalized.  Thank you so much for working so diligently and well.

4th period, make sure you're going over the study guide.  I know you can also do well on your final.  It's up to you to prepare.

If you are in the position where you *may* qualify for Course Extension (and everyone who didn't exempt is technically in that position), please turn in your sheet to me tomorrow.  If you need an extra copy, you can find it by clicking this link.  You can tell if your child has turned theirs in under the zero points grade "Turned in Course Extension Paperwork."  100=yes, 0=no.  As it says on the sheet, they will only qualify for Course Extension if they earn between 60-69 in the course.   My hope is that many of you in the danger zone will do well enough on the Final Exam to either bring up your grade to passing, or to keep your passing grade.  Several of you are in the position that if you don't do well enough on the final, your grade could be below 60 after the final.  If that is the case, you won't qualify for Course Extension and will need to retake the class.  Do your best to ace the final exam tomorrow.  I'd much rather you pass, either through your hard work over the course of the semester, or through Course Extension, than need to retake the class.

I hope you do well on the final tomorrow.  I believe in you.  Study study study.

Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Final Exam Preparation

Hello All,

As of the end of today, we have finished all of the assignments except the Final Exam.

For those of you who are not exempting, I've put some study questions on the resources page to focus your studying this weekend.  On Monday, we will review for the Final in all classes.  Those who are exempting are welcome to participate, or to bring study materials for another class.

Happy Friday!  Three Days Left!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

On Level Final Prep

Hello All,

Today I gave the on-level students in 4th period a pop quiz that was very much in the same style that the test will be in.  You can take their grade on this quiz, which is in Synergy, as a measure of how prepared they are for the final exam.

Some students are studying diligently and working towards an A on the final.  Some students are not.  If your student got below a B on this quiz, please go over the terms on the poetry packet with them.  Have them come in for extra help (I'm here every day before school at 8).  Encourage them to use class time wisely and to get the most out of our remaining 5 days of school together (since I won't see them on Tuesday).  Make sure they are studying their poetry packet every night.

I know they can master this content, but they have to apply themselves.  If they don't put forth the effort, they will not do well on the Final Exam.

Thank you.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Course Extension Contracts

Hello All,

We've received the information concerning Course Extension and I wanted to share the details with you.

Please see the Contract form for specific details, but the main points are this:

  • Students who have a 60-69 qualify.
  • Students must bring back the signed contract in order to attend.
  • Students may not be absent for any days of the session.
  • The session costs $20.
  • Students must maintain the utmost standards of behavior to attend.
  • Students whose final grade is 65-69 will attend January 10, 11, 12, and 13 from 3:45-5:45.
  • Students whose final grade is 60-64 will attend January 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, and 19 from 3:45-5:45.
  • Transportation will not be provided.
I'll be sending home contracts with everyone who has the possibility of landing in that grade range (basically anyone who is not exempting the final) because I would rather have and not need that signed form than need and not have that form.

Only 7 days left!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Getting Ready for the Final Exam

Hello All,

As we get ready for the final exam, there are a couple of things I wish to discuss.

Based on the final exam exemption criteria, your grades as of today will determine if you can exempt the final exam or not.  As a reminder, the criteria are:

  1. You must have an A or a B.
  2. You must have 3 or fewer unexcused absences.
  3. You must have not served ISS or OSS.
I'll have students who wish to exempt sign up tomorrow in class.  As I've said in class, if any student who has a B and qualifies for exemption would like to try to try for an A, they'll need to sign up for exemption, but if they choose to take the exam, I won't let it lower their grade, only raise it.  

Other than the final exam, the only grades left are the Unit 7 Vocab Quiz on Friday and the Who am I Presentations next week.  Make sure you are going over what we learned in class each day at home and are fully prepared for these last 3 

Only 10 days left!  You can do it!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Final Exam Exemptions

Hello All,

You'll receive a letter in 4th period tomorrow detailing information about the final exam schedule, exemptions, and check out procedures, but I thought I'd go ahead an pass along the exemption requirements, since students have been asking.

Happy Wednesday!

FINAL EXAM EXEMPTION POLICY:  All courses will have a final assessment with the exception of EOC courses. Academic eligibility will be based on current course grades and attendance. Having the opportunity to exempt an exam at the end of the semester rewards students who meet the established criteria. Students may exempt an exam if they meet the following criteria:
  • Have an A or B and 3 or fewer unexcused absences in the class
  • Have not received ISS or OSS for fall semester
  • If students are exempting a final they should not be on campus. If students are on campus, they must attend study hall in the cafeteria. 
  • An appeal process for unexcused absences is available, but approved documentation along with an appeal form, available on the CHS website, must be submitted to Dr. Walker by December 9th.
NOTE: Students taking “year-long” classes will take unit tests during scheduled exam times. See your teacher for additional information and/or clarification.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Correction: Course Registration for Next Year

Hello All,

Apparently, and I literally just heard about this, there will be an option next year to take AP Lang in combination with APUSH.  If you are set to go into AP US History, this is an amazing opportunity to double dip into American studies.  Often times, a lot of the reading material for both classes is very similar as AP Lang also contains American Lit--so you'll hit two birds with one stone.  To be fair, since you're taking these 2 classes at the same time, it is a year-long class.  It will be coded as an A day / B day class.

Personally, if I was given the chance, I would jump at it.

If you qualify and are interested, please let me know by tomorrow in class.

Thank you!

Going into the Last 4 Weeks and Next Year's Recommendations

Hello All,

As we go into the last 4 weeks of class (as of today we have 20 days of class left) please make sure that you are doing your best work possible to end the semester with the highest grade you can earn.

As a head's up, recommendations for next year are due and I've followed the English Department's procedures and based my recommendations on your current grade.

For Honors:  If you have a A or B, I've recommended you for AP Lang.  If you have a C or D, I've recommended you for On Level American Lit.  If you are failing, I've had to recommend you retake the class.  I hope sincerely that you pull up your grade before the end of the semester so you can move on to American Lit.

For On Level: If you have a high A, I've recommended you for AP Lang.  If you have a B, C, or D, I've recommend you for On Level American Lit.  If you are failing, I've had to recommend you retake the class.  I hope sincerely that you pull up your grade before the end of the semester so you can move on to American Lit.

As I've said in class, you do have the opportunity to get your parents to sign a waiver if you are not satisfied with your placement for next year.  Waivers are due by December 1st and are available in the Counseling Office.

In Honors, we're moving through Doll House in class, and The Poisonwood Bible outside of class and will have a Socratic Seminar, a Test, and a writing assignment the week after the break.  They should be finished with book 4 of Poisonwood Bible and be ready for a reading quiz on Monday, November 28th.

