Friday, April 24, 2015

Short Story Contest Opportunity

Hello everyone!

I’ve been made aware of a short story contest opportunity I’d like to share with you.  If your child would like to participate, please email me with your permission, your child’s name, and your address (so that I can nominate them, a requirement) before 4/29.  The short story itself is due for submission by 5/15.

Please see the information below:

2015 Short Story Contest for Students in Grades 5-12 who have been nominated for a USAA Award by an educator
Topic: Open Topic
Send us a short story of 500 words. You choose the topic. Use your imagination and create a story that includes descriptive settings, colorful characters, dialogue, conflict and solutions. Perhaps you want to write a story about dragons or a day in the country, or a day in the city. Maybe you like mysteries, or adventure, or travel. Use your imagination and write about what interests you. Your story will be judged on spelling, grammar and sentence structure, as well as plot, dialogue, conflict and solutions. Stories from different grade levels are not compared to each other. For example, a 6th grade student’s short story is not compared to a 12th grader’s story. Instead, it is judged individually based on the writing capabilities and expectations of a 6th or 12th grader.

Student Instructions: All short stories submitted must be typed and double-spaced. Only one entry per student. Your name, home address, email address, nominating teacher, school name, city and state, and your grade level must appear on the first page of the text. You can email your essay to or mail it to USAA, 2528 Palumbo Drive, Lexington, KY 40509. Short stories must be received by May 15th.

USAA will choose the top three short stories and award the following: First Place $500, Second Place $300, and Third Place $150. Winners will also receive one complimentary book. We will publish all three short stories in the 2015 USAA National Yearbook. You will become a published author in a nationally distributed book. Publication is an honor that stays with you for a lifetime.

All entries become the property of the United States Achievement Academy and will not be returned. Participation in this contest allows USAA to use short stories in the Academy’s publications.

Good luck to everyone!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Poetry Presentations!

Hello All,

Honors World Lit and On Level World Lit are doing tiered poetry presentations based on poems based on the level they scored on their pretests.  Check each Resources page for your specific packet which contains your rubrics on the last page.  Due to the testing schedule, the presentations will have to be different days for different class periods.  Check the calendar for when your class's deadlines are.

Yearbook We did it!  We're just finishing up the last few distributions then we can start looking ahead to next year!  We're going to have a couple of projects getting us ready for next year before our final exams.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring BREAK!

It's finally here~!

10th World Lit
Your vocabulary unit 8 quiz has been moved to the Wednesday we come back. :)  Your Extra Credit is on the Resources Page.

Honors World Lit
Your vocabulary unit 8 quiz has been moved to the Wednesday we come back. :)  Your Extra Credit is on the Resources Page.

We still have yearbooks to sell then we're going to start getting ready for next year.  :)