Thursday, November 29, 2018

3 weeks left -- all assignments

Hello Multicultural Lit Students and Parents,

Congratulations on having only 3 weeks left of class!

I've already created all the assignments we have remaining in the class in the gradebook so you know exactly where you stand between now and the end of the semester. 

In order to support you, as we've discussed in class, I've extended the deadline for the Thanksgiving Break Grade Recovery Assignments to 12/9 at 11:59pm, however, if you want them to count towards exam exemptions, I need them by 12/2 at 11:59pm so that I can grade them by the 12/7 cut off.

While we're reading American Born Chinese, make sure you're completing your daily journal entry and keeping up with the Study Guide Questions, as well as being prepared to present your assigned question to the class.

If you'd like to preview the final presentation assignment, I've already linked it to the Resources Page on the blog.  You'll get a printout copy next week.

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Thanksgiving Break Optional Assignments

Hello All,

Several students have asked what they can do to bring up their grade.  The following is a completely optional assignment that, if you follow all directions and turn in a product that shows that you have mastery of the Standards, add up to 60 points if you didn't turn in the original assignment, or up to 20 points if you did turn in the original assignment (maximum grade of 100).  You may do 1, 2, 3, or none of the assignments. 

Optional Thanksgiving Break Grade Recovery Assignment

We're also having our 2nd Socratic Seminar tomorrow.  Students were given the questions today, but you can also find them here.  Make sure you are prepared by completely answering the questions on a separate sheet of paper.  I'll also be collecting both Archetype Graphic Organizers and the Feminist Graphic Organizer.  Copies of those are on the Resources Page of the blog. 

Have a great Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Time is getting closer

Hello All,

As we enter the last 6 weeks of school, we're getting really close to grades being finalized. 

As announced in class last week, all makeup work for summative grades is due on by November 9th. 

The next large assignment will be next week, and the notes about Literary Criticisms are on the Resources Page of my blog.  Students will need to know those criticisms well in order to complete the next assignment. 

Friday, October 26, 2018

Head's Up -- Quiz in Multi Lit on Monday

Hello Seniors,

This is a reminder that you'll have a short quiz over the readings of 1.19 and 1.20 on Monday.  If you don't feel confident about those stories, I suggest you look over them again.  I send the link to the online book (we're in Unit 1) to your Synergy messages.

Also, I need you to have your Planning Document 1 and 2 finished and at least 3 sections of your Reflective Essay completed when you walk in the door on Monday so you can be finished with your draft of your essay BEFORE you leave class on Monday (not at 11:59, before you leave).

I hope you have a great weekend!  

Friday, October 12, 2018

8 Weeks Left in the Semester

Hello All,

Thank you for your understanding while I was (and still am) dealing with medical issues.  I'm working on a solution and appreciate your continued support, especially on the days that I have to be out for doctor's appiontments.

With that said, as of just now I've finished catching up on all of the major grades for all classes.  As a reminder, the formative category is only worth 20% of your total grade, while your summative category is worth 65% and the final exam is worth 15%.  The summative grades impact your overall grade the most, and the grades for each categry are an average of all of your scores in that category.  This means low summative grades will impact your grade a lot and for a long time.  The next big grade coming up is a Reflective Essay (Multi-Lit) and your first deadline (Yearbook).

Please look over your grade (or your child's grade) and feel free to reach out with any comments or concerns.  If you're not happy with your grade, there is plenty of time to bring it up, but you must do your best for the rest of the semester.  If you are happy with your grade, keep up the hard work and stay strong through the end!

Thank you and I hope you have a great week. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

5 Weeks Down!

Hello All,

Wrapping up another week, so let's check in.

Multicultural Lit:  We're working towards our next major assignment of the Photo Essay.  So far we've analyzed different ways and perspectives to look at things as well as analyzing several example photo essays.  Next week we'll continue to look at how images are can be constructed to enhance communication before we develop our arguments for the photo essays.