In On Level, we're moving through Doll House in class, and will have a Socratic Seminar, a Test, and a writing assignment the week after break.  You should be prepared to have a quiz over Acts I and II.

Students also have been given an extra credit assignment that they can complete over the break.  It was meant to be challenging so that students could earn the extra credit that some of them desperately need.  

In the last 2 weeks of class, we'll be reading Oedipus for our final exam and a few last major assignments for Honors.

In On Level, I've given the students the opportunity to speak with me before or after school with suggestions on what they would like to cover in those last 2 weeks before the final exam.

We're also on our last vocabulary quiz, unit 7, on Monday, November 28th.

We are so close to the end; now is the time to buckle down and do your best.  Never give up, never surrender!

Friday, November 4, 2016

New Unit!

Hello All,

We are starting our last major unit for the semester.  All students will be reading the play Doll House by Henrik Ibsen in class.  We we all have a short quiz at the end of each act of Doll House, and a test over the complete play.

Honors will also be reading Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver outside of class with class discussions and assignments and should expect a short quiz at the end of each week.  Our pace is to read about 20 pages a day in order to be finished the week we come back from Thanksgiving Break.  We'll be reading through "Exodus" in class, although students can of course choose to finish reading the novel if they'd like.

We're also currently on vocab unit 6, and will end the semester on unit 7.

We're entering the home stretch.  It is definitely time to buckle down and make sure your grade is as high as possible.  There will be an extra credit opportunity over Thanksgiving Break and several other opportunities to raise your grades.

Happy Friday!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Human Rights Project and Research Paper On Level

Hello All,

I conferences with each student who was in class today and based their grade on "Human Rights Progress Check 2" on how prepared they are to present beginning Tuesday.  If they have 100, then they are on track and I am confident they'll finish in time to practice and present a refined project.  If they have 50, then they have begun to work on their presentation, but are behind.  There might be one or two genres that they have not begun to work on that need to be completed this weekend.  We've also had the due date for their Historical Essay portion of the assignment moved to Thursday night.

We've had 10 days in class that students were allowed to work on this project.  Students have no excuse for not having their projects completed by Tuesday.  If they used their time wisely, they are almost done.  If they have not, they have a lot of catching up to do over this weekend.

The final checklist, that lists everything they need for the presentation, need to turn in, and where they need to turn it in to, is on the resources page.  It is very detailed so that they don't forget anything.

Please ask your child to show you their progress.  Please go through the Final Checklist with them.  Please help support them this weekend.

Thank you,

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Human Rights Project

Hello All,

Due to the numerous disruptions we've had in our project this week, and will continue to have tomorrow during 1st and 2nd due to vision and hearing screenings, I've decided that we will push the due date back by one day.  Honors, be ready to present on Friday.  On Level, be ready to present on Tuesday.

Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Reminders for next week

Hi All!

Next week's schedule is a little bit ... interesting ... so here's what you need to remember.

Monday: Vocab Test--Units 1-4.  We've done review this week, be prepared for your test first thing.
There *may* be a quiz on Persepolis.  Make sure you're up to date.  Honors should be finished before you walk in the door.  On Level will read through "The Key" on page 94 (as in stop at "The Key").  Honors will spend the day finalizing your projects using the laptop cart, On Level will continue reading Persepolis.

Tuesday: We'll have a visitor to the class as arranged by the school.  They will introduce your next project (mandatory for all 10th graders, yes it will be a grade).  Make sure you are here and aware.

Wednesday: PSAT in the morning will mean no 1st and 2nd period.  Try your best on this free opportunity and you may qualify for a college scholarship!  4th Period will work in the lab on our Human Rights Projects.

Thursday: Honors begins presenting.  On Level will be in the lab to finalize our Human Rights Projects.

Friday: Honors will continue presenting, On Level will finish Persepolis and start presenting on Monday.

After we finish presentations, we'll have our Unit Test.  Topics will include archetypes, Persepolis, research, persuasive techniques (ethos, pathos, and logos), and connections to your human rights topic.

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Governor's Honors Program Information

Hello All,

If you are interesting in applying for the prestigious Governor's Honors Program, you can give your name to Mr. Jones (email: thomas1(dot)jones(at)cobbk12(dot)org) and he'll send you the application.

It's a fantastic program, very selective, but also good experience about interviewing even if you don't get in.  I highly recommend if you qualify that you apply.

They're looking for students with B or better averages and who are actively involved in the community, either at CHS or outside of school.

Good Luck!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Happy Friday!

Hello All!

All students have an extra essay assignment linked on their class's resource page.  The assignment is different for Honors and On Level, so make sure you follow the directions for your class.

After the break, we only have 10 weeks of class remaining.  Make sure you use your time wisely to make sure your grade is as high as possible.

Have a happy break!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things..."

Hello All!

This is a mix of information I thought I'd pass on to you:

  1. Mackinvia is accessible through the internet at home.  Just go through the link on the Campbell Commons website.  It works on your phone or home computer.  If it shows that it is down, try again in about 5 minutes.  The operation should be 24/7/365.  Info via Mr. Spinks.
  2. White Water is open all next week and is running a food/school supply drive for Must Ministries.  Info via Ms. Romero.
  3. Spirit Week is week the week we come back.  All outfits must be school appropriate.
    1. Monday: PJ Day
    2. Tuesday: Twin/Fan Day
    3. Wendesday: Waikiki
    4. Thursday: Throwback (pick a decade)
    5. Friday: Spirit Day
      1. Seniors Black
      2. Juniors Blue
      3. Sophomores Gray
      4. Freshmen White
    6. Saturday: Homecoming Dance 7-11 in cafeteria.  Tickets $15 early, $20 at the door.  If you're bringing a non-Campbell date, the permission forms are in the Front Office or outside room 107.
  4. As we work through your Human Rights Project, make sure you are doing a little bit at a time so you don't stress at the end.  Make sure you are following your checklist.  Make sure you are going through the directions and following the rubrics.  
Two more days until we get a break!  You make it!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Multigenre Human Rights Research Project

Hello All!

I've updated each class's calendar with the time schedule of our Multigenre Human Rights Research Project--including which days will be in class work days, which days we'll be in the lab, and which day we'll begin our presentations.

I've also updated the calendar with the vocabulary expectations as well as the book we'll begin to read in class after the break (I have a class set so this will be in class reading--if you'd like to purchase your own copy of the book, you may, of course.  Only purchase part I--part II is more of a college level text).

Happy 4 more days until the break!  You can do it!  Only a little longer!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Progress Reports come home tomorrow and What's Up Next Week

Hello All!

I've posted a communication with your child's progress on each of your ParentVue accounts.  If you email is accurate in the system, I've also emailed the message to you.

