Friday, October 31, 2014

Monday's PPT

Week 13

Hello All,

This week we're starting our final unit of the semester! This is it, we're in the last 6 weeks.  We can do it!

Honors 10th World Lit
You should be reading the Poisonwood Bible--20 pages every night on average.  It's up to you if you need to read more or less on any given night, but so long as you're reading 140 pages per week, you'll be ready for the quiz every Friday.  Check the Poisonwood Bible PPT for all of your assignments.  Speaking of, don't forget about the homework on Tuesday.  It's already on the PPT.

On Monday we're going to start doing the background reading for Oedipus.  If you are a dramatic person and would like (some extra credit) to perform a part (from the safety of your desk), then let me know on Wednesday :)

10th World Lit
Don't forget to be making progress on your Parallel Reading book.  This assignment is a MAJOR assignment, and can seriously help, or seriously hurt, your grade.  Doing a little bit each day will relieve the stress.  Keep up with your checklist!

On Monday we're going to start doing the background reading for Oedipus.  If you are a dramatic person and would like (some extra credit) to perform a part (from the safety of your desk), then let me know on Wednesday :)

Make sure you're working on your deadlines so that you won't be messed up when the portraits show up.  I'm really loving how the book is coming along so far, let's keep it up!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Update on online textbook

Also see announcement below, but try ccsdyournumber for the log in and cobb2015 for your password.  *fingers crossed*

Online Textbook and Week 12

I hope everyone is having a fantastic Friday.

All World Lits
Okay, so the online textbook isn't as working as I hoped.  Awesome.  I've found versions of the stories in the same translations online and linked them on the respective resource pages.  Study hard this weekend.  You can do it.  Both classes have their Unit 3 Mini quiz on Monday, their ATAs on Tuesday, and their Unit Tests on Thursday.  See below for additional information.

10th World Lit
For your unit test, you need to know your archetypes, Gilgamesh, and 1001 Nights.  Make sure you know the stories enough to answer comprehension questions as well as interpretation and analysis from selections.  Students who didn't have their narratives ready today NEED to have them ready on Monday.  Please finish these over the weekend to earn your points.

Honors 10th World Lit
For your unit test, you need to know your archetypes, Gilgamesh, 1001 Nights, and the Iliad.  Make sure you know the stories enough to answer comprehension questions as well as interpretation and analysis question from the selections as well as a cold reading passage.  I've decided with so much on our plates, that we're going to do something different from what I've warned you about on Monday.  Just study over the weekend and meet me in the lab.  Monday should be a lot less stressful and a lot more preparation for the test.  Do make sure you have your packet ready to turn in, though.

Please work hard over the weekend.  We need to start submitting pages on Monday.  I want to give you your grades, but can't until I have your pages done.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Online Textbook

Hello All,

The online textbook is working and up to date.

Go to  and log in.  Your login is ccsdyournumber, your password is your number.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 11

Hello all!

10th World Lit
This week students will continue to work on their Parallel Reading and Vocabulary homework while they read 1001 Nights in class.  We're getting close to our unit tests next week--please review Gilgamesh and Archetypes!  Your parallel reading assignment has started.  We're already done with step 5, if you are behind, you can still catch up!

10th World Lit Honors
This week we'll start to read the Iliad.  Make sure you check the calendar for what you need to read to be prepared for class the next day.  Inside of class we'll be completing matching activities for what we read at home and reading 1001 Nights.  The collection of these activities will be due on Monday.  Check the resources page for the growing list.

Since we are waiting for the mugs to be uploaded into edesign, I've gone ahead and assigned all of the pages for the rest of the semester.  Start working on the Yellow and Green deadlines while we are waiting.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 10

Hello All!

10th World Lit
Your parallel reading selection was due today.  Your One Pager, your Parent Permission, and your book should have been ready to turn in to class today.  The gradebook has been updated to reflect our records.  For this assignment, deadlines work a little differently.  Each mini-chunk of the giant assignment is due each week.  You can turn them in early for 10/10 points.  You can turn them in late for 1/10 points (to show you did do it, but didn't do it on time).  This is to make sure you're on time for when we get to the summative assignments of the overall project.

This week we'll be reading 1001 Nights and working on a SOAPSTone Reading Activity.  You can check out the calendar if you want to see a head's up of most of the assignments/deadlines for the rest of the semester.

Honors 10th World Lit
We'll start reading The Iliad next Monday, please have your copy, or your checkout form, back by then.  After we finish The Iliad we're going to read The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.  We don't have any copies of this book for students to borrow, so students will have to obtain their own.  There are a multitude of ways to obtain this book, new, used, physically, or on a smartphone.  If you are having trouble obtaining a copy due to funds, please see me.

For the rest of this week, we're working through the Flood comparison group assignment, and starting 1001 Nights.  We'll probably finish 1001 Nights next week since our Flood presentations are Friday and Wednesday we have a really short class.  You can check out the calendar if you want to see a head's up of most of the assignments/deadlines for the rest of the month.

Year IIs are working hard on finishing their pages.

Year Is are working hard on selling Senior Tribute ads and helping out the Year IIs.

Happy Monday Everyone!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Honors Parallel Reading

Hello all,

I've had several parents point out the difficulty of obtaining a copy of the Iliad in the time frame provided.  Thank you.  What we've done (and we discussed this in class today), is pushed the Iliad back a week and are giving the students a group assignment that was originally planned for the week after.  Please get your copy of the Iliad as soon as possible--we'll start working with it on the 20th.  We are only reading selections from it, but it is a great novel to have read in preparation for the AP exams.

I'll also let you know what the other parallel reading book is by next week so you can go ahead and order it in advance of the next unit.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Parallel Reading

Good afternoon everyone!

Parallel Reading is an assignment that takes place outside of class that goes along with what we're learning in our regular classes.  See below for your parallel reading assignment :)

10th World Lit
Find a copy of your parallel reading assignment here.  Yes, it is long.  Yes, this is a 2 month long assignment.  Make sure you stay on top of your formative deadlines so that your summative deadlines don't become overwhelming.  You'll need your book by Monday, so you'll need to get your permission slip signed before Monday.

Honors 10th World Lit
We will have 2 more parallel readings for this semester.  For our first parallel reading we'll be reading selections from The Iliad by Homer, specifically translated by W. H. D. Rouse.  It is recommend that you get your own copy so you can write/highlight/sticky in your book.  Your first assignment will be given on Monday, so please have your copy (or a copy of the permission to borrow form) by then.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Yearbook Login Problems

Hello all,

This is what tech support said:

  1. Make sure you go directly to  Don't search via google.
  2. Make sure your firewall allows you to view  Add it to your permissions.
  3. Make sure your pop up blocker allows  Add it to your permissions.
  4. Make sure your flash player is up to date and allows  Add it to your permissions.
If you still cannot log in at home, then call tech support and they'll help you out specifically.  1-877-362-7750.  Tell them your a student at Kell High School.  Our school code is 10575.  

Email me at kimberly dot bundschu at cobbk12 dot org if you are still have problems after all of that.