Friday, February 17, 2017

February Break!

Hello All!

I hope you have a fantastic, fun, and safe vacation!

Students have 2 assignments that if they didn't finish this week, they can complete over the break.  Both assignments' instructions are on the Resources Page, and are due on  You can have your child log in to their account and show you if they've turned these assignments in.  If it says View, they submitted it.  If it says Submit, they didn't.  Please help them to use their time wisely and not to wait until the last minute.

The assignments are:

  • Flood Constructed Response (All students must complete--100 point grade)
  • Miscommunication in Culture Quickwrite (Students whose grade is below 80 must complete--optional if 80 or above)

Since today is the last day of the first 6 weeks of the semester, both of these assignments are in Synergy under the "fifth six weeks."  You will have to click on the new grading period to see their upcoming grades.

Happy Friday!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Presentations Monday!

Hello All!

This is a friendly reminder that your Archetype MiniPoster Presentations are on Monday.  Make sure you come to class ready to present.  I'm looking forward to them!

Everyone, please look over the directions one more time as you are working on this over the weekend to make sure you earn full points.  If you have specific questions, you can reach me on Saturday at kimberly [dot] bundschu [at] campbellhigh [dot] net.

These presentations will get us ready to read Gilgamesh next week in class.  Check the calendar if you want a head's up of the week.

Happy Friday!