If you did not receive this email, please check your ParentVue for the communication, as well as update your contact information in ParentVue so that you'll get all future communications.

Next week we'll begin our Human Rights Multigenre Research Project.  This project is a huge grade, so this is a great opportunity for everyone to bolster their grades--provided they follow all of the directions.  Please check in with your child as they progress throughout the next few weeks.  They'll have a timeline checklist in order to make sure they're on track.

Students will also be reading selections that will go along with their Human Rights Project that are varied by level.  Honors will start to read the outside book Night tomorrow, On Level will be reading selections in class with a class set (this does mean that if a student is absent, they will have to arrange with me to use a book before or after school--we don't have enough to go home).

Happy Thursday!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

On Level Make Up Weekend

Hello All,

Starting today, I'm giving the World Lit students the chance to raise their grades.  We started working on the Convince Yourself Essay today and walked them through their graphic organizers because I want them to get full points on this assignment.  That is due by Tuesday, but I hope they complete it tomorrow.  I will give them bonus points if they turn it in, completed and marked per the rubric, by Friday.

Tomorrow in class they'll have an extra credit extension assignment.  Some more creative ways that they can show their knowledge to raise their test grades.  Those are due in class tomorrow.

Over the weekend, if there is any assignment on turnitin.com that they have NOT turned in (they can log in and show you what they have and haven't submitted.  If it says View, then they turned it in.  If they cannot View it, it is not submitted.) they may turn it in for late points.  Not much, but better than the 0 that they have currently earned.

Please make sure your child uses this weekend to make the most of these opportunities.  After this weekend, those zeros will stand.

If they are on top of all of their assignments, I hope they have a fantastically relaxing long weekend.

Our Unit 2 Vocabulary quiz is on Tuesday.  Don't forget to go over those words a bit each day over the weekend.  I've linked to online practice on the resources page.

Happy Thursday!

Honors World Book Required

Hello All,

In a couple of weeks we're going to start reading the novel Night by Elie Wiesel as a part of our Human Rights Unit for Honors World Lit.  Please obtain a copy of this book, either digitally or physically, before September 12th.

Happy Thursday!

Monday, August 29, 2016

First Test of the Semester

Hello All!

The time has come!

On Level, your first test is tomorrow!  You will be asked to analyze The Alchemist, "Marriage is a Private Affair," "No Witchcraft for Sale," and a cold reading.  The test is 30 questions and a short constructed response.

Honors, your first test is Wednesday!  You will be asked to analyze The Alchemist, The Kite Runner, Marriage is a Private Affair," "How Much Land Does a Man Need," and a cold reading.  The test is 50 questions and 2 short constructed responses.

I believe in you.  You can do it!

Be prepared!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Open House

Hello All!

Open House is this Wednesday, 8/24, starting at 6:30.  I would love to see you there.  Students who come with their parents/guardians will receive extra credit.  Parents/guardians who come will receive extra credit for their children.  Parents/guardians who cannot come, but who email me touching base will receive extra credit for their children.  Honestly, I just like meeting and talking with your parents.

Unfortunately, because Open House is so public, we will not be able to discuss individual grades during that time, for your privacy.  However, if you'd like to arrange a time for a parent/teacher/student conference, please email me so we can arrange a good time for all of us.  

Happy Monday!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Google Classroom and Turnitin.com Instructions

Hi All,

Some students have asked for instructions about how to submit assignments to Turnitin.com and Google Classroom.

I've created 2 documents and linked them to the Resources page, both with pictures and detailed instructions.  If you still have trouble, please let me know in class tomorrow, after we start the work session.  I'll walk you through it.

I know for some of you it feels like a lot of technology, but the more you use it, the more you'll feel comfortable with any technology thrown at you in life.  I know it's a steep learning curve for some of you and am 100% willing to help you.  Before or after school by appointment, and I have 3rd block planning, so if you want to arrange a lunch meeting one day, we can do that.

After you submit the assignments you're missing, I'll adjust your grades appropriately.

You can do this.  I thoroughly expect the majority of you to earn at least a B in the next couple of weeks, and keep it throughout the semester.  As the Hitchkiker's Guide to the Galaxy says, "Don't Panic" (Adams, 27).

Happy Thursday,

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Presentations Start Tomorrow!

Hi All,

Make sure you bring a copy (either printed or accessible on your phone) of either your Personal Legend Essay or your Poem to present in class tomorrow.  If it's on your phone make sure you can pull it up easily, if it's on paper, make sure it's printed *before class* so you are ready to present when you walk in the door.

Go ahead and read aloud your choice a few times tonight so you are comfortable and practiced in your reading.  You don't have to memorize anything.  This is an informal presentation.

I'm looking forward to your presentations!

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, August 12, 2016

World Lit Week 2 Down!

Hello All,

Parents, I copy you on all of my emails to the students so that you know what's going on in our classes, however, I noticed that many students don't have their email linked in StudentVue.  Could you please ask your child to update their profile so they get these emails as well?

Students, thank you so much for working with me as we both learn how Google Classroom works.  You do need to upload your drafts from google docs to classroom today for all 3 writing assignments (even if they are nowhere near done).  However, DO NOT "TURN IT IN".  When you add assignment, I can see it and you can still edit it.  If you click turn it in on Google Classroom, it locks you out of the document.  If you get locked out, you can click unsubmit and you'll be able to edit it again.

When you are finished with your drafts, you can go ahead and turn in your final published document to Turnitin.com.  The due dates for these assignments are:

  1. Monday, 8/15, 11:59pm: Personal Legend Essay
  2. Tuesday, 8/16, 11:59pm: Where I am From Poem
  3. Monday, 8/22, 11:59pm: Precourse Reading (Honors, both assignments on one document)
Please don't stay up until midnight completing these assignments.  Try to work hard over the weekend so you can finish on time.

Students will be presenting either their Personal Legend Essay or their Where I am From Poem on Wednesday and Thursday next week.  There may be a reading quiz on Monday to check their understanding of their reading homework.  By may, I mean there will be a reading quiz on Monday.  Please make sure you're up to date on the homework reading.  To check where you need to be, check out the Calendar.

I know it feels like a lot, but as one of you said, "It feels like a lot, but I'm getting it done, so it's not so bad."  I hope you used the in class time this week to work effectively so you don't have a lot of homework over the weekend.

The Unit Test is coming up and will cover the summer reading novel(s) and some short pieces we'll read over the course of the next 2 weeks.

Happy Friday!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Week One Down

Hello All,.

I want to thank you all for helping to make my first week at Campbell such a positive one.  I am so happy to have all of you in my class!  Yes, even you.  Especially you.  It's been a joy to begin to get to know you.