Yearbook:  Students have done the prep work and are beginning to work on their actual pages!  We'll go through how to construct an angle, the norms of our book design and requirements, as well as how to upload photos and mods.  We're also having one of our huge days--Picture Day--next Wednesday.  We're going to need all hands on deck to make sure this day runs as smoothly as possible while photographing 3,000 people.  Yep.  3,000 students and staff.

I hope y'all have a great weekend.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Open House, Subplans, and New Unit

Hello Parents!

While Open House is this week on Thursday, since I am the Yearbook Adviser, I'll be selling yearbooks during Open House hours.  If you'd like to schedule a one on one conference, please feel free to contact me.  If you'd just like to touch base about your student, emailing me is the best way to contact me. 

We've just finished up our introductory unit in Multicultural Lit and are beginning to start working with the Springboard texts.  Students can access this text through, logging in with Active Directory at school, and with their accounts at home (the password is your computer password).

Yearbook is beginning to get into the swing of things and planning how we are going to focus our coverage.  Students will continue this conversation and discussion of how we want to showcase the school this year.

Hello Students!

As I stated in class today, you'll have a substitute teacher on Wednesday.  This does not mean it's a free day!  We'd be doing the same activity if I were in class.  I expect that you will treat the substitute teacher with respect and make me proud as I read my notes on Thursday morning.

Multicultural Lit:
I expect you to finish all of the following steps.

  1. Today you will complete activity 1.3 in Springbroard on pages 7 and 8.  You will turn this in to the teacher before you leave.
  2. You will start with annotating the Learning Targets (circle the verb, underline the direct object).  Read the instructions under “How Are Perspectives Different?” carefully.  This gives you the scenario you’ll be analyzing as well as how to complete the graphic organizer on page 8.
  3. Complete the graphic organizer on page 8, answer the question to Check your Understanding in “My Notes” section on page 8.
  4. On another sheet of paper, complete the Narrative Writing Prompt.
  5. Staple both of these together and turn in with your name on the front page.

I expect you to finish all of the following steps.
  • After you finish with the IDs, I want you to continue to work on the ladder.
  • You will turn in a completed, in pencil, list on the attached pages.  You can leave page topics blank, but I want to know how many pages will go in which section, which order of sections do you want.  
  • Ie: how many pages will we use for the opening, student life section, senior life section, senior portraits, junior portraits, sophomore portraits, freshmen portraits, faculty section (4 pages!), athletics, clubs and organizations, academics, ads, and index.  Don’t forget 1 or 2 pages for dividers between sections (do we want a spread?  Or just either a right side or left side of the page for a divider?).  
  • Use the stickies to help inform your decisions.  Make some decisions about the clubs (do not cut anything out at this point, but you might want to assign more than one club a page--if so, which would make sense to go on the same page?)
  • You may also discuss whether we want to stick with 176 pages, or go up to 180 or 184 pages (those are really our options based on price). 
Have a great week!

Friday, August 10, 2018

Happy Friday! Dialectical Journal and Yearbook to-dos

Hello All!

Thank you for a wonderful week.

Multi Lit students:  Click here to get the Precourse Reading Rubric.  If you answer all of the blue questions on your graphic organizer, you should be fine.  Remember, this is due next Friday, but my hope is that everyone will be done by Tuesday.

Yearbook Students:  Be thinking of what themes we could possibly apply to our book.  Our to-do-list for next week includes:

  • Filling out our contact sheet
  • Signing up for groups
  • Photo project presentations on Monday
  • Figuring out our theme!
  • Figure out our budget
  • Work on our ladder!
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Dialectical Journal and Syllabus Links

Hello All,

If you have not done so yet, please get your syllabus signed and returned.

Multicultrual Lit Syllabus
Yearbook/Journalism Syllabus

Tomorrow we'll begin working with the Precourse Reading Dialectical Journal Graphic Organizer in our Multi Lit class.  The final due date is next week Friday, but I expect that you'll be able to turn it in on Tuesday so you don't have to worry about it being late. 

Yearbook class, don't forget to work on your Photography Project as well as your Ethic's Blog--both are on google classroom.

Have a great week!

