Friday, March 27, 2020

Week 11 End, Week 12 Preview

Hello Students,

I hope you are all doing well.  I miss y'all so much.

If you also want to see other people's faces, I'm going to be hosting a Zoom meeting (Zoom is an online video chat program) on Tuesdays from 10:30-11:30, starting on 3/31.  This will be an open discussion for any questions or clarifications you might have.  Or for you to just to say hi and see everyone.  I'll be sending an invitation email with the link specifically to all students' accounts.  If you want to be prepared, you can go to and create an account by clicking "Sign in with Google" and use your account.  It will also ask you do download an app, which is very helpful. 

As of today, we've been in Social Distance Learning for 2 weeks.  Up until this point I haven't put any "due dates" on assignments, but the expectation is that you are working on these assignments for about 30 minutes on the date on the assignment.  To clear up some confusion, from now on I'll be assigning due dates for each assignment--the same date I've been putting in the title of the assignment.  If you will not be able to submit that assignment on the due date, please let me know.  I want to make sure that you aren't going to get overwhelmed with a back log of work, and this lets me know how I can best support you.

The assignment for reading A Midsummer Night's Dream has been posted in Google Classroom.  I have put a copy of the assignments on the Resources Page, along with the other past due assignments, but all work is due on Google Classroom, unless another website is specified. 

As always, if you have any questions, I would love to hear from you.  You have a couple of options:  You can ask the question privately or publically on the assignment in Google Classroom.  You can email me at kimberly [dot] bundschu [at] campbellhigh [dot] net.  Or you can text me at seven seven oh, six oh nine, five four eight one.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you on Tuesday.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Week 10 End

Hello Students,

I hope you are all well.  I definitely am missing your faces.

Today marks the last day of our first week of Social Distance Learning.  Thank you so much to those of you who have worked diligently through the week.  To those who haven't, please do your Future Self a favor and make sure you finish your work this week before Monday, when next week's work will be posted.  I definitely don't want you to get so far behind that you feel overwhelmed.  As we discussed in class, you should be spending about 30 minutes a day working on these assignments, so right now, you only have 2.5 hours of work.  Don't let it continue to pile up.  If you have any questions, you can reach out to Mrs. Harris (1st block) or me. 

World Lit and Honors World Lit have been finishing the poetry portion of the unit.  Early next week will do the final writing assignment, then transitioning to reading A Midsummer Night's Dream.  Honors, part of your work will include looking at other groups' Odyssey Projects.  Please try to get that turned in if you haven't already.  If you have life circumstances that make this difficult, please just let me know.

No extra work  will be assigned over the weekend, so if you're on top of your assignments, I hope you enjoy the break.  If you are not on top of your assignments, please use this time to catch up.  So that you are aware, part of your work next week will be to show your parents what you've accomplished.  Some of you are already ready; some of you aren't.  You know what you need to do.

Yearbook, today is the day.  Final checks and edits are happening and we're submitting the book today.  Thank you so much for your hard work this semester.  I'll be notifying you through the chat for what we need to do to finish this then updating grades of what you've done.  Most of you had a few, or many, spreads that were not done on time, so I'll be updating the make up work with grades you've earned.  I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to not doing Yearbook work this weekend.  Next week your assignments will be on Google Classroom. 

I know we're all getting a bit stir crazy, but we can get through this.  Happy Friday.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Week 10, 1st Week of Safe-distance Learning

Hello Students and Parents,

These are the important reminders and links now that we are moving to safe-distance learning starting Monday.