This week we did a lot of getting ready for the year--what standards are expected, assignments to give me a baseline of your abilities.  If you have not turned in the Letter to the Future, a copy of the instructions are on the Resources page.  Please get that to me by Monday so I can grade it.  Because it is the first assignment, I will take it late, on Monday.  After this, everything is due when it is due and the late policy applies.

Speaking of policies, make sure you turn in the Student Survey and your parents/guardians complete the Parent/Guardian Survey (both linked on the Resources page).  Those policies do go into effect on Monday and I'll be distributing Errand Passes to students who have both surveys completed.

You have 3 big assignments coming up, don't forget to complete your reading of the Alchemist to be ready for these assignments and ready for Monday.  (Honors students, remember to bring a copy (digital or physical) of the Kite Runner to class.)

  1. The Precourse Reading Assignment
  2. The Personal Legend Narrative Essay
  3. The Where I'm From Poem
I encourage you to show your parents my blog, and the instructions for the assignments you have to complete.  They might be able to help you remember some things from your childhood that you may have forgotten.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend.  I look forward to seeing you on Monday (and testing how well I can remember your names after the weekend).

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Welcome to Our Class!

Hello All!

I'm very excited to have you in my class at Campbell High School.

First up, let's discuss how you use this blog.

This tab is Weekly Updates.  It will just give you an overview of what we have planned in class this week.  It is used for a quick updates and head's ups.

The Resources tab for your class is the most important tab you will use.  It is where I will upload EVERYTHING for this class, including (but not limited to) important links, copies of assignments, copies of handouts, powerpoints, videos, anything we use in class.  If there is a digital version (and I do try to work in digital versions whenever possible) it will be linked on the Resources Tab.

The Calendar tab for your class is the 2nd most important tab for this class.  I use my calendar as my lesson plans.  It will show you all of the activities we do through out the day.  This is important because it not only shows you what is upcoming in our schedule, but is also where you will get the information you missed when you are absent.  If you have any questions about what you missed, you can email me at kimberly [do] bundschu [at] cobbk12 [dot] org or discuss it with me before or after class (not during) when you come back, however, I will expect that you first checked the calendar.  I put a lot of time into getting that information to you and appreciate it when you use it.

The names of activities should be the same on both the calendar and the resources page to make it easy for you.

Next up, let's talk about your first assignments.  All of these assignments will be linked on the Resources page by the first week of school.

Honors World Lit
  1. You will get a grade when you complete the Student Survey.  This is your first homework assignment.
  2. You first major assignments will be from novel studies of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.  This includes, but is not limited to, your Precourse Reading Assignment which will be collected on day 1, as well as a test.  You will need to bring these books to class every day, either physically or electronically.
  3. You will get your errand passes for your parents/guardians completing the Parent/Guardian Survey AND you complete the Student Survey.  These function as your bathroom/I need to go somewhere passes as well as turn into extra credit at the end of the semester if you don't use them.  It is very important you get your Parents/Guardians to fill out this survey.  Both of these are found on the Resources tab.
World Lit
  1. You will get a grade when you complete the Student Survey.  This is your first homework assignment.
  2. You first major assignments will be from a novel study of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.  This includes, but is not limited to, your Precourse Reading Assignment which will be collected on day 1, as well as a test.  You will need to bring this book to class every day, either physically or electronically.
  3. You will get your errand passes for your parents/guardians completing the Parent/Guardian Survey AND you complete the Student Survey.  These function as your bathroom/I need to go somewhere passes as well as turn into extra credit at the end of the semester if you don't use them.  It is very important you get your Parents/Guardians to fill out this survey.  Both of these are found on the Resources tab.
I'm looking forward to meeting you and having our class together.  See you soon!

Pre-Course (Summer) Reading

Hello All!

Click here for your pre-course reading for Campbell High School!

Make sure you complete the assignment for the level you're planning to take this year!  If you're thinking about moving up to a higher level, go ahead and complete the assignment.  It's a great way to ensure you are prepared on day one.

See you next Monday!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Yearbook Final Exam

Happy Last Full Monday!

This year for our yearbook final exam I posted a take home final exam on my blog.  I've had 4/11 students already submit their exam.  Several students haven't been to class since I posted the final and I want to make sure you understand what you have to do.  

Seniors, you can find your final exam instructions here.  It is due by Friday.  If you are in class, you can turn it in in class.  If you are not in class, it is due by 10am, as I need to submit your grades to Dr. Stoddard at the end of class.

I've spoken to all of the underclassmen about your final exam and I know that you are working hard on it.  You can see the instructions here.  Since you have an extra 3 school days, it is a bit more extensive.

This yearbook final exam does take a fair bit of analysis and time.  I do expect high level writing and analysis.  Please don't wait until the last minute to start working on it; you may not be happy with your grade.  

You can do it!  So close to the end!

Monday, May 9, 2016

9th Lit Final Chance to Pull Up Your Grade

Hello All,

I really want you to succeed and have the best possible grade before you end this school year, so I'm offering the following contract to everyone to help you to show that you've met the standards.

  1. Your final exam is on Lord of the Flies.  It is recommended that you re-read what we have read in class at home.  Please make sure you are keeping up with your chapter by chapter study guide and quotes.
  2. You need to do well on the quiz, constructed response, and unit test on the Lord of the Flies.  You  already have the study guide and the constructed response instructions in your Packet.
  3. You may complete the extra credit assignment with diligence and care.  You must accurately construct their map with details accurate to the book.
  4. You should make up all of their tests and quizzes which you missed due to absence by Wednesday, May 18th.  We will have a day in class on May 17th for students to complete these tests and quizzes, however, if you need more time than one class period to complete the amount of missed tests and quizzes you must arrange times with me before or after school, or during 1st or 4th period--teacher permitting.
  5. You have the opportunity complete and turn in all writing assignments that you did not complete to turnitin.com.  You will not earn full credit or even half credit, but I will allow you to earn a small amount of credit for assignments completed which followed the instructions and met the standards.  Any points are better than the zero you currently have if you did not submit your assignments.  The final day I will look at any past writing assignments is also Wednesday, May 18th, as I need time to grade the assignments before grades are due.
At this point it will require a lot of diligence and perseverance to pull up your grade.  I sincerely hope you choose to put forth the effort required to meet the standards for the class.  The choice, in the end, is yours.  

We have 12 days of class left.  You can do it.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Final Exam Schedule -- 9th Lit and Yearbook

Hello All,

You can find a copy of the final exam schedule here.

Remember, no one can take final exams early without special permission in writing an administrator.  If there is a conflict with your final exam time, you MUST contact Dr. Stoddard (susan.stoddard@cobbk12.org) BEFORE your final exam.  Don't wait until it's too late!

