Thursday, April 19, 2018

Progress Reports and Projects coming up

Hello All,

Friday the final progress report will be sent home.  We only have 24 more days of school left before the end of the year.

Friday will also be our Doll House Test.  Please make sure you have gone over the play and are prepared to answer questions, especially about the character's actions, personality, and interactions.

Next week we'll be continuing on to Arguments as Honors will complete the Human Rights Project and On Level will complete the Non-Profit Project.  We will end the year with some Poetry.  Our final exam will cover argument techniques and poetic devices and analysis--basically, how people communicate. 

Honors students also need to be finishing up their Independent Reading books next week to be prepared to work on their Book Trailers the week after. 

Keep working strong through these last 5 weeks of class.  You can do this!