Friday, August 3, 2018

Week 1 down!

Hello Students!

Parents, I've cced you on

The first Friday is down and we are getting ready for our first full week.

Today we handed out our syllabi.  Please make sure that you get that signed and returned as quickly as possible.  If you need an extra copy, click on the link below:

Multicultrual Lit Syllabus
Yearbook/Journalism Syllabus

Next week in Multi Lit we'll be reading through our precourse reading and working on perfecting our Dialectical Journals so bring your copy of Between the World and Me.

Next week in Yearbook we'll start our Photography Project (due Friday), begin going over concepts of ethics, how to have good interviews, and how to write good articles.  We'll also have our vocabulary quiz. 

I'm so happy that you are all in my classes and I look forward to working with you throughout the semester!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Welcome to Fall 2018

Hello All!

I am so excited to move up to Senior Lit with you this year.  I know that we will have a fantastic semester together and I'm so excited to see you graduate this Spring.

As a reminder, the Precourse Reading for our Multicultural Lit class is "Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehisi Coates.  Just as the last 3 years, you will complete a Dialectical Journal that will be turned in to  You can find a copy of a template you can copy and use here.  You should bring the book with you, either physically or on an electronic device (personally I'm reading the kindle version on my phone) on the first day of school.

I'm looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday!  Enjoy your last week of break!

Campbell High School
Senior Lit
Yearbook Adviser
Room 923


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Precourse Reading for Next Year

Congratulations everyone!  

I want to thank you all so much for making this year so successful.  You are all amazing people and I am very grateful I got to have all of you in my room this year.  

I know the year is just now over, but as you know, the easiest way to start the next year strong is to do the Precourse Reading *before* the course starts.  You can find a copy of the assignment here.  You can make a copy of the Dialectical Journal Template here.  Go ahead and talk with your parents about picking up the book for the English course you're signed up for and make a plan for when you're going to complete this assignment.  If I were you, I'd do my future self a favor and plan to start reading the week of June 4th and complete the assignment the week of June 11th.  I would go ahead and order the book, and set reminders on my phone for those weeks so I make sure I do it.  That way I'd be done with it and it wouldn't be hanging over my head all summer.  Either way, make a plan that works for you and do it!

I hope you all have a fantastic summer.  

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Course Extension

Hello All,

Some students were given Course Extension Contracts to sign and return.  If you need an extra copy of this, you can find it below.  Parents of Honors students should also read the Honors Letter for clarification about that situation.

Please sign and return this form.  As always, I hope we do not need to use these contracts, but I would rather have and not need them than need and not have them.

Thank you.

Friday, May 11, 2018

6 Days Left

Hello All,

We have only 6 days left of class before final exams!  We only have a few grades left so make sure you're on track!

Monday the 14th:

  • Honors: Book Trailers to be shown in class
  • On Level and Honors: Work on poetry packet
Tuesday the 15th:

  • Honors: Book Trailers to be shown in class
  • On Level and Honors: Finish work on poetry packet
Wednesday the 16th:
  • Honors: Vocabulary Test Units 1-7
  • On Level and Honors: Compose your Who am I poem and plan your presentation
Thursday the 17th:
  • On Level and Honors: Revise, edit, and finalize your Who am I poem and plan your presentation.  Turn in your poem to
Friday the 18th:
  • All:  Who am I presentations

Monday the 21st:
  • All:  Review for Final Exam
Tuesday the 22nd:
  • All:  Final Exam 1st and 2nd
Wednesday the 23rd:
  • All:  Final Exam 3rd and 4th

Friday, May 4, 2018

Getting Close to the End--Makeup Work and Human Rights and NonProfit Projects

Hello All,

As I've been saying the last 2 weeks in class, all makeup work is due today.  I'm not going to grade any makeup work turned in after this weekend.  The time has come and this is make or break time.

Look to the following list to double check that your group has turned in all of the assignments for this project.