Also, any student who wishes to remain at school on Monday, May 23rd must return the letter (a physical copy was sent home with your student on Tuesday of this week) signed asap.  All other students will be expected to vacate the premises at 11:45.  Busses won't run that day until 3:35 and any student who does not have permission to stay will not be allowed on the bus.

Seniors, your last day, May 20th, is also a half day.  You'll need to go home after your last final.

We only have 13 days left--10 for Seniors!  We're so close!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

9th Lit -- EOC and the rest of the school year

Good Morning All!

Day one of the EOC went pretty well.  I'm really pleased with how diligently the students completed their tests.  Please continue to encourage them at home.  Tomorrow's test is the big writing one.  I know they will do amazing--please help them to believe that as well ;)

Remember, if they earn an 80 or higher, then they'll exempt their Final Exam (they'll still need to do the Constructed Response).

As for the rest of the semester, they received their Lord of the Flies Giant Packet of Doom earlier this week.  It contains (in order) and over all check on symbols and themes that we'll be discussing as we move through the book, a chapter by chapter study guide and reading questions, a chapter by chapter space to record poignant, interesting, and important quotes (they don't have to be dialogue, but if they are, they should also record who said it) that will be used for their Constructed Response, the instructions for said Constructed Response (due on turnitin.com on May 19th), and an extra credit assignment.

I've updated the 9th Lit Calendar with what chapter they should be finished with by which day, as well as when we are in the lab and the date of our Final Exams; we are a semester long class, so it'll be the last two days of school.

If you have any questions about grades or progress, please feel free.

Only 14 school days left!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Yearbook Final Exam

Your final exam is on the resources page.  It is due May 20th for seniors and May 25th for underclassmen on turnitin.com.  The enrollment ID and password is on the assignment.

Happy 12 or 15 days!

Friday, April 29, 2016

The last weekend before the EOC -- 9th Grade Lit

Hello All,

This is it!  Please work hard over the weekend on your Romeo and Juliet Constructed Responses for your last major writing practice before the test.

Your USA Test Prep Practice Tests are also due on Monday.  Please use these as your final practice before the test.

Monday and Tuesday we'll do some last EOC prep using the material getting us ready for reading the Lord of the Flies.  Your child should have checked out a copy from the library today.  If they did not, they will need to obtain a copy before class on Monday (whether it is a physical or digital copy, it does not matter).

It is imperative that you come to school as much as possible next week.  You can do this.  I believe in you.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Anime Club Officer Voting

Hi Guys,

Click here to vote for your 2016-2017 Anime Officers:


You have until Wednesday, May 4th.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

25 Days Left in the School Year--Plans and please obtain a book

Hello All,

We are 25 school days away from the end of the year.  We are so close; make sure your determination remains strong!

Tomorrow we will have our 3rd Touchstone of the semester.  This will once again be an opportunity for students to earn extra credit if they improve on their last Touchstone score.  It is also good practice for the EOC (which is in 10 school days.  Eep!).

We will be finishing up Romeo and Juliet next week, with our test on Thursday.  We'll have 2 writing assignments, one this week, one next week.

After that and during EOC week, we'll begin to read Lord of the Flies.  The media center has copies for many of the students, but not enough for everyone.  If you purchase your own copy, then you'll be able to write notes directly into your book, which is something that I usually prefer, personally.  Your student could also download a copy, either on a Kindle reader, or using the Kindle app, or another digital reader.  They will be able to use this version in class.  If you are not able to obtain a copy of this amazing classic, as I said, the media center does have some copies for checkout; however, if you are able, please help those who are not by obtaining your own copy.  All students will need a copy, either borrowed or bought, by May 2nd.

Our final exam and final writing assignment will cover this book.

Let the final countdown commence!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tutoring Locations for EOC Bootcamps

Good Morning All,

If you are attending Bootcamp, here are the locations for the various sessions.

  • Tuesday 4/12 -- Evidence -- AM: Coach Marcusky in 2204
  • Tuesday 4/12 -- Evidence -- PM: Ms. Roberts in 2205
  • Wednesday 4/13 -- Author's Purpose -- AM: Ms. Wood in 2223
  • Wednesday 4/13 -- Author's Purpose -- PM: Ms. Bundschu in 2209
  • Thursday 4/14 -- Tone -- AM: Coach Marcusky in 2204
  • Thursday 4/14 -- Tone -- PM: Ms. Wood in 2223
  • Tuesday 4/19 -- Narrative Writing -- AM: Ms. Wood in 2223
  • Tuesday 4/19 -- Narrative Writing -- PM: Ms. Tucker in 2205
  • Wednesday 4/20 -- Argument Writing -- AM: Coach Glaze in 2213
  • Wednesday 4/20 -- Argument Writing -- PM: Ms. Fisher in 2209

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How do I bring up my grade? 9th Lit

Hello All,

I've had several students ask, "How can I bring up my grade?" so let's talk about it.

  1. Students have a test over the Odyssey tomorrow.  They have all of the material they need to succeed, provided they have done the reading and completed their summaries and guided reading notes.  They can use these things to study.
  2. I sent home a Spring Break Optional Writing Assignment.  It is due the Monday we come back from break.  It is live on turnitin.com now.  If you have below an 85 in the class, I would not view it as optional ;)
  3. I sent home EOC Incentive Contracts.  You can sign and return this tomorrow for a little bit of extra credit.  If you come to the 4 of 5 tutoring sessions, work hard, and positively participate, you can earn an extra test grade.  You can also complete practice tests on usatestprep.com. 
After we get back, we have our Romeo and Juliet Unit, the EOC, and we'll end with Lord of the Flies.  That's another 2 unit tests, 2 writing assignments, and a handful of quizzes.  It's not a lot and not a lot of time.  If you want to bring your grade up, the time starts now.

I believe in you!

Friday, March 25, 2016

9th Lit Weekend Homework

Hello All,

Our students need to read until the end of Part I in The Odyssey in order for us to be ready for the test Thursday.  Depending on the class, this is 8-10 pages.  They should take point by point notes and be able to answer the questions in the Reading Guides.  Be prepared to discuss what happened on Monday, and to ask questions about any specific point they didn't understand.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

9th Lit EOC Insentives

Hello Everyone!

We are 23 school days away from the EOC, so lets start talking about incentives for you to be prepared.

You can see the contract here as well as under Classroom Materials on the Resources page.  I need it signed and returned.

Basically, if everyone in the class passes the EOC with a 72 or greater, we will have a pizza party.  If you get 80 or higher on the EOC, you can EXEMPT the final unit test.  Also, to prepare you for the EOC, you can attend 4 out of 5 Boot Camps before or after school or complete USA Test Prep Tests with 80 or better on each.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Yearbook Last Deadline

Hi everybody!

