Thursday, February 25, 2016

Please send students to school with an electronic device tomorrow 9th Lit

Good Morning,
Tomorrow we'll be doing an activity that will require students to pull up their current grade breakdowns on StudentVue.  I'd like them to be sent in with an electronic device that can get on the internet (cell phone, kindle fire, etc.).  If they do not own an electronic device, that's fine, I can print out individual student's grades, but it would save trees if they could just pull it up.  
We're doing this for several reasons.
  1. I want to make sure they know how to access their grades for the 5th 6 weeks.
  2. I want them to be very aware of their grade and progress in the class.
  3. I want them to metacognitively think about their effort and write a reflection including specific criteria.  
Thank you for your support!

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