Friday, January 10, 2014

Week 2

Everybody, thank you for a really successful first week.  I feel like most students came back refreshed and ready to work.  I really appreciate their efforts in the first week and hope they continue the motivation as we continue through the school year.

10th World Lit:
Most students have turned in their 2nd Semester Expectations Contract, and it has been recorded in Synergy.  The last day they can turn it in for full credit is Monday.  After that, they will lose 10% of points per day late.  They also, as it states, won't receive their Errand Passes for the semester until I get it turned in.

We've started our first unit, and because we've lost several days of this semester due to furloughs and the cold, we really have to move at a brisk pace.  Therefore, on any day that we don't get through the planned material, yes, there will be extra homework.  It will be recorded on this document, which is also linked on the Resources page.  Most of the classes didn't finish this in class, so most students have homework this weekend.

This next week, we'll have our first vocabulary miniquiz (unit 8) and we'll begin reading A Doll House.  Students will complete their Reading Comprehension and Analysis Packet while reading, to support their learning and prepare them for the 3 major assignments for this unit: the ADH Character Analysis (assigned today), the group research and ADH Socratic Seminar, and the ADH Argument Paper.  It is imperative that students work on this Packet in class while they read to make sure they're ready for these major assignments.

As we come back to 2nd semester, students were asked to create a plan for the semester and submit it to me--then conference with me to make sure they were on the right track to accomplish their deadlines and responsibilities.  Students who did so, currently have 100% in the class.  Students who did not conference with me currently have a 0, although they had 3 days to do this.    Those who have turned in their plans, and spoken with me about them are doing great.  I'm concerned about the students who are already behind.

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