This is it!  Our last deadline is Monday and then we will be D.O.N.E. with the yearbook itself and only have getting through Distribution Day, selling out of yearbooks, wrapping up of the year and getting ready for next year for the last 9 weeks of class.

Just a little more and then we can relax.  All of this hard work is worth it, the book looks amazing.

Happy Friday!

Poetry Project and The Odyssey 9th Lit

Happy Friday Everybody!

The extension for the Poetry Project was yesterday.  However, as I told the students in class, if they turn it in today, it is only one school day late--which is what Errand Passes are for.  Also, if they turn it in Sunday before midnight, it will still be one school day late.

If you want to see if your child turned their Project in, ask they to show you where they submitted it on Turnitin.com.  The Submit button will have turned into the View button.

Today we went through our Background information on The Odyssey (they should have a Literary Terms sheet to finish over the weekend--they can use google) and we'll begin reading The Odyssey in class on Monday.  At the beginning of the semester your child checked out a 9th Lit text book, so each day you should be able to look on the calendar of the blog, see what we read in class, and have your child be able to summarize the main events--have them tell you what was going on.

This unit we're going to seriously start pushing the students to become more independent readers, especially since we are so close to the EOC.  We'll read some chapters and sections together, but more and more ask them to read independently then be prepared to discuss and ask/answer questions.  Please support them at home in this endevour as well.  Several of the chapters will have to be read for homework if we want to finish the unit before Spring Break.  I don't want them to have to remember the material over the break if we can help it.

This means that we'll start reading Romeo and Juliet in April, finishing right around the time of the EOC, and hopefully have time to read Lord of the Flies the final few weeks of class.

While the library does have copies of Lord of the Flies for checkout, you may want to purchase a physical or digital copy of the book so that they can take notes on the pages themselves.  The final exam will be on this text.

We are less than 9 weeks away from the end of the semester--that is not a lot, but that is enough time to pass or fail.  Please make sure you're working with your child to stay strong until the end.  I know that we're pushing them hard in the classroom, but as always, it is up to them to do the work.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Yearbook Pizza Party

Happy Friday!

Our final deadlines are approaching in the next 2 weeks (eep!), so we talked about a work late pizza party next Thursday.

I'll be staying late and will order pizza for anyone who works with me.  I'm planning on staying until about 6:30.

This will be our last big push to get everything done!

Weekend Work 9th Lit

Good Afternoon!

Students have a couple of assignments that we started this week and if they needed more time, I've given them until Monday at the beginning of class to turn in.

  1. The Vocabulary / Poetry Terms activity 
  2. The Question of the Day for the last 2 weeks (10 total)
  3. The E. F. Compare and Contrast Quickwrite
  4. sorry (in the poetry packet--answer the questions on the right)
Links to all mentioned above are on the Resources page.

Some students finished all of these in class.  The only one I've collected (from about 10 students total) is number 3.  All students should be able to show you the rest, including where they marked the text in their packet for the Edmund Fitzgerald.  

As a head's up, I will be collecting their packets next week to see if they've been analyzing and marking their texts like I've been asking them to...

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Letter to the Future and Poetry Packet

Good Morning,

First I'd like to say thank you to the students who turned in their Letters on time.  Thank you for taking care of business.

For the students who haven't, I've put in the 0 that they've currently earned.  They may turn it in tonight for a late grade.  Please make sure they do so.

I plan to catch up on the writing grading over this weekend--those grades should be in by Monday.

This week we've started our Poetry Unit.  This will take us through next week and the test is currently scheduled for Monday, 3/14.  They will have a writing project and possibly a presentation :)

Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Please send students to school with an electronic device tomorrow 9th Lit

Good Morning,
Tomorrow we'll be doing an activity that will require students to pull up their current grade breakdowns on StudentVue.  I'd like them to be sent in with an electronic device that can get on the internet (cell phone, kindle fire, etc.).  If they do not own an electronic device, that's fine, I can print out individual student's grades, but it would save trees if they could just pull it up.  
We're doing this for several reasons.
  1. I want to make sure they know how to access their grades for the 5th 6 weeks.
  2. I want them to be very aware of their grade and progress in the class.
  3. I want them to metacognitively think about their effort and write a reflection including specific criteria.  
Thank you for your support!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Yearbook Final Deadlines and Spring Supplement

9th Lit Paper and Homework

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I want to say thank you to the students who turned in their short story narratives over the break.  I'm looking forward to reading them!

I've updated Synergy with the students who did not turn in their narratives with a zero, so that you can tell if your child has turned it in or not.  It will either say 0 or "not graded yet".  If they turn it in to turnitin.com today before midnight, it is late, but they can give me an Errand Pass tomorrow to mitigate that lateness.

Many students also forgot to finish their USATestPrep homework over the break.  If they finish these assignments by Wednesday, I'll take them for full credit.

As a head's up, we are reading one final story, "The Scarlet Ibis," by Wednesday and then we'll have our Short Story Test on Thursday.  Our Unit 3 Vocabulary Quiz is Friday.  Next week, we'll start our poetry unit.

Happy Monday!

Friday, February 12, 2016

9th Lit Grades and Work over the Break

Good Evening,

Today in class we worked on their short story narrative assignments in their Google Drives.  This assignment is due to turnitin.com before midnight on Sunday, Feb 21.  They must have someone read over their assignment and fill out the Peer Editing Sheet before they do their final submission.  This is because I don't want them to lose points due to missing a step.

The assignment, the rubric, and the peer editing forms are all on the Resources page of the blog, if they misplace their copy.

I have also assigned the students several USATestPrep.com assignments, due every Wednesday, this includes the break.  Please make sure they are doing these homework assignments as the more practice they have with the test, the better they'll do.  We'll continue to work through our test taking and problem solving strategies in class with our QotDs (which I completely forgot to collect today--they should turn those in first thing on Monday).  The students should be able to start walking you through their homework, talking about the strategies that they use on each question.

I've been thinking a lot about my 9th Lit classes and I have to say how pleased I am with the students in the class right now.  Some could definitely improve their study skills and their in class focus, but overall, they are amazing students and people.  I'm very glad they are in my class and look forward to them continuing to improve their learning, their grades, and to mature as people.  Please remind them that they do need to keep working, both in school and out, in order to become the best they can be.

Thank you for your support.  I hope you have a fantastic break!

Yearbook January Deadline, Grades, and February Deadline

Happy Break!

First I want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all of the students who really kicked rear this week in stepping up and helping the team to make our plant deadline.  I see how hard each of you are working and I love how much effort you are putting into the book to make it awesome. 

Grades are finalized and what comes out on the progress report the next Wednesday of school should reflect what the grades look like right now.

