Monday, August 29, 2016

First Test of the Semester

Hello All!

The time has come!

On Level, your first test is tomorrow!  You will be asked to analyze The Alchemist, "Marriage is a Private Affair," "No Witchcraft for Sale," and a cold reading.  The test is 30 questions and a short constructed response.

Honors, your first test is Wednesday!  You will be asked to analyze The Alchemist, The Kite Runner, Marriage is a Private Affair," "How Much Land Does a Man Need," and a cold reading.  The test is 50 questions and 2 short constructed responses.

I believe in you.  You can do it!

Be prepared!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Open House

Hello All!

Open House is this Wednesday, 8/24, starting at 6:30.  I would love to see you there.  Students who come with their parents/guardians will receive extra credit.  Parents/guardians who come will receive extra credit for their children.  Parents/guardians who cannot come, but who email me touching base will receive extra credit for their children.  Honestly, I just like meeting and talking with your parents.

Unfortunately, because Open House is so public, we will not be able to discuss individual grades during that time, for your privacy.  However, if you'd like to arrange a time for a parent/teacher/student conference, please email me so we can arrange a good time for all of us.  

Happy Monday!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Google Classroom and Instructions

Hi All,

Some students have asked for instructions about how to submit assignments to and Google Classroom.

I've created 2 documents and linked them to the Resources page, both with pictures and detailed instructions.  If you still have trouble, please let me know in class tomorrow, after we start the work session.  I'll walk you through it.

I know for some of you it feels like a lot of technology, but the more you use it, the more you'll feel comfortable with any technology thrown at you in life.  I know it's a steep learning curve for some of you and am 100% willing to help you.  Before or after school by appointment, and I have 3rd block planning, so if you want to arrange a lunch meeting one day, we can do that.

After you submit the assignments you're missing, I'll adjust your grades appropriately.

You can do this.  I thoroughly expect the majority of you to earn at least a B in the next couple of weeks, and keep it throughout the semester.  As the Hitchkiker's Guide to the Galaxy says, "Don't Panic" (Adams, 27).

Happy Thursday,

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Presentations Start Tomorrow!

Hi All,

Make sure you bring a copy (either printed or accessible on your phone) of either your Personal Legend Essay or your Poem to present in class tomorrow.  If it's on your phone make sure you can pull it up easily, if it's on paper, make sure it's printed *before class* so you are ready to present when you walk in the door.

Go ahead and read aloud your choice a few times tonight so you are comfortable and practiced in your reading.  You don't have to memorize anything.  This is an informal presentation.

I'm looking forward to your presentations!

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, August 12, 2016

World Lit Week 2 Down!

Hello All,

Parents, I copy you on all of my emails to the students so that you know what's going on in our classes, however, I noticed that many students don't have their email linked in StudentVue.  Could you please ask your child to update their profile so they get these emails as well?

Students, thank you so much for working with me as we both learn how Google Classroom works.  You do need to upload your drafts from google docs to classroom today for all 3 writing assignments (even if they are nowhere near done).  However, DO NOT "TURN IT IN".  When you add assignment, I can see it and you can still edit it.  If you click turn it in on Google Classroom, it locks you out of the document.  If you get locked out, you can click unsubmit and you'll be able to edit it again.

When you are finished with your drafts, you can go ahead and turn in your final published document to  The due dates for these assignments are:

  1. Monday, 8/15, 11:59pm: Personal Legend Essay
  2. Tuesday, 8/16, 11:59pm: Where I am From Poem
  3. Monday, 8/22, 11:59pm: Precourse Reading (Honors, both assignments on one document)
Please don't stay up until midnight completing these assignments.  Try to work hard over the weekend so you can finish on time.

Students will be presenting either their Personal Legend Essay or their Where I am From Poem on Wednesday and Thursday next week.  There may be a reading quiz on Monday to check their understanding of their reading homework.  By may, I mean there will be a reading quiz on Monday.  Please make sure you're up to date on the homework reading.  To check where you need to be, check out the Calendar.

I know it feels like a lot, but as one of you said, "It feels like a lot, but I'm getting it done, so it's not so bad."  I hope you used the in class time this week to work effectively so you don't have a lot of homework over the weekend.

The Unit Test is coming up and will cover the summer reading novel(s) and some short pieces we'll read over the course of the next 2 weeks.

Happy Friday!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Week One Down

Hello All,.

I want to thank you all for helping to make my first week at Campbell such a positive one.  I am so happy to have all of you in my class!  Yes, even you.  Especially you.  It's been a joy to begin to get to know you.

This week we did a lot of getting ready for the year--what standards are expected, assignments to give me a baseline of your abilities.  If you have not turned in the Letter to the Future, a copy of the instructions are on the Resources page.  Please get that to me by Monday so I can grade it.  Because it is the first assignment, I will take it late, on Monday.  After this, everything is due when it is due and the late policy applies.

Speaking of policies, make sure you turn in the Student Survey and your parents/guardians complete the Parent/Guardian Survey (both linked on the Resources page).  Those policies do go into effect on Monday and I'll be distributing Errand Passes to students who have both surveys completed.

You have 3 big assignments coming up, don't forget to complete your reading of the Alchemist to be ready for these assignments and ready for Monday.  (Honors students, remember to bring a copy (digital or physical) of the Kite Runner to class.)

  1. The Precourse Reading Assignment
  2. The Personal Legend Narrative Essay
  3. The Where I'm From Poem
I encourage you to show your parents my blog, and the instructions for the assignments you have to complete.  They might be able to help you remember some things from your childhood that you may have forgotten.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend.  I look forward to seeing you on Monday (and testing how well I can remember your names after the weekend).

Happy Friday!