Friday, October 21, 2016

Human Rights Project and Research Paper On Level

Hello All,

I conferences with each student who was in class today and based their grade on "Human Rights Progress Check 2" on how prepared they are to present beginning Tuesday.  If they have 100, then they are on track and I am confident they'll finish in time to practice and present a refined project.  If they have 50, then they have begun to work on their presentation, but are behind.  There might be one or two genres that they have not begun to work on that need to be completed this weekend.  We've also had the due date for their Historical Essay portion of the assignment moved to Thursday night.

We've had 10 days in class that students were allowed to work on this project.  Students have no excuse for not having their projects completed by Tuesday.  If they used their time wisely, they are almost done.  If they have not, they have a lot of catching up to do over this weekend.

The final checklist, that lists everything they need for the presentation, need to turn in, and where they need to turn it in to, is on the resources page.  It is very detailed so that they don't forget anything.

Please ask your child to show you their progress.  Please go through the Final Checklist with them.  Please help support them this weekend.

Thank you,

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