I've spoken with two of the three students who missed their deadlines.  Obviously the pages still need to be finished.  We met our plant deadline for this week, but the next deadline is the rest of the book.  Everything in the main book must be submitted or the book won't get printed.  Please, if a student has earned less than 70 on any of their Deadline pages, that means it's not done, please have them work on these over the break and come back to school with them finished.  I know the editors will be periodically checking the pages (specifically Monday and Wednesday) to proof what they can next week, because when we get back to school we will hit the ground running.  They can recoup some points, although not all points as the pages are late.

We are coming into the final stretch.  We have 2 more deadlines, one at the end of February, one mid March.  These are the last pages of the book, and then the Spring Supplement.  I know how much work they are doing, I know it's too much, but it will be over so quickly then we can relax for the rest of the semester.   We'll still have assignments, but they will be nowhere nearly as stressful.  

Thank you so much for your support.  The book wouldn't be what it is without you.  I truly believe this is the best yearbook Kell has had to date.

Have a great week.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Yearbook Deadlines January and February

Hello all,

Most of our students have been working hard and overcoming the challenge of losing so many of our classmates.  I'm very proud of their dedication and effort.

With that said, many of them haven't submitted everything they need to for their January deadlines, which is why I haven't put in that grade yet.  I need those pages finished, checked, and submitted by early next week.  Students also need to make sure they have all of the material they need (quotes and pictures) for their February deadline, as the break is going to take away a lot of the networking time we usually have.

They can do it, I know they can.  However, they do have to make sure they stay on top of their responsibilities.

If you have any questions, please feel free.

Grades and One Week before a Break 9th Lit

Hello All,

I hope you are having a happy Friday.

I just finished updating the grades for the Road Constructed Response--it was wonderful to read your children's submissions.  They are all amazing and wonderful people with interesting histories and unique perspectives and plans.  I can't wait to see what they become as they continue to grow.

I plan to get as many of the other, smaller, classwork grades in as I can early in the week next week.  However, with the 2 major assignments in, as well as the quizzes, you should have a pretty accurate measure of how well you're child is performing in the class.  If you wish to discuss things with me specifically, I encourage you to email me.

As a head's up for next week:

Monday we'll finish "The Necklace," although if they pre-read over the weekend, they'll be better prepared for class.  We'll also introduce the Unit 3 vocabulary words.  I know that we'll have a week long break in between the introduction and the quiz, so don't forget to go over the words over the week.

Tuesday we'll get some Edgar Allen Poe background and start to read "Cask of Amontillado."  Some students read this in 8th grade, and that's okay.  We're going to go a little deeper into the story.  I will have a sub that day as I'll be in an all day meeting (fun!  Ask your student what kind of irony that is...), however, I don't give busy work.  I expect the students to work hard meet their goal by the end of the day.  They'll need to to be prepared for Wednesday.  There may be a quiz...

Wednesday-Thursday we'll finish "Cask" and prewrite for Friday.

Friday we'll be in the lab (1115) to type the next major writing grade--something about a narrative, I may have hinted?

After the break we have one last short story, then the test.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Homework every night -- 9th Lit

Hello All,

I've been noticing an unfortunate and frustrating trend in our Lit class.  Many students aren't doing their homework (although more students in 3rd period did do their work last night).

I know that students resist doing homework, so we had a discussion about it today.  The point of homework (not busywork, because I don't give busywork) is to reinforce the skills that we practice in class each day.  If students see it several hours later, and practice that skill several hours later, studies have shown that they have increased retention and concept obtainment--that's the point of homework.
We also discussed the point of high school.  At the end of the day, you go to high school to learn how to learn.  At some point, their boss could say, "Hey, look at this thing.  I like this thing.  Make me a thing like this thing," and our students would need to go through the steps of:

  1. What are the elements in that thing that work?
  2. How do I get (research) the information I need to replicate those elements?
  3. How do I put it together in a pleasing way in order to get my point across clearly and neatly?
  4. How do I make sure I'm giving my boss what s/he wants?
This is what we do with each assignment.  We build these skills so that students are able to go through these steps on their own by senior year.  We might be doing it through a fun story, but the end goal is still the same: To make them better communicators and able to give their bosses what they want in order to be successful.

So, the students have homework every night.  They do need to reinforce their USATestPrep skills, as well as their vocabulary skills, but every night they should be able to answer the following questions:
  1. What did we do in class today?
  2. Why did we do that?  What skills did we learn about/practice?
Today, we're reading "The Most Dangerous Game" in their textbooks.  We're pulling out examples of simile, metaphor, and personification to see how the author used imagery to create the mood and irony in the story.  We'll be adding how the author sequenced the story using the stages of plot and examples of characterization to build the images in your mind tomorrow.

Their homework specifically for tonight is to finish reading "The Most Dangerous Game" and fill out their handout.  Their handout is specifically asking them the questions that reinforce the skills we've been practicing in class.  They will have 2 assignments using this knowledge tomorrow, followed by a quiz over "The Most Dangerous Game" and "The Lottery."  Some questions will be comprehension questions.  Some will be applying the skills we have been practicing in class.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Major Writing Assignment and Open House

Hello All

First of all I want to make sure you're aware of Open House next Thursday at 6:30.  I offer extra credit for students who either bring you to Open House (I like to meet you face to face) or for parents who reach out to me about their students' progress next week.

I hope to see or hear from you!

Secondly, yesterday students had their first major writing assignment.  They were to use the GradeMark function on Turnitin.com to revise and edit their The Road Constructed Response.  Many students at least started this assignment in class yesterday.  However, several students had yet to turn in their The Road Constructed Response in the first place.  Of course, they cannot revise something they haven't written.  Most of those students worked to complete this in class, but several didn't finish.

The Revision of their The Road will be their first Summative Writing Grade.  It is due on Turnitin.com before 11:59pm on Sunday.  I want to make sure they have the whole weekend (as well as last night) to work on this, even if they don't have the internet at their house.  That gives them time to go to the public library, to a coffee shop with wifi, to a friend/family memeber's house.

We also, specifically, had the students type this up on their Google Drive accounts and turn it in to turnitin.com because both function well on cell phones (if they need to finish typing on their pocket-sized computers).  To access Google Drive, you do have to download both the Google Drive and the Google Docs apps.  They work on both Android and Apple products.  The turnitin.com mobile website also works well.  Make sure that you UPLOAD your assignment from Google Drive, not copy and paste it.

Happy Early Release and I hope you stay safe and warm this weekend!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Please check your grades 9th Lit

Good evening,

I've just updated your child's grades with most of what they've turned in.  Yes, we've had 16 assignments in 9 days.  This give me an idea of how much effort they are putting into the class, as well as their knowledge and concept obtainment thus far.  So far the only assignments I haven't graded are the Question of the Day daily test skills practice (not busy work because we are practicing those test taking skills for the EOC), the Anthem Theme and Author's Purpose Organizer (only for 3rd), and the Road Constructed Response.  

