Friday, May 19, 2017

It's the Final Countdown!

Hello all!

This is it!  3 More Days!

Today in class we did our final Who am I Presentations and completed the World Lit Year in Review--the last two mandatory assignments for all students.

Students who are exempting the final exam can also exempt the Socratic Seminar on Monday.

Students who are not exempting the final exam must complete their Socratic Seminar questions in preparation for Monday's Seminar and review for the final exam.  Use this opportunity to review Doll House and Poetry.  You need to know the characters of Doll House, the major actions and reveals of the play, the poetic devices definitions and be able to identify examples in the text.

Students who are not exempting the final exam must also get their parents to sign and return the Course Extension Contract.

Keep up the hard work until the end.  YOU CAN DO IT!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Campbell Families:

Campbell Families, we need your help to congratulate one of our own, and we need your vote to help Alexis in her pursuit of an additional scholarship:
Alexis Jones has been selected for the 2017 All-Metro Track & Field team!  This honor has been given to the top athletes in the Atlanta Metro Area by Atlanta Track Club for over 50 years.  Alexis will be honored at the All-Metro Banquet on June 7 at the Stave Room in Atlanta, Ga. 
Now that Alexis has been selected, she is voted on by coaches, teammates, and the general public to determine who was the most outstanding athlete in her category.  A total of four awards will be given out; each athlete who wins one of these awards will also receive a $1,500 scholarship.  The winners will be announced at the banquet on June 7.  Voting will be open from May 16 – 22.  Find the voting links below, and please show your support by casting a vote for Alexis!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Course Extension Information

Hello All,

I'm giving this information to everyone, whether you qualify in my class or not, so that you are aware of the program.

Today we received the criteria and paperwork for Course Extension.  You can find a copy of the contract here.

I will be sending home contracts to each student who *could possibly* qualify for course extension (everyone who is not exempting the final).  Please sign this contract and return it to me.  I'd rather have and not need this contract then need and not have this contract.  Students' final grades will be posted in Synergy before the end of the day they have their final exam.  If a student's final grade falls between 60-69, then they qualify for Course Extension and must participate--this is not an optional program.

The class is $20, due on June 5th, and runs June 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th from 9am to noon.  Students with a final grade of 65-69 only attend the first week; students with a final grade of 60-64 must attend both weeks.  Students may not have any absences.

If you have any questions please email me at kimberly [dot] bundschu [at] cobbk12 [dot] org.

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Pre-Course Reading, Upcoming Assignments, and the Final Exam

Hello All!

You can find a copy of the Pre-Course Reading Assignment here.  Make sure you check the schedule that was sent out last month in homeroom to know which book(s) that you are required to read.  If you've submitted a waiver, but don't know if it's been approved or not, read what you need to read for both the class you are assigned to and the class you want to be in.

The upcoming major assignments for the rest of the semester are on the blog and in Synergy.  You shouldn't have any major surprises between now and May 24th.  Yes, you have more work to do.  Yes, the work is meant to show that you have met the standards of the class and to improve your grade.  If you follow the directions and put forth your best effort, it should help you.  If you do not, it will harm you.  Please use this opportunity to end the semester strong.

The final exam will cover information and analysis of Doll House, the poetry we'll read next week, and some limited vocabulary we've discussed throughout the semester.  You'll receive a list of vocab to concentrate your studying on next week.

We have 15 school days left.  3 weeks.  You can do it!