For your Human Rights Project make sure you turn in the following assignments on

  • Human Rights Project -- your notecards with in text citations (Bundschu)
  • Human Rights Project Revision 1 -- your rough draft of your script with in text citations
  • Human Rights Project Revision 2 -- your rough draft of your slides presentation
  • Human Rights Project Revision 3 -- your final draft of your script with in text citations
  • Human Rights Slides Presentation with Links if needed -- your final draft of your slides presentation with any links, pictures, and videos you've created
On Google Classroom:  
  • Human Rights Presentation -- your final draft of your slides presentation with any links, pictures, and videos you've created
Yes, I need your slides presentation BOTH places.  On Google Classroom so that I can present it for you, on so I can grade it for you.

On Level:
For your NonProfit Presentation make sure you turn in the following assignments on
  • NonProfit Coalition Script -- your rough draft of your script
  • Non Profit Coalition Script Revision 1 -- your final draft of your script
  • Non Profit Visuals -- a google doc or slides that includes your digital visuals or links to your visuals, or a list of what you will have visually in your presentation
On Google Classroom:
  • Non Profit Visuals -- the same google doc or slides that includes your digital visuals or links to your visuals.

Yes, I need your Visuals BOTH places.  On Google Classroom so that I can present it for you (if necessary), on so I can grade it for you.

Moving forward:
Next week we'll have our presentations on Monday, Tuesday, and maybe Wednesday.  We'll start our Poetry Packets and get your study guides for the final exam once presentations are done.  Honors will also be working on their book trailers next week.  

Your final major assignments will be:
  1. Everybody: Creating and presenting a poem (instructions to come)
  2. Honors: Unit 7 Vocab Quiz next Friday
  3. Honors: Book trailers
  4. Everybody: Optional vocabulary test over all units to replace the lowest grade on a previous vocabulary test
  5. Final exam covering Rhetoric and Poetic Devices 
13 days left!  We can do this!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Progress Reports and Projects coming up

Hello All,

Friday the final progress report will be sent home.  We only have 24 more days of school left before the end of the year.

Friday will also be our Doll House Test.  Please make sure you have gone over the play and are prepared to answer questions, especially about the character's actions, personality, and interactions.

Next week we'll be continuing on to Arguments as Honors will complete the Human Rights Project and On Level will complete the Non-Profit Project.  We will end the year with some Poetry.  Our final exam will cover argument techniques and poetic devices and analysis--basically, how people communicate. 

Honors students also need to be finishing up their Independent Reading books next week to be prepared to work on their Book Trailers the week after. 

Keep working strong through these last 5 weeks of class.  You can do this!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Capstone and Independent Reading

Hello All,

This week students are finishing their research for the Capstone Project.  Honors will be expected to complete this assignment before we get back from Spring Break, while on level will be composing the project in class together.

After we come back from Spring Break students will be completing an Independent Reading Project.

In Honors:
For this project, they were asked to choose a book from the list of books that have appeared on the AP Lit test, found here, so that they will be more well-read and better prepared for that test, if they should choose to take it.  As such, the list is large and some of the texts are on varied maturity levels.

In On Level:
For this project, students were asked to choose a book that they want to read as reading more promotes better literacy and raises vocabulary and lexile levels just through the act of reading.

For everyone:
If you have any concerns with your child's choice, please let both of us know so that they can choose another book.

Students are expected to bring this text with them to class on Monday when we return from Spring Break.

Happy Thursday!

Capstone Project and Independent Reading

Hello All, This week students are finishing their research for the Capstone Project. Honors will be expected to complete this assignment before we get back from Spring Break, while on level will be composing the project in class together. After we come back from Spring Break students will be completing an Independent Reading Project. In Honors: For this project, they were asked to choose a book from the list of books that have appeared on the AP Lit test, found here, so that they will be more well-read and better prepared for that test, if they should choose to take it. As such, the list is large and some of the texts are on varied maturity levels. In On Level: For this project, students were asked to choose a book that they want to read as reading more promotes better literacy and raises vocabulary and lexile levels just through the act of reading. For everyone: If you have any concerns with your child's choice, please let both of us know so that they can choose another book. Students are expected to bring this text with them to class on Monday when we return from Spring Break. Happy Thursday!