However, for that CR, I did put in a 0 if your child has not yet turned it in.  If they did submit it, you should see "Not Yet Graded" next to the assignment.

I've spoken with the students about this already, but I want to reinforce it again.  Zeros kill student grades.  Zeros are the reason students fail English classes.

If they do all of their work, and try their best on that work, follow all of the directions and prompts, and turn in everything, then they get the practice and reinforcement needed to do well on the major grades.  On the essays, the projects, and the tests.

When they don't do their work, their grade goes down and they do not get the practice and reinforcement they need to do well on those major assignments that add up to 80% of their total grade.

Our first major assignment is our test on Wednesday.  On Tuesday, we'll be collecting, grading, and returning the students' Annotations for each chapter of Anthem.  The students who have completed this assignment, in detail, step by step, are more likely to earn that A on this test.  Students who haven't completed this assignment are more likely to fail.

Please work with your students over this long weekend to complete the Annotations.  If they have a zero for the Student Survey, the Parent/Guardian Survey, the Sign up for Electronic Accounts, or The Road Constructed Response, please have them complete these assignments over the weekend.  These are baseline assignments that we will use for the rest of the year.  

Students also will have USATestPrep.com assignments due every Wednesday and Vocabulary Unit Quizzes every other Friday.  These are on-going assignments designed to boost your students ability and performance, both in this class and on the test, but also in analyzing text and raising their vocabulary level.

I know every student in our class is capable of handling this workload--we do a lot of the work in class, but do require that they reinforce the concepts at home every night.  Please make sure that they are doing their homework and can tell you what we learned in class each day.  It really does help them maintain long-term retention of knowledge.

Thank you for your support.  I hope you have a great weekend.

Anthem Test Next Week -- 9th lit

Hello All!

In looking at the schedule next week (with that test on Wednesday) as well as the results of today's quiz (some people did awesomely, some ... need to make sure they study over the weekend), I think some specific studying might be helpful to students over the weekend.

Their Annotation Guides will be due on Tuesday to make sure they are prepared for the test on Wednesday in class.  What I need for them to do is to make sure their guides are complete, that they can summarize each chapter of the book, that they understand the analysis we have discussed in class.  I also need them to ask questions during the discussion on Tuesday--meaning they should write down any questions they have that they specifically want us to discuss on Tuesday.

Since we finished the book in class today, a strategy I would use is to listen to the book this weekend (so that you're reading it again) while you go through your notes (there are many copies available on youtube, just search "anthem audiobook").  As you listen to the book, edit your notes.  Answer questions you had on your first read-through.  Ask new questions about what is confusing and bring those questions to class on Tuesday.

We also had our first big writing assignment due on turnitin.com yesterday.  Some students turned it in, some did not.  Some completed their "Sign up for Electronic Accounts you need for this class," some did not.  Please use this weekend to make sure you've completed both assignments.  Both can be found in the "Sign up for Electronic..." link on the resources page.

Have a great three day weekend!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Week 1 Down and a Test Coming Up Already

Hello all!

We've had a great first week, and I think a lot of the students understand now what level of effort I expect in the class.  We've had one quiz, and we'll have another one on Friday (through Ch 10 of Anthem).  Our first test is planned for Tuesday, right after MLK Day.  It will be over the skills and concepts we've covered while reading through Anthem, including (but not limited to as this is an English class): tone, mood, characters, setting, conflict, figurative language, imagery, author's purpose, diction, and events and analysis of Anthem.  In addition to this list, students  have been creating Annotations of every chapter.  While these are called "notes" they really are the classwork and homework expected of each student.  These "notes," as well as the skills listed above, becomes their study guides.

As a head's up, on Thursday, we will be in the lab to create our electronic accounts the students need for this class.  You can see the assignment on the Resources page of the blog if you'd like to preview it.  As such, they will be creating professional gmail accounts in class (unless they already have one that meets the requirements).  A lot of times, gmail will ask for a phone number in order to confirm that the account is being created by a person and not a bot.  If they have a cell phone of their own, please allow them to bring it to class on Thursday to facilitate this.  A backup plan is to put in your cell phone number, and then have them call you from a friend's phone so they can get the code.  If they cannot create their accounts during class, they will not be able to finish the assignment (as you need a professional gmail account to sign up for the other accounts).

If you feel like this will be a problem, you can go ahead and help them sign up for a professional gmail account before Thursday morning.  Please use the guidelines on the Electronic Accounts Assignment.

Thank you and have a great week!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Welcome to my class!

Hello All!

I'm very excited to have you in my class.

First up, let's discuss how you use this blog.

This tab is Weekly Updates.  It will just give you an overview of what we have planned in class this week.  It is used for a quick update.

The Resources tab for your class is the most important tab you will use.  It is where I will upload EVERYTHING for this class, including (but not limited to) important links, copies of assignments, copies of handouts, powerpoints, videos, anything we use in class.  If there is a digital version (and I do try to work in digital versions whenever possible) it will be linked on the Resources Tab.

The Calendar tab for your class is the 2nd most important tab for this class.  I use my calendar as my lesson plans.  It will show you all of the activities we do through out the day.  This is important because it not only shows you what is upcoming in our schedule, but is also where you will get the information you missed when you are absent.  If you have any questions about what you missed, you can email me at kimberly [do] bundschu [at] cobbk12 [dot] org or discuss it with me before or after class (not during) when you come back, however, I will expect that you first checked the calendar.  I put a lot of time into getting that information to you and appreciate it when you use it.

The names of activities should be the same on both the calendar and the resources page to make it easy for you.

Next up, let's talk about your first assignments.  All of these assignments will be linked on the Resources page by the first week of school.

9th Lit
  1. You will get a grade when you complete the Student Survey.
  2. You first major assignments will be a novel study of Anthem by Ann Rand (as a part of the Summer Reading Assignment), we will have free copies for students to borrow, but you may choose to obtain your own copy.
  3. You will get your errand passes for your parents/guardians completing the Parent/Guardian Survey AND you complete the Student Survey.  These function as your bathroom/I need to go somewhere passes as well as turn into extra credit at the end of the semester if you don't use them.  It is very important you get your Parents/Guardians to fill out this survey.  Both of these are found on the Resources tab.
  1. You will get a grade when you complete the Student Survey.
  2. You will get your media pass when your parents/guardians complete the Parent/Guardian Survey AND you complete the Student Survey.
I'm looking forward to meeting you on January 5th or at Open House on January 28th.

--Mrs. Bundschu