  • Assignments will be posted on Google Classroom for each class.  The codes for my class are on My Login Page.
    • Each assignment will tell you how to submit the assignment.  Usually either Google Classroom or
    • All assignments for each day should not take you more than 30 minutes to complete, per county policy.  If an assignment takes more than 30 minutes, you may wish to ask yourself:  Are you trying to multitask?  Are you paying more attention to the music or video than the assignment?  Are you overthinking the assignment and going too detailed?  Do you need help?
    • Ms. Harris and I, as well as the rest of your teachers, will be available during the hours of 10:30-12pm.  My phone number is listed in all of my messages on Synergy if you have an immediate and time sensitive question within that time period.  Please email questions if it does not need an immediate answer.  
    • The expectation is that school is still in session.  We have been directed by administration to keep this expectation.  You ARE responsible for every assignment.  If you do not do the work while we are out of face-to-face school, then you will be expected to complete it upon returning to school.  That would be awful.  Do your future-self a favor and do it a little every day.  
  • Links for all resources will still be on the Resources Page.
  • The link to CTLS for quizzes and tests is: 
    • Assessments, such as quizzes and tests, should be completed in the presence of your parent or guardian.  
    • Students may use notes on quizzes and tests.  Students may not use the internet or other people on quizzes and tests. 
    • If you have a technical difficulty during a test or quiz, the parent or guardian must be the one to email or text me to fix it.  
  • If you have difficulty with your account, email: library [at]
  • When communicating with your teacher, it is very important to make sure you tell me your name.  Parents, for ease of communication, please include the name of your student in each email/text.  
  • The New York Times, usually a subscription only service, has made all information about the coronavirus free for all readers.  You can find the latest information here.
  • If you are interested in what getting a coronavirus test is like, this is the video I mentioned in class that students requested I post.  It is the only one I saw that followed the reporter through the testing in Korea, instead of quick shots of people going through the process.  CW: that swab really does go all the way up the nose.  
  • This is the list of products from the EPA that are known to kill the coronavirus, per student request.
  • Several companies are offering free or reduces cable packages during this time.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Week 9 -- Coronovirus Plans and Procedures

Hello Parents (and Students),
While we hope that the coronavirus will not disrupt any of our learning, we are aware that it is a possibility, especially with the temporary closure of Kincaid Elementary School within our county.  
To help prevent the spread of any illness, as of today, I have ceased accepting any physical work.  To practice this, today’s assignment (a TP-CASTT of a choice of 3 poems from our Poetry Packet) should be hand-written in students’ journals, then a picture of the work is to be turned in on Google Classroom.  Students will also need access to Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Slides. If there is a concern about the availability with technology, please let me know as soon as possible.  
In the event of a school closure, all new assignments will be communicated to students through Google Classroom (as students were asked to turn on notifications, so they’ll get an alert when a new assignment is posted).  You can find the join codes for the class on my original My Login Assignment, linked on the Resources Page.
Each assignment will explain in the instructions how to submit it for grading.  Assignments will be:
  • Formative (classwork, first drafts, planning documents, annotations)-- turned in on Google Classroom
  • Summative Assignments (essays, projects, etc.) -- turned in on (as usual)
  • Tests and Quizzes -- Turned in on CTLS: link (it is case sensitive)
During school days, all high school teachers will be available for electronic communication between the hours of 10:30am-12pm.  The expectation is that students will have an assignment every school day.
Depending on the needs of the class and the length of our potential quarantine, there will potentially be live streams or group chats for answering questions that would benefit the whole group.  Students may be asked to post videos of their projects on youtube using their accounts (these do not have to be public--but must be shared with my account).
Today I had students take home their Springboard Textbooks (just in case), we will be utilizing them starting next week.  They do not need to bring them back every day--just keep them at home. I also told them the next text we will read--which is available for free online, but if you would rather get a physical copy of A Midsummer Night's Dream, you can.   In the meantime, in class we will use online copies, where we have wifi.
As for yearbook, the final deadline for submission is the deadline for submission.  There is no more extra time. We discussed this in class today and made some hard choices.  We need to do our best to get everything done as well as we can. Pages that cannot get finished will receive a consequence, as outlined in the syllabus.
The main thing to remember with all of this is that we are being cautious and careful with our decisions concerning both learning and health.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free.  

Friday, March 6, 2020

Week 8 -- 48 Days Left

Hello Students (and Parents),

As of today, we have less than 50 school days left in the semester. Now is a good time to check your grades, think about how you are preparing for the big assignments, and make sure you're continuing to work towards the grade you want at the end of the semester.

Both On Level and Honors World Literature are working through a Poetry Prelude before we start to read Shakespeare.  In addition to that, Honors is also working on their Odyssey Group Projects.  The Projects are due by next Friday.  We have some time every day to work on it in class, but students also need to be in communication with their group members outside of school.

The Yearbook final deadline is approaching like a freight train. Students grades reflect how on top of their deadlines they are. Once final deadline is here, that's is. The book goes toto the printers. There is no other opportunities to do make up work.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Happy Friday!