Friday, March 23, 2018

Fast approaching Spring Break

Hello All!

As we look forward to Spring Break, here's a head's up of upcoming assignments and expectations.

  • Our Poisonwood Bible Socratic Seminar is Monday, come to class with a physical copy of your answers.
  • The Poisonwood Bible MWDS is due Tuesday.
  • The Poisonwood Bible Test is on Tuesday.
  • The Vocabulary Test covering units 1-4 is Wednesday.
  • Your next step, including all previous steps, in the Capstone Project is due Wednesday.
  • We'll be starting Doll House before we leave.  We'll be reading from the textbook in class, and there will be a copy-write free version on the Resources Page.  You will have a MWDS and a test when we return.
  • We will be starting our reading circles (independent reading, but from a list) when we get back, so you'll need a copy of your text on Monday when we return.
On Level:
  • Your Vocabulary Test Covering units 1-4 is Wednesday.
  • Your next step, including all previous steps, in the Capstone Project is due Wednesday.
  • We'll be starting Doll House before we leave.  We'll be reading from the textbook in class, and there will be a copy-write free version on the Resources Page.  You will have a test when we return.
  • We will be starting our reading circles (independent reading) when we get back, so you'll need a copy of your text on Monday when we return.
Happy Friday!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

This week and while I'm gone

Hello All,

As we've discussed in class, on Thursday you'll be going over Unit 4 Vocab from the Resources Page and continuing to work on your draft.  On Friday you'll be completing the Unit 4 crossword that you already have and continuing to work on your draft. 

Some reminders is that if you are writing a poem, you'll need to include *poetic devices* (you can choose from the whole list).  If you're writing a story, you'll need to include specifically *figurative language and/or sound devices*. 

Your final drafts are due Sunday night on

I'm looking forward to reading your amazing stories on Monday in class.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Change in Plans

Hello all,

Due to a death in the family I'll be out tomorrow.  This means that your vocabulary test will now be on Friday.

Honors, you received the Marriage is a Private Affair activity today. 

On Level, we started the Marriage is a Private Affair today. 

Your job is to:

  1. In the Learning Target and the Setting a Purpose for Reading, you should circle the verbs and underline the direct objects. 
  2. When you are identifying the 5 narrative elements in the text make sure to annotate when you find them and include details about: setting, sequence of events, point of view, theme, and characters. For example, what do you learn and can you infer about the characters?
  3. After you've read through the story once, read it a second time and answer the questions and create and complete the chart in a separate piece of paper. 
You will turn in both your copy of the story and your answer sheet to the sub.

If you finish early, you may:
  1. Read
  2. Practice vocab (individually or with a partner)

I'll see you all Thursday.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Ending Week 7 and February Break

Hello All,

As we finish up these last few days before the break, stay strong!  Progress reports will be sent home the week we come back.

After tomorrow's assembly, we'll be completing the next step of the Capstone Project.  The step by step instructions are already on the Resources Page.

An optional assignment is on the Resources Page to help recover your Precourse Reading grade.  Yes, it involves reading a book, but it's a short book, my copy is 167 pages.  See the assignment for details.

Honors students, we'll also start reading The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver tonight.  On average, you should be reading about 19 pages a night to stay on target for our final assessment.  By the Monday we return, you should read through page 134 (if you're reading the 1998 Harper Perennial version) and you'll stop in "Book 2" at Adah's chapter that starts "Walk to Learn.  I am Path.  Long one is Congo."  There will be a quiz when you get back on Monday.

I hope you have a fantastic break!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Looking towards Weeks 6 and 7 and Next Year's English Classes

Hello All!

I've updated the calendars with the tentative plan for the next 2 weeks.  Yes, those are tests coming up.  Yep, presentations, too.  You can do it.  I believe in you.

We need to talk about next year's placement.  Moving up from our World Literature classes, you have 3 options.

  1. On Level American Literature -- your standard 11th grade literature class that is a requirement for graduation with an EOC.
  2. AP Language -- the Advanced Placement course that focuses on the language of English that includes what you need for your American Lit requirement for graduation and an EOC.  If you pass the AP test in the spring, it counts for college credit.
  3. AP American Studies -- the year long Advanced Placement courses that combines AP US History and AP Language with American Literature in an A day/B day class that discusses the documents from American History for both their literary and historical merits.  It counts as your American Lit graduation requirement as well as your American History requirement.  You will take the American Lit EOC and for each AP Test you pass in the spring, it counts for college credit.
Please talk over your placement desires with your families and be prepared to let me know what you wish to be placed in next week.  AP classes are a lot of work, but if you're willing to do the work, they are worthwhile endevours.  

Parents, if you have any questions or specific requests, please email me and let me know.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Looking for Writing Fair Entries

If you are interested in submitting a piece of writing please contact me asap so we can make sure to get your entry in.  We need your entries before Valentine's Day.  See the official rules below.

Cobb County School District Writing Fair
The purposes of the Writing Fair are (1) to encourage students K-12 to develop writings that represent their best efforts, (2) to provide a context for schools to support and celebrate the writing successes of all students, (3) to encourage and recognize student achievement in writing throughout the system
Each participating school may hold a local school Writing Fair using guidelines/criteria outlined in this packet. Each school judges, selects, and submits one winning entry per grade level within your school. Submit local school winning entries with the entry form attached. Make sure all entries follow all guidelines and all signatures have been signed. (Use provided checklist)
WHAT TO WRITE: Students entries may include:
a. Short Stories
b. Poetry
c. Essays/Literary Criticism/Analysis
d. Journalism
e. Academic/Research Reports
f. Personal Narratives
g. Any Other Original Student Writing
1. Entries must be student generated
2. Entries must be single authored.
3. Entries must not exceed five pages – FRONT ONLY – 8 ½ X 11 paper
4. Entries can be typed or neatly written. (If typed must be Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced).
5. Entries must be original (no copies are needed). We recommend making copies for your records and also if student and/or parent/guardian wants a copy.
6. Do not bind, make a cover for, decorate, laminate, or otherwise alter the original paper on which the entry is written.
7. Student # on top right corner of EACH page of the entry. PLEASE DO NOT PUT NAME OF STUDENT, TEACHER, OR SCHOOL ON PAPER.
8. Entries must be accompanied by an official entry form. Entry forms must be filled out completely and signed by the student, parent, and teacher. Any entry submitted without ALL signatures will be disqualified.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Week 4 and Open House Tonight

Hello All!

This week we've finishing up our Precourse Reading Assignments and are starting to look towards the future.  

On Level was in the Learning Commons today to pick out their Independent Reading Book.  This will be a long term assignment that students should do when they finish with their other assignments and should be a book that they want to read.  They will be given the assignment they need to complete when they finish the book next week.  For now, just begin to read your book and bring it with you to class every day.

Honors started discussing Archetypes in order to prepare to read Oedipus.  They will be working on their Archetype Mini-posters over the weekend.  

Next week all classes will also be starting our Springboard assignments.

This is a reminder that I will give students extra credit for Open House if they:

  1. Bring their parents to Open House
  2. Have their parents attend Open House
  3. Have their parents email me, just touching base.
I will not give students extra credit if they come to Open House without their parents, but I will say hi.

Open House starts at 6:30 tonight.  Students, make sure your parents have access to your schedules.  You can text them the room numbers or take a screen shot of your schedule on Student Vue.  

I hope to see you tonight!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Adjustment for Snow Days

Hello all,

With the snow days coming at a very inopportune time for our assignments, I feel that an adjustment is important to set you up for the best possible chance of success. I hope you've used your time well.

If you turn in your Precourse Reading final drafts (under the Revision 1 assignment) today, you will earn extra credit. If you turn it in by Monday before 11:59pm, it will be considered on time. I understand that some people have lost power and others don't have internet at home, and with the weather, it would be difficult to travel to a location that has internet. I made this decision to be fair to the students who did the work by the due date, as well as those in circumstances that would make completing the assignment challenging. Either way, this gives you plenty of time to have an amazing product. I'm looking forward to reading your analyses. (If you overwrite your assignment, I can only see the most recent submission, so if you resubmit after today, you will not earn extra credit.)

On Level, we will have our Socratic Seminar on Monday. Have your answers to the Socratic Seminar questions answered and be prepared to discuss. The test will be on Tuesday.

Honors, we will have our Socratic Seminar the day we return to school, whether that is Friday or Monday.  The test will be the day after, either Monday or Tuesday. Be prepared. Have the answers to your Socratic Seminar questions written and ready to go.

The Socratic Seminar questions can be found on the Resources Page.

If you have any questions, please feel free.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Week 0.5 Down!

Hello All!

It was lovely to meet you all this half week and I'm looking forward to an amazing semester with you.

Next week we'll be going over more specifically what I'm looking for in the Precourse Reading assignment, because I want all of you to earn an excellent grade on this first major assignment of the semester.  We will be working on it in class, but On Level should preread the first chapter and Honors should read the first half of Persepolis.

Next week we'll be starting our Unit 1 vocabulary (the list is already linked on the Resources Page if you want to preview it) as well as reading through Persepolis (and starting Kite Runner, Honors).  On Wednesday we'll meet in the Media Center to work on all of our electronic accounts we'll need this semester.

Next week our Errand Pass system as well as the cell phone policy will go into place.  Make sure you're familiar with the expectations on the Syllabus, including the Surveys, as well as with the other classroom procedures.

Also make sure you check the calendar for your class to see when upcoming quizzes or assignments are due.

As a head's up, in Advisement today students were given their Report Cards for last semester.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Welcome to World Literature Spring 2018!

Hello All!

I'm very excited to have you in my class at Campbell High School.

First up, let's discuss how you use this blog.

This tab is Weekly Updates.  It will just give you an overview of what we have planned in class this week.  It is used for a quick updates and head's ups.

Our updates will often refer to the Resources Page.  This is an online document that I will upload EVERYTHING for this class, including (but not limited to) important links, copies of assignments, copies of handouts, powerpoints, videos, anything we use in class.  If there is a digital version (and I do try to work in digital versions whenever possible) it will be linked on the Resources Page.  You can get to the Resources Page one of two ways.  1.  I will send the link to you in a Student/ParentVue message.  2.  You can click on the Resources Tab and follow the instructions.

The Calendar tab for your class one of the most useful places on this blog.  I use my calendar as my agenda.  It will show you all of the activities we do through out the day.  This is important because it not only shows you what is upcoming in our schedule, but is also where you will get the information you missed when you are absent.  If you have any questions about what you missed, you can email me at kimberly [do] bundschu [at] cobbk12 [dot] org or discuss it with me before or after class (not during) when you come back, however, I will expect that you first checked the calendar.  I put a lot of time into getting that information to you and appreciate it when you use it.

The names of activities should be the same on the Calendar, the Resources Page, and in Synergy to make it easy for you.

Next up, let's talk about your first assignments.  All of these assignments will be linked on the Resources Page by the first week of school.

World Lit and Honors World Lit
  1. You will get a grade when you complete the Student Survey.  This is your first homework assignment.  
  2. You first major assignments will be from a novel study of Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi and if you are in Honors, you are also responsible for The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.  This includes, but is not limited to, your Precourse Reading Assignment which will be checked on day 1, and fully submitted on August 11th, as well as several small and large grades.  You will need to bring this book to class every day, either physically or electronically.  This means you will need to obtain a copy of the book, read and analyze it.
  3. You will get your errand passes for your parents/guardians completing the Parent/Guardian Survey AND you complete the Student Survey.  These function as your bathroom/I need to go somewhere passes as well as turn into extra credit at the end of the semester if you don't use them.  It is very important you get your Parents/Guardians to fill out this survey.  Both of these are found on the Resources Page.
I'm looking forward to meeting you and having our class together